Southeast Asia Eco-Tourism

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Eco-Tourism under Josefino Tulabing Larena, CPS,CPE,MPA

Transcript of Southeast Asia Eco-Tourism

ECOTOURISMJosefino T. Larena ,MPA

Top 10 Ecotourism destination in Southeast Asia

Halong Bay, Vietnam

Home to over 3,000 islands of varying shapes and sizes, Halong Bay features some of the worlds rarest species of flowers that grow amid its lush topography.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Southeast Asia’s not short of temples but there aren’t many as memorable as those of Angkor Wat, Cambodia.

This temple complex, dating back to the 12th century, features the world’s largest religious building that is still very much active today with Buddhists and people of all faiths.

Boat Quay, Singapore

One of the countries most oldest and historical parts, is cheap and well worth whiling away a few hours.Head at night for dizzying views of Singapore’s financial might as its skyscrapers light up the rest of the city and cast their dimmers over the south bank of the river.

 Lake Toba, Indonesia

Part lake, part volcano, Sumatra’s Lake Toba (Danau Toba) is a geological wonder.The site of a supervolcanic eruption that changed the worlds climate and apparently wiped out most of humanity over 69,000 years ago,

Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand’s got it all, amazing beaches, beautiful people and flavourful food. But nowhere does its magic all come together more than in its capital Bangkok.

Vientiane, Laos

Little known Laos may be slightly off the backpacking radar but its capital Vientiane is bags of fun. Smaller than most other Southeast Asian capitals its laid-back feel makes it great for hanging out and checking out sites like the funky (and weird) statues in Buddha Park.The morning market at Talat Sao is a great place to pick up a nice bottle of snake wine too.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia’s capital, alongside Singapore, is one of the most cosmopolitan sites in Southeast Asia and a thriving hub of fantastic art, unbelievable architecture and enough malls and shops

Dili, East Timor

The coastal capital of the former Portuguese colony of East Timor, Dili is somewhat of a forgotten paradise among tourists largely due to recent conflicts resulting from the end of its Indonesian occupation.

Today however Dili is a more peaceful place and features unmissable spots like at the top of the hill next to the statue of Cristo Rei where you can see out across the whole of Timor and its beautiful beaches.

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong’s inclusion in a list of top Southeast Asian destinations, as a key tourism hub of China, might be a little debatable but that’s largely beside the point. With attractions like Victoria Peak, Tsim Sha Tsui and Ocean Park, Hong Kong offers an unbeatable range of things to do.

 Yangon (Rangoon), Burma

It’s newness doesn’t mean that there isn’t much to see however. The 2500 year old Buddhist shrine of Shwedagon Pagoda, Aung San Suu Kyi’s house and the national museum all make for interesting viewing. The beach at nearby Ngwe Saung is also one of the best, and most unspoilt, in the whole of Southeast Asia.

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