Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support...

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Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to

Integrated Coastal Area Management

SPINCAM II Inception Meeting

Santiago de Chile, 5-6 November 2012


Item 1. Opening

Welcome remarks will be given by the representatives of the Government of Chile. This will be followed by a welcome remarks form the representatives of CPPS, and of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. Finally, Mr. Rudy Herman representing the Government of Flanders, sponsor of the SPINCAM Project will address the meeting. Thereafter, a chairperson will be elected for the duration of the meeting. Item 2: Objectives of the meeting and adoption of the Agenda

The CPPS representative, will present the objectives of the meeting and the plenary will adopt the agenda. Participants will be requested to briefly introduce themselves. The Inception Meeting of SPINCAM II will be the occasion to reach a common understanding of the project objectives and to provide inputs and finalize the project workplans and budget for the next three years. It is expected that the National SPINCAM Focal points, Technical Focal points and IODE Focal points will also finalise and present the project coordination mechanisms that will be be put in place in each country. The plenary will also be the occasion to report and demonstrate the outcomes of the first phase and to discuss weaknesses that needs to be addressed in the second phase. Recommendations emerging from the Inception meeting will be reviewed and endorsed by the Steering Committee meeting, which will take place on the 7th November 2012.

A rapporteur will be appointed for the duration of the meeting. Item 3: Overview of SPINCAM I: Success and Challenges

The IOC representative will give an overview of the first phase of the SPINCAM project, including achievements and challenges that were reached.

The first phase of the SPINCAM (2009 – 2012), was implemented under the coordination of IOC-UNESCO and the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, CPPS. SPINCAM was designed to establish an integrated coastal area management (ICAM) indicator framework at national and regional level in the countries of the Southeast Pacific region (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru) focusing on the

state of the coastal and marine environment and socio-economic conditions, to provide stakeholders with information on the sustainability of existing and future coastal management practices and development.

The SPINCAM project Phase I was completed in June 2012 with the organisation of a conference and final Steering Committee in Lima, Peru.

During his presentation, Mr. Barbière (IOC/UNESCO) will also provide an overview of the pending activities identified at the end of phase 1 (See annex 4), and that should also be addressed in Phase II. Each national team will be asked to provide a short statement reflecting their perspective on the achievements/challenges of phase 1 and any additional information regarding phase I pending activities (Annex 4). Item 4: Presentation of the SPINCAM II project document and objectives

Mr Julian Barbière, IOC-UNESCO, will present the approved project document of the second phase of the SPINCAM project, SPINCAM II and will recall the process for formulating the project proposal, including the endorsement by the project partners (countries, CPPS, IOC/UNESCO).

The objective of the second phase will be to support the development of decision-making tools and implementation of ICAM through improved data and information management capacity, knowledge, communication and networking at national and regional level. As presented in the project proposal, the project will be articulated around four specific objectives:

1) To strengthen the national and regional ICAM indicators frameworks as an aid to decision making, through the partnerships and collaborations amongst institutions.

2) To further coordinate and integrate national marine/coastal data and information systems, through the IODE national oceanographic data centres as well as other national data systems, and in close cooperation with relevant IODE projects, into a regional SPINCAM data and information system, and with special emphasis on data quality, archival and preservation and data products.

3) To design and implement a strategy for dissemination and awareness of the ICAM indicator framework for local and regional actors;

4) To promote continuous training to strengthen institutional capacities, the use of indicator based assessments, and the development and maintenance of the SPINCAM information and data management system in close collaboration with relevant IOC programmes and projects as well as regional organizations.

Item 5: Experiences from Europe in developing coastal indicators and regional atlas – The Case of PEGASO

Ms. Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Government of Flanders, will provide a presentation on experiences from Europe in developing coastal indicators and regional atlas , focusing in the PEGASO FP7-EU project.

A discussion will take place with participants to identify best practices that could be applied to SPINCAM, and possible collaboration/exchange with PEGASO or similar projects.

Item 6: IODE projects and Regional Information Management for SPINCAM

Mr. Ariel Troisi, IODE-ODINCARSA Coordinator, will present an overview of the IODE projects and networks, and how these can support the data and information components of SPINCAM, including the development of a new Regional Information Management component for SPINCAM II. A brief description of IODE projects is included in the annex 5 of the SPINCAM II project proposal.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants. Item 7: Presentation on Experiences from ICAN

Mr. Alejandro Iglesias, representative of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), will give a presentation on the work of the International Coastal Atlas Network, and will identify possible collaboration and synergies with SPINCAM.

A brief description of ICAN is included in annex 5 of the SPINCAM II project proposal.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants. Item 8: Experiences from OBIS and possible collaboration with SPINCAM

Mr. Rubens Escribano, representative of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) regional node, will present the Experiences from the OBIS and possible collaboration with SPINCAM. This is particularly relevant for the inclusion of marine biodiversity data into the regional and national atlases.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants.

Item 9: Review of the project Work Package 2. ICAM indicators platform - Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Package 2 of the SPINCAM II project document: ICAM indicators platform, including outcomes, activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. Barbière, IOC, and Ms. Lescrauwaet will act as facilitatorsof the discussion.

Item 10: Review of Work Package 3. Data and Information System- Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Package 3 of the SPINCAM II project document: Data and- Information System, including outcomes, activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. A.Troisi will act as facilitator of the discussion. Item 11: Review of Work Package 4 and 5 Communication and Capacity building- Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Packages 4 and 5 of the SPINCAM II project document: Communication and Capacity Building, including outcomes,

activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. Héctor Huerta, CPPS, will act as facilitator of the discussion.

With regards to capacity building, countries have been requested to identify training activities they would like to be supported through SPINCAM (See annex 2). This agenda item will therefore be the occasion to review the proposed national training activities that have been submitted. Countries should provide a short overview of the training activities they have identified. Item 12: Review of the project Budget and Workplan

The project coordinators, IOC and CPPS, will provide an overview of the overall project budget, including breakdown per work packages, and of the project workplan (Annex 3: draft project workplan) Item 13: Introduction to the discussion on National Components: Coordination, Collaborations and Activities The project coordinators, IOC and CPPS, will introduce the discussion on National Components: Coordination, Collaborations and Activities for SPINCAM II It is expected that prior to the inception meeting, national teams will have had time to undertake consultations with national project partners in order to start preparing the template on national components that were sent to all countries. Item 14: Working Groups on National Components

During this item, the national teams (SPINCAM focal point, technical focal point, IODE Data and Information Management representatives) will work on the national coordination mechanism, detailed national workplan, and time line, according to the template provided. Item 15: Presentation of the National Coordination Committees, national workplan (Annex 4) and administrative arrangements

Following the Working Groups (Item 14), each country will present their workplans (based in the table from Annex 4) and national execution arrangements. The presentations will be made a country representative and will last no more than 20 minutes with the following outline:

• Who constitute the NCC • Which are the Administrative and financial Arrangements put in place • How the NCC works • When the NCC meets • How the NCC communicates • How the NCC reports • Presentation of National Workplan

These presentations will be made in Power Point according to the template provided.

Item 16: Project management and coordination arrangements (WP1)

This item will be reviewed in plenary and will be facilitated by the project coordinators. The discussions will follow a review on:

• Composition of the Project Steering Committee (SC) • Role of Regional and Global Coordinators • Role of National Coordination Committees • National Focal Points and National Technical Focal Points • Communication between partners (formal/informal) • Reporting mechanisms • Project evaluation

Item 17: Presentation and approval of the project, workplan and budget

The project, workplan and budget will be presented in plenary based on the discussion, review and inputs received during the inception meeting. Recommendations together with the workplan and budget will be formulated in view of their endorsement by the Steering Committee meeting, which will take place on the 7th November 2012. Item 18: Other business

This item will review any other issue submitted by the plenary. Item 19: Closure of the SPINCAM II Inception Meeting

The closure of the meeting will be held with a brief ceremony. ANNEXES. SPINCAM National Focal Points are kindly asked to provide the information requested in the annexes before the 1st of November 2012.

ANNEX 1. PENDING ACTIVITIES PHASE 1 ANNEX 2. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL TRAINING PLANS (Inputs requested from countries by 1 November) ANNEX 3. DRAFT PROJECT WORKPLAN Annex 4. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL WORKPLAN (Inputs requested from countries by 1 November) Annex 5. 5th Steering Committee meeting report (Lima, 1 June 2012)

ANNEX 1. PENDING ACTIVITIES PHASE 1 Please update the following table from last Steering Committee Meeting (June 2012) and provide comments.

WP 2 DATA MANAGEMENT Chile Colombia Ecuador Panamá Perú Comments 1. To identified IODE National Coordinator for DM and IM, and in appointing a SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC in charge of the national atlas.

Ok ok ok Inf*IODE cordin.

pending ok

2. To inform IOC of the SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC, including key personal.

Ok ok ok No ok

3. Meetings of national Data & Information Management coordination groups.

Ok ok ok ok ok

4. Preparation of top-level catalogue of national data holdings

No ok inf inf inf

5. Identification of national metadata structure

Ok ok ok ok ok

6. Participation in the creation of the Technical Working Group coordinated by ODINCARSA; this should include the IODE national coordinators, NTFP and trained experts.

Ok ok ok Inf*IODE cordin.



7. To ensure national data & information management groups are operational and include the NODC, IODE national coordinators and NFTP.

Ok ok ok inf ok

8. To ensure that countries apply the Geonetwork application for spatially referenced regional and national data and metadata for the Atlas.

Ok ok ok ok ok

9. Implementation of information management activities in close interaction with IODE IM national coordinators in accordance with the activities identified at the 3rd SPINCAM Steering Committee (Santa Marta, Nov. 2010)

No ok inf inf No/inf

10. Population of the national metadata base No ok inf inf inf 11. Selection of suitable data sets for processing, including geographic scope and scale (areas should be comparable between countries)

Ok ok ok ok ok

12. Establishment of Ocean Data Portal national data provider nodes

No ok no no no

13. Preparation of Prepare national e-repository together with IODE IM national coordinators

No ok inf No/inf no

14. Process data sets and archive based on inputs provided by IODE on formats, best practices and standards (examples)

No ok no no inf

15. Preparation of national and regional atlas shapefiles/WMS for the agreed indicators

No ok no No/inf inf

16.To agree on national atlas mapping technology

No ok no no ok

17. Preparation of the National Atlas No ok no no ok 18. Delivery of products and communications to continue the development and activities of the Regional Atlas

ok ok ok ok ok


1. Define a common methodology and formats to calculate national indicators and the five agreed regional indicators.

Ok ok ok ok ok

2. To calculate the adopted indicators by each partner countries. No ok inf inf inf

3. Communicate the indicators’ results to a wide public (not only specialists) and receive feedback.

No ok no no No/inf

4. To organize National Technical Workshops to define the sheets and the Report of the State of the Coast together with the policymakers

No ok No no no

5. Production of the sheets and the Report of the SoC (together with NODC)

No ok no no no

6. Design, produce and promote educative and diffusion material for population’s qualification

No ok no no no

7. Development of public awareness materials on subjects related to ICAM

No ok no no no

8. To organize National Workshops with local stakeholders and end users for the SPINCAM products

No ok no no no

Ok: performed and reported Inf: needs to be reported No: not performed yet

ANNEX 2. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL TRAINING PLANS One of the objectives of SPINCAM II is to promote training in order to strengthen institutional and human capacities, public awareness and the management of the SPINCAM data and information systems. Through the template below, SPINCAM countries, based on the needs identified through national consultations, are requested to identify and propose training/capacity building activities. Proposed training/capacity building activities should support the four overall SPINCAM II objectives, namely :

1) To strengthen the national and regional ICAM indicators frameworks as an aid to decision making, through the partnerships and collaborations amongst institutions.

2) To further coordinate and integrate national marine/coastal data and information systems, through the IODE national oceanographic data centres as well as other national data systems, and in close cooperation with relevant IODE projects, into a regional SPINCAM data and information system, and with special emphasis on data quality, archival and preservation and data products.

3) To design and implement a strategy for dissemination and awareness of the ICAM indicator framework for local and regional actors;

4) To promote continuous training to strengthen institutional capacities, the use of indicator based assessments, and the development and maintenance of the SPINCAM information and data management system in close collaboration with relevant IOC programmes and projects as well as regional organizations.

With regards to Data and Information training activities, as during phase I of SPINCAM, IODE will provide technical backstopping for the conduct of these activities through its dedicated networks (for eg. ODINCARSA, OBIS, ICAN) and specific projects (Ocean Teacher, Ocean Docs, etc). A description of IODE projects envisaged to support SPINCAM II training objectives can be found in Annex 5 of the SPINCAM II project proposal. Countries are kindly requested to return these templates to IOC by 1 November 2012 in order for the project secretariat to compile this information. Please forward to : and Areas of Training Please state goals of

the activity and expected outcome

Target Audience Modalities (eg. training course, cross-border technical visit, study grant, etc…)

National Lead

Coastal Management Tools and Concepts

Integrated Coastal Area Management/Marine Spatial Planning concepts and Practice

Coastal Indicators Development/ Methodology

Development of State of the Coast/Marine Report for decision makers

Data and Information Management

Quality Management Criteria and Framework

Standards and best practices

Quality Control Development and management of e-repositories

Development of Coastal Atlas services

Development of Ocean Data Portal National nodes

Outreach and communication tools

Other type of Areas


SPINCAM II WORKPLAN – Activities RESPONSIBLE 2012 2013 2014 2015 BUDGET

US$ *Co-

financing Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 WP 1 Project management and coordination A. REGIONAL. Project Workplan agreed, responsibilities/tasks are shared amongst institutions, partners are regularly informed on project status

A1. Establishment of project coordination and monitoring mechanism at the regional level

A2. Establishment of Partnership Agreement between global (IOC) and regional (CPPS) coordinators

A3. Establishment of administrative, financial and reporting procedures with national SPINCAM agencies

A4. Organization of Inception meeting (Plenary meeting and 1st Regional Steering Committee Meeting)

CPPS/IOC 65,000

A5. Organization of Steering Committee Meetings CPPS/IOC 40,000

A6. Organization of End of Project Symposium CPPS/IOC 30,000

A7. Present project at various forum (including CPPS and Plan of Action meetings) and disseminate information on the project (including through SPINCAM website)

A8. Final Project Reporting

A9. Regional Coordination - Consultation/ Coordination Secretariat - Coordination-travels - Technical Assistance to national teams

CPPS/IOC 58,000

B. NATIONAL. Project Workplan agreed, responsibilities/tasks are shared amongst institutions, partners are regularly informed on project status

B1. Establishment of project coordination, monitoring and reporting mechanism at the national level

B2. Establishment of inter-institutional Agreements between NTFP and NODC and other relevant national project partners.

B3. Organization of National Coordination Committees and other stakeholder meetings as appropriate.

Country 20,000 (4,000


B4. Present project objectives at various national forum and disseminate information on the project to various stakeholders

B5. Final Project Report. Project complete

**TOTAL: 213,000 WP2 ICAM indicators platform C. Assess and develop a Business Plan for the consolidation and expansion of the national indicators framework

C1. Consultation with SPINCAM stakeholders and users to identify ICAM needs, expected SPINCAM II data and information products, including new indicators.

Country 5,000 (1000


C2. National workshops with members of the Data and Information Management Group (GMDI) to identify new data stream and data exchange protocols

Country 25,000 (5000


C3. Identification and incorporation of new partners to the GMDI to report on national indicators

C4. Preparation of Business plan/Strategy for National indicator development. Country

5,000 (1000


D. New or updated methodological sheets of national indicators

D1. National workshop to review and validate the methodological sheets of the indicators Country

15,000 (3000


D2. Update and integration of new and/or existent indicators methodological sheets Country

15,000 (4000


E. Expansion of Regional Indicator framework E1. Identification and development of additional regional indicators to be included in Regional Atlas

CPPS/IOC/ Countries 15,000

E2. Regional workshops (back to back with Steering Committee) CPPS/IOC 20,000

F. Piloting of SPINCAM approach at local level F1. Identification of local authority/municipality where SPINCAM approach will be implanted

F2. Consultation with local stakeholders, and technical partners Country

10,000 (2000


F3. Identification of additional local data sources Country

5,000 (1000


F4. Preparation of local methodological sheets, and calculation of indicators Country

10,000 (2000


F5. Integration of local indicator results within SPINCAM National Atlas and products Country

10,000 (2000


G. Strategic plan for the institutionalization of the indicators framework

G1. Design an strategic plan to institutionalize the management of the national indicators framework in national ICAM context

Country 15,000 (3000


*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL: 150,000 WP3 Data and Information Systems H. Strengthening national Data and Information Management Group (GMDI)

H1. Regular meeting of the GMDI to support the development of SPINCAM data and information products

Country 30,000 ( 6000


H2. Assessment of technological and human capacity requirements for the Data and Information Country

5,000 (1000


I. Continued development of data system I1. Documenting of national data systems for public data (data that will be made available regionally) Country

5,000 (1000


I2. Studying and implementing interoperability framework for regional data system, based on ODP v2.

Country 15,000 (3000


I3. Development of National ODP online data servers as well as regional ODP Portal (taking into account also biogeographic (OBIS) data and information

Country/IOC 18,000 (3600


J. Strengthening and expansion of national and Regional SPINCAM atlas

J1. Selection of suitable data sets for processing, including geographic scope and scale (National /Regional Atlas)

Country 18,000 (3600


J2. Preparation of atlas shapefiles/WMS for the agreed indicators (National (including local pilot) /Regional Atlas)

Country 18,000 (3600


J3. Strengthening of national atlases Country

18,000 (3600


J4. Delivery of products and coordination to continue the development and activities of the Regional Atlas IOC/CPPS 5,000

J5. Maintenance and support of the Regional Atlas Service IOC/CPPS 18,000

K. Strengthening regional and national ICAM relevant information delivery

K1. Prepare national e-repository (of relevant ICAM information documentation) Country

20,000 (4000


K2. Develop regional e-repository portal (combining national e-repositories)

Country/IOC/ CPPS 10,000

K3. Manage national expert information and enter into OceanExpert Country

K4. Study and develop test case for regional citation/data publishing

Country/IOC/ CPPS 5,000

*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL FINANCING: 185,000 WP4 Communication L. Development of the SPINCAM Communication Strategy and Plan to disseminate the SPINCAM results and ICAM awareness

L1. Design and conduct of a stakeholder survey to measure awareness (or lack of) with regards to ICAM, and data/information in support of decision making, as well as perceived needs

Country/IOC/ CPPS

5,000 (1000


L2. Preparation of strategy and workplan for communication activities Country/IOC/

CPPS 5,000 (1000


L3. Endorsement of Strategy and Workplan y by CPPS-IOC together with SPINCAM National Focal Points

Country/IOC/ CPPS

M. Implementation of the SPINCAM Communication Strategy

M1. Implementation of the SPINCAM Communication Strategy/Plan

Country/IOC/ CPPS 5,000

M2. Organization of National Seminar with high level policy makers Country

20,000 (4000


M3. Development of specific communication materials/tools

Country/IOC/ CPPS 9,000

M4. Upgrade of SPINCAM web service CPPS/IOC 5,000

M5. Participation of project representatives in international networks (i.e. IBERMAR, ICAN others) CPPS/IOC 10,000

M6. Public awareness workshops/Seminar for users of the indicators information system.

18,000 (3600


*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL FINANCING: 77,000 WP5 Capacity building N. Development of national capacity training plan N1. Identification of national institutional actors and training needs, both technical (Data /Info management) and ICAM

O. Implementation of national and regional training plans

O1. National training courses (technical/management/marine assessment) * Please identify activities at national level based on template provided): - …

Country/IOC/ CPPS

50,000 (10,000


O2. Cross-border cooperation and training activities (for eg. technician/expert visits)

IOC/ CPPS 30,000

O3. Regional training workshops (with support from ODINCARSA and ICAM programme), including train-the-trainer activities.

Country/IOC/ CPPS 80,000

O4. Cooperation activities with academic institutions Country/IOC/ CPPS 15,000

*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL FINANCING: 175,000


DRAFT BUDGET Amount $ Estimated amount available /per country (nationally implemented activities)


Annex 4. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL WORKPLAN Prior to the meeting in Santiago, we kindly request to undertake consultations with project stakeholders with a view to: • Provide inputs on the workplan regarding responsible and national co-financing of the activities. • Review and, if needed, provide comments to the timing and budget for each activity • Identify specific activities at national level and list priority capacity building areas that the project should support SPINCAM II WORKPLAN – NATIONAL


2012 2013 2014 2015 BUDGET *Co-

financing Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

WP 1 Project management and coordination B. NATIONAL. Project Workplan agreed, responsibilities/tasks are shared amongst institutions, partners are regularly informed on project status

B1. Establishment of project coordination, monitoring and reporting mechanism at the national level

B2. Establishment of inter-institutional Agreements between NTFP and NODC and other relevant national project partners.

B3. Organization of National Coordination Committees and other stakeholder meetings as appropriate.

Country 20000 (4000


B4. Present project objectives at various national forum and disseminate information on the project to various stakeholders

B5. Final Project Report. Project complete

*Other activities proposed: **TOTAL CO_FINANCING: WP2 ICAM indicators platform

C. Assess and develop a Business Plan for the consolidation and expansion of the national indicators framework

C1. Consultation with SPINCAM stakeholders and users to identify ICAM needs, expected SPINCAM II data and information products, including new indicators.

Country 5000 (1000


C2. National workshops with members of the Data and Information Management Group (GMDI) to identify new data stream and data exchange protocols

Country 25000 (5000


C3. Identification and incorporation of new partners to the GMDI to report on national indicators

C4. Preparation of Business plan/Strategy for National indicator development. Country

5000 (1000


D. New or updated methodological sheets of national indicators

D1. National workshop to review and validate the methodological sheets of the indicators Country

15000 (3000


D2. Update and integration of new and/or existent indicators methodological sheets Country

15000 (3000


F. Piloting of SPINCAM approach at local level F1. Identification of local authority/municipality where SPINCAM approach will be implanted

F2. Consultation with local stakeholders, and technical partners Country

10000 (2000


F3. Identification of additional local data sources Country

5000 (1000


F4. Preparation of local methodological sheets, and calculation of indicators Country

10000 (2000


F5. Integration of local indicator results within SPINCAM National Atlas and products Country

10000 (2000


G. Strategic plan for the institutionalization of the indicators framework

G1. Design an strategic plan to institutionalize the management of the national indicators framework in national ICAM context

Country 15000 (3000


*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL CO_FINANCING: WP3 Data and Information Systems H. Strengthening national Data and Information Management Group (GMDI)

H1. Regular meeting of the GMDI to support the development of SPINCAM data and information products

Country 30000 (6000


H2. Assessment of technological and human capacity requirements for the Data and Information Country

5000 (1000


I. Continued development of data system I1. Documenting of national data systems for public data (data that will be made available regionally) Country

5000 (1000


I2. Studying and implementing interoperability framework for regional data system, based on ODP v2.

Country 15000 (3000


I3. Development of National ODP online data servers as well as regional ODP Portal (taking into account also biogeographic (OBIS) data and information

Country/IOC 18000 (3600


J. Strengthening and expansion of national and Regional SPINCAM atlas

J1. Selection of suitable data sets for processing, including geographic scope and scale (National /Regional Atlas)

Country 18000 (3600


J2. Preparation of atlas shapefiles/WMS for the agreed indicators (National (including local pilot) /Regional Atlas)

Country 18000 (3600


J3. Strengthening of national atlases Country

18000 (3600


K. Strengthening regional and national ICAM relevant information delivery

K1. Prepare national e-repository (of relevant ICAM information documentation) Country

20000 (4000


K3. Manage national expert information and enter into OceanExpert

*Other activity proposed:

**TOTAL CO_FINANCING: WP4 Communication L. Development of the SPINCAM Communication Strategy and Plan to disseminate the SPINCAM results and ICAM awareness

L1. Design and conduct of a stakeholder survey to measure awareness (or lack of) with regards to ICAM, and data/information in support of decision making, as well as perceived needs

Country 5000 (1000


L2. Preparation of strategy and workplan for communication activities Country

5000 (1000


L3. Endorsement of Strategy and Workplan y by CPPS-IOC together with SPINCAM National Focal Points

M. Implementation of the SPINCAM Communication Strategy

M2. Organization of National Seminar with high level policy makers Country

20000 (4000


M6. Public awareness workshops/Seminar for users of the indicators information system.

18,000 (3600


*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL CO_FINANCING: WP5 Capacity building N. Development of national capacity training plan N1. Identification of national institutional actors and training needs, both technical (Data /Info management) and ICAM

O. Implementation of national and regional training plans

O1. National training courses (technical/management/marine assessment) * Please identify activities at national level:

Country/IOC/ CPPS

50000 (10000


*Other activity proposed: **TOTAL CO_FINANCING:



5th meeting of the SPINCAM Steering Committee to prepare the next

phase of the SPINCAM Project (SPINCAM II)

1st of June 2012

Lima, Peru

Summary Report

1. INTRODUCTION The 5th meeting of the SPINCAM Steering Committee to prepare the next phase of the SPINCAM Project (SPINCAM II) was held at the Los Delfines Hotel in Lima, Perú, the 1st of June of 2012, the day after the SPINCAM Conference. Mr. Julian Barbière, IOC representative and project manager, and RAdm. Hector Soldi, Secretary-General of the CPPS, opened the meeting at 9 am and welcomed the participants. The project coordinators thanked the Peruvian Delegation for hosting the event and reminded the objectives of the meeting. Mr. Rudy Herman, representative of the Government of Flanders congratulated the efforts done by the SPINCAM countries and recognized the challenges of difficulties to perform the SPINCAM workplan as originally set up. He highlighted the importance to submit a good proposal for SPINCAM II in line with the first phase, finding the balance between national and regional activities. He suggested to include cross-boarding national collaboration in the training needs, and to support the strong point of the 2nd phase consolidating the regional reflection of the efforts done. Mrs. Guadalupe Sánchez, from the Peruvian delegation chaired the session. The list of participants can be found in Annex 1. The agenda was approved with no major changes (Annex 2). 2. SPINCAM I OVERVIEW AND PENDING ACTIVITIES Ms. Carmen Morales (IOC/UNESCO) presented an overview of the SPINCAM project. CPPS had already provided a briefing about the objectives and progress of the project during the session of the day before in the SPINCAM Conference. C. Morales reminded the decisions made during the 4rd Steering Committee as well as the roadmap to draft and submit the SPINCAM II proposal. Details of the Decisions and Roadmap can be found in the report of the 4rd Steering Committee meeting, item 14 and annex 7 respectively. IOC and CPPS reviewed the pending activities from phase I together with the countries to be considered in the national final reports and for the planning of next phase (Annex 3) 3. SPINCAM II PROPOSAL - OVERVIEW C. Morales presented the latest SPINCAM II proposal to the audience. Countries received the first draft of the proposal in January 2012, and a second draft was circulated in February once comments from the countries were included. Although delegates agreed on



the text and the general coordination mechanisms, some information is lacking from some of the countries including table of responsibilities, co-financing, letter of support and proposed national workplan. It was agreed that the countries would submit this information to CPPS-IOC by the 25th of June. 4. SPINCAM II PROPOSAL - WORKPLAN Mr. Barbière invited the countries to indicate which activities should be included in the proposal, considering the discussion during the SPINCAM Conference. The main points and suggestions that were made to improve the SPINCAM II proposal according to national and stakeholder’s needs are as follow: • Make a local pilot project using the tool of SPINCAM project to identify the needs of local actors. • Search strategies (agreements, commitments,) so that the tools can be used locally, • Universities to generate data and information to strengthen indicators in areas with the management plan. • To involve local stakeholders in the design of dissemination tools. • Exchange of experiences with other networks, through workshops, seminars, forums, conferences, keeping the realities of the countries of the region and involving stakeholders and local governments. • Exchange of experiences with Colombia, the country with most experience in integrated coastal management issues in the Southeast Pacific Region. • Procedures are necessary to internalize and continue to work to institutionalize the indicators developed. Document the process • Workshop on national educational capacities for integrated coastal management that can be shared and extrapolate to the regional level. • Devise strategies to involve national and regional actors, such as creation of national committees of management of coastal areas or special management areas with ICAM committees, including cross-national actors and invite non-governmental organizations • Participate with ICAN and IBERMAR: leverage training resources and take advantage of experiences from other networks • To include training trainers • Create a web portal information, related to the regional system In order to have a more realistic workplan and to consider the differences between partners, Mr. Barbière also suggested having a flexible workplan so each country could dedicate more efforts to their priority activities. To do this IOC decided to redo the workplan to reflect this flexibility and circulate it to the countries so they could submit their national workplan before the 25th of June. 5. SPINCAM II PROPOSAL - COLLABORATION WITH OTHER PARTNERS During the SPINCAM Conference the day before, C.Morales presented “Creating networks” as an important commitment of the SPINCAM project. It was highlighted the importance of sub-national networks between institutions and organizations in order to achieve goals in a more effective way. It was also mentioned the important role of CPPS as regional network in support of the Lima Convention. It is important to reinforce the SPINCAM and IODE-ODINCARSA collaboration in terms of training, advice, atlas, tools and software among other facilities. The invited ICAN expert, Mr. Iglesias once again invited SPINCAM to be part of the network now hosted by IODE. He also proposed to appoint a SPINCAM representative to participate in the ICAN meetings, next one to be held in 2013 in Victoria, BC (Canada). It was also mentioned several times and ratified by countries the important role of SPINCAM in supporting the Regular Process of the United Nations, as a unique ICAM project in the South-East Pacific region.


6. DECISIONS OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE The following decisions were discussed and approved in plenary:

Activity Deadline

IOC-CPPS will provide the template for the preparation of the national Final Report of the SPINCAM I project. 7 June

IOC will provide the template for the national workplans of SPINCAM II, based on the revised project framework discussed during the Regional Conference and Steering Committee.

5 June

Delivery of national Final Report (Technical and financial) of the SPINCAM I project to CPPS 30 June

Delivery of national documents for SPINCAM II proposal

Including: co-financing tables and endorsement letters, nomination of the National Focal Points and Technical Focal Point Agencies, national workplans.

25 June

Drafting and submission of text to be included in the Galapagos Declaration (to be adopted during the meeting of the Foreign Affairs ministers, August 2012), making reference to SPINCAM and ICAM regional needs, based on the conclusions of the SPINCAM Conference. (to be led by CPPS in consultation with SPINCAM partners, email).

12 June

Agreement to hold the Inception meeting of SPINCAM II on the 1st week November 2012.

It was decided to have a flexible workplan in the second phase based on national needs identified. Detailed workplans and budget will be finalised during the inception meeting.

Phase I Funds unspent will be returned to Flanders. A small scale proposal to be implemented during the interim period, focusing on capacity building and improvement of the Regional Atlas will be submitted by IOC and CPPS to Flanders, for using these unspent funds.

The Project will appoint a focal point for interaction with the ICAN network. ICAN and IBERMAR Representatives will be invited to SPINCAM Regional meetings as observer.

Inception meeting

7. CLOSURE Mrs Guadalupe Sánchez, chair of the meeting closed the meeting at 17.00. IOC and CPPS representatives acknowledged the participants for their work during the meeting.




5th meeting of the SPINCAM Steering Committee to prepare the next phase of the SPINCAM Project (SPINCAM II)

1st of June 2012. Lima, Perú


CHILE Name: Gema Leticia RIESCO Avendaño Institution: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Post: Analista Departamento Asuntos Marítimos Address: Teatinos180, piso 13, Santiago Phone: 52-2-8274384 Fax: e-mail: Name: CPNV Antonio Augusto BAROS Mansilla Institution: Dirección de Intereses Marítimos y Medio Ambiente Acuático-

DIRINMAR Post: Sección Panorama Ambiental, Departamento de Preservación del

Medio Ambiente Acuático y Combate a la Contaminación Address: Subida Cementerio # 300 / Playa Ancha – Valparaíso, Chile Phone: 56-32-2208317 Fax: 56-32-2208371 e-mail: COLOMBIA Name: Luis Enrique JUVINAO Navarro Institution: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile Post: Asesor Address: Calle 10 # 5-51, Bogotá Phone: 57-1-3814000 Fax: e-mail: Name: Milton Gabriel PUENTES Galindo Institution: Dirección General Marítima Post: Asesor Sector Defensa Address: Kr 54 # 26-50 CAN Phone: 3104842569 Fax: e-mail: Name: Pilar LOZANO Rivera Institution: INVEMAR Post: Coordinadora de Proyecto Address: Cerro Punta Betín, Santa Marta Phone: 57-5-4328600 Fax: e-mail: Name: Rafael Ricardo TORRES Parra


Institution: Dirección General Marítima Post: Director Centro de Investigaciones Demográficas e Hidrográficas del Pacífico Address: Capitanía de Puerto Tumaco Phone: 3132655979 e-mail: ECUADOR Name: Silvia Rossana DEL CAMPO Litardo Institution: Ministerio de Ambiente Post: Subsecretaría de Gestión Marina Costera Address: Av. Francisco de Orellana y Av. Justino Cornejo Phone: 593-4-2683991 e-mail: Name: Jaime Roberto DÁVALOS Suárez Institution: Dirección General de Intereses Marítimos Post: Director General Presidente Punto Focal Nacional de la CPPS Ecuador Address: Av. Amazonas y Cordero, 5to piso, Edificio Flopec Phone: 593-8-9686377 e-mail: Name: Gustavo ITURRALDE Muñoz Institution: Ministerio de Ambiente Subsecretaría de Gestión Marina y Costera Post: Especialista en Proyecto Address: Av. Justino Cornejo y Av. Francisco de Orellana Phone: 593-4-2683991 e-mail: Name: María Auxiliadora MERIZALDE Ramos Institution: INOCAR Post: Investigadora Oceanográfica Address: Av. 25 de Julio, Vía Puerto Marítimo, Base Naval Sur e-mail: PANAMÁ Name: Elsie HERNÁNDEZ de Rubio Institution: Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá, ARAP Post: Secretaría General Phone: 507-511-6013 e-mail: Name: Rozío del Rosal RAMIREZ Santamaría Institution: Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá, ARAP Post: Jefe Departamento Manejo Costero Integrado Phone: 507-511-6032 Fax: 507-511-6052 e-mail: Name: Bárbara Bellanice MORALES Ramírez


Institution: Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá, ARAP Post: Abogada Address: Bellavista Phone: 507-511-6059 Fax: 507-511-6013 e-mail: PERÚ Name: Sara Guadalupe SÁNCHEZ Rivas Institution: Instituto del Mar del Perú, IMARPE Post: Jefe de Unidad de Monitoreo y Gestión Marino Costero Address: Esquina Gamarra y General Valle s/n, Chucuito, Callao Phone: 511 6250842 e-mail: Name: Piero Rafael VILLEGAS Apaza Institution: Instituto del Mar del Perú, IMARPE Unidad de Monitoreo y Gestión Marino Costero Post: Investigador Address: Esquina Gamarra y General Valle s/n, Chucuito, Callao Phone: 511 6250800 ext. 843 e-mail: Name: Oscar LAZO Institution: MINAM Post: Especialista Gestión de Zonas Costeras Address: Av. Dos de Mayo 1545 Phone: 511-6116000 e-mail: COMISIÓN OCEANOGRÁFICA INTERGUBERNAMENTAL (COI-UNESCO) Name : Julian BARBIERE Institution: COI/UNESCO Post : Administrador de tareas de Secretaría Address : 1 Rue Miollis, 75732 París Cedex 15, Francia Phone : + 33 1 45 684065 Fax : + 33 1 45685812 E-mail : Name : Carmen MORALES Caselles Institution: COI/UNESCO Post : Consultora E-mail : GOBIERNO DE FLANDES Name : Rudy HERMAN Institution: Flemish Government Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Post : Senior Researcher, IOC/UNESCO Address : Koning Albert II-Iaan 35 bus 10, 1030 Brussels Phone : + 32 2 553 60 01


Fax : + 32 2 553 60 07 E-mail : REDIAM-ICAM Name: Alejandro Iglesias-Campos Institution: Junta de Andalucía, REDIAM ICAN Post: Mando Base PP Europeos e Internacionales Address: Calle Saen, 9-3° Málaga Nostrum E.29004, Málaga Phone: + 34671599716 Fax: + 34951924581 e-mail: COMISIÓN PERMANENTE DEL PACÍFICO SUR Name: Héctor Soldi Soldi Institution: Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur Post: Secretario Ejecutivo del Plan de Acción Address: Av. Carlos Arosemena Km. 3 Ed. Classic, Piso 2 Phone: 593-4-2221202 / 2221200 Fax: 593-4-2221201 e-mail: Name: Héctor Eduardo HUERTA Rodríguez Institution: Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur Post: Coordinador Técnico Regional del Plan de Acción Address: Av. Carlos Arosemena Km. 3 Ed. Classic, Piso 2 Phone: 593-4-2221202 / 2221200 Fax: 593-4-2221201 e-mail: / Name: Magaly Genoveva VALENCIA Avellán Institution: Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur Post: Asistente Técnica del Plan de Acción Address: Av. Carlos Arosemena Km. 3 Ed. Classic, Piso 2 Phone: 593-4-2221202 / 2221200 Fax: 593-4-2221201 e-mail: Name: María Verónica ÁVILA Pazmiño Institution: Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur Post: Secretaria del Plan de Acción Address: Av. Carlos Arosemena Km. 3 Ed. Classic, Piso 2 Phone: 593-4-2221202 / 2221200 Fax: 593-4-2221201 e-mail: /




SPINCAMII Preparatory Meeting

Lima, 1st June 2012



8:30-9:00 Registration Participants

9:00-9:15 Opening CPPS, IOC Flanders Government representative

9:15- 9:30 Organization of the meeting

1) Selection of chairman 2) Adoption of the agenda


9:30-10:00 Item 1: Project overview, decisions of 4rd Steering Committee and main progress achieved IOC

10:00-11:30 Item 2: Review of the pending activities of phase I Plenary 11:30-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-12:30 Item 3: SPINCAM II - National and regional coordination mechanism Plenary

12:30-13:30 Item 4: SPINCAM II – Co-financing* Plenary

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Item 5: SPINCAM II: Workplan* This item will include the inputs provided by the decision-makers during the SPINCAM Conference


16:00-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-16:45 Item 6: SPINCAM II - Collaboration with other partners Plenary

16:45-17:30 Item 5: SPINCAM II: Other issues Plenary

17:30 Closure Plenary *Countries are required to provide the requested information before the SPINCAM Conference





WP 2 DATA MANAGEMENT Chile Colombia Ecuador Panamá Perú 1. To identified IODE National Coordinator for DM and IM, and in appointing a SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC in charge of the national atlas.

Ok ok ok Inf*IODE

cordin. pending ok

2. To inform IOC of the SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC, including key personal. Ok ok ok inf ok

3. Meetings of national Data & Information Management coordination groups.

Ok ok ok ok ok

4. Preparation of top-level catalogue of national data holdings

No ok inf inf inf

5. Identification of national metadata structure Ok ok ok ok ok 6. Participation in the creation of the Technical Working Group coordinated by ODINCARSA; this should include the IODE national coordinators, NTFP and trained experts.

Ok ok ok Inf*IODE

cordin. pending ok

7. To ensure national data & information management groups are operational and include the NODC, IODE national coordinators and NFTP.

Ok ok ok inf ok

8. To ensure that countries apply the Geonetwork application for spatially referenced regional and national data and metadata for the Atlas.

Ok ok ok ok ok

9. Implementation of information management activities in close interaction with IODE IM national coordinators in accordance with the activities identified at the 3rd SPINCAM Steering Committee (Santa Marta, Nov. 2010)

No ok inf inf No/inf

10. Population of the national metadata base No ok inf inf inf 11. Selection of suitable data sets for processing, including geographic scope and scale (areas should be comparable between countries)

Ok ok ok ok ok

12. Establishment of Ocean Data Portal national data provider nodes

No ok no no no

13. Preparation of Prepare national e-repository together with IODE IM national coordinators

No ok inf No/inf no

14. Process data sets and archive based on inputs provided by IODE on formats, best practices and standards (examples)

No ok no no inf

15. Preparation of national and regional atlas shapefiles/WMS for the agreed indicators

No ok no No/inf inf

16.To agree on national atlas mapping technology No ok no no ok

17. Preparation of the National Atlas No ok no no ok

18. Delivery of products and communications to continue the development and activities of the Regional Atlas

ok ok ok ok ok

WP 3 NATIONAL INDICATORS DEVELOPMENT 1. Define a common methodology and formats to calculate national indicators and the five agreed regional indicators.

Ok ok ok ok ok

2. To calculate the adopted indicators by each partner countries. No ok inf inf inf


3. Communicate the indicators’ results to a wide public (not only specialists) and receive feedback.

No ok no no No/inf

4. To organize National Technical Workshops to define the sheets and the Report of the State of the Coast together with the policymakers

No ok No no no

5. Production of the sheets and the Report of the SoC (together with NODC)

No ok no no no

6. Design, produce and promote educative and diffusion material for population’s qualification

No ok no no no

7. Development of public awareness materials on subjects related to ICAM

No ok no no no

8. To organize National Workshops with local stakeholders and end users for the SPINCAM products

No ok no no no

Ok: performed and reported Inf: needs to be reported No: not performed yet