South Korea OpenStack UG - Study & Development team activities

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Transcript of South Korea OpenStack UG - Study & Development team activities

[Korea OpenStack User Group]

Study & Development team Activities

April, 2016

Study division: Ian Y. Choi

Development team: Stephan Ahn

Ambassador: Jaesuk Ahn

1. Study division activities in Korea OpenStack UG

Introduction to Study Division

• The division was organized first in March 2015 to have places for the discussion on learning, studying, and practical experiences.• We aim that studying is not mandatory. Anything on OpenStack is welcome: event so

light and other technical aspects on cloud computing and IoT (e.g., Installation on OpenStack using Raspberry Pi).

• The organization in Study Division• Steering Committee (in 2015)

• ujuc, Hyosung Kang, Jieun Kim, Nicholas H. Park, Sungwook Jeon, ianychoi• Discussions on study topics, mentoring for study attendees

• Mentor: many people with active study participation (We are very welcome!)

Study Division: Starting point

Pictures in 2015

Study Participation in 2015, Korea

• Spring 2015• About 40 people on offline• 30 people on online (Slack)

• Summer 2015• DevOps topic: 6 people (small, but continual activities)

• Fall 2015• 15 people with 5 small groups

Korean Slides and Sharing activities in 2015

• More coupled relationship with study activities!• Automated installation using shell scripts

• Fall 2015: Discussion with more in-depth topics•

• …

Study activities in 2016

• Class A: [Preliminary things for OpenStack]• About 20 people with 3 groups• Apr 12 ~ 24 May, 8pm to 10pm, bi-weekly

• Class B: [OpenStack Neutron]• Sharing what we have learned after

reading a Neutron book• Apr 7 ~ June 9 (?), 8pm to 10pm, weekly

• Class A-2: [Preliminary things for OpenStack] with RedHat• Similar format with Class A,• Apr 14 ~ 26 May, 8pm to 10pm, bi-weekly

Current statistics on Study Division – (1)

• Slack: total 238 members (Apr 26, 2016)

Current statistics on Study Division – (2)

• Total number of meetings: >30 from Mar 2015• Sometimes, small but interactive talkings in a coffee shop

Study Division: Materials & Results – (1)

• Etherpad•


Study Division: Materials & Results – (2)

• GitHub•

Study Division: Materials & Results – (3)

• Trello•


2. Development Team in Korea OpenStack UG

OpenStack Development Team

• Meeting with developers who very eager to contribute OpenSatck

• Code modification / review / contribution-centric meeting

• Aims to contribute one of OpenStack projects

Mar 22 2016: The first meeting

• Greeting, ice-breaking, and broad discussion on topics

Discussion using Slack Channel

• #developmemt_team channel in Slack (

Sharing survey results

• Example: nova-docker and OpenStack containers team

April 5, 2016: The second meeting

• Group 1: bug fix-driven group and/or glance• Group 2: targeting contributions on Magnum/Monasca

April 19, 2016: Third meeting

• Sharing activities: bug submission, commit, blueprint, …

OpenStack Bugs

• Launchpad:

Bug fix commit

• Submission on Gerrit• :


• Needs approval from core reviewers and PTL (Project Technical Leader• :
