South African Savings Institute July 2014 Savings...

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Transcript of South African Savings Institute July 2014 Savings...

South African Savings Institute

July 2014 Savings Campaign Coverage Report


Chillibush Communications provided public relations support for the annual July Savings month


The campaign started in 2010 and is conducted annually in July, which is National Savings month in

South Africa. This year’s theme ‘My savings, my future- time to build’ focused on the informal

savings sector, seeking to link Stokvel Groups/Associations with the formal financial institutions that

could service them.

Campaign Objectives:

• To promote debate around key aspects of savings;

• To raise awareness of the benefits of short, medium and long term planning;

• To build relationships with key partners to leverage future opportunities;

• To foster a culture of saving within a local and international context;

• To complement the messaging being generated through the social security and

retirement reform process;

• To make it meaningful and relevant to the youth and entrepreneurs.

Target Media

• Mainstream national news and business – broadcast, print and online

• Regional publications – broadcast, print and online

• Community publications

• Specialist financial trade publications

SASI Press Launch

The following tasks were carried out:

• Creating a comprehensive media list

• Identifying key media channels in which to position interviews

• Compiling a list of analysts and key stakeholders

• Distributing invitations and handling RSVPs of media and guests

• Writing and editing press releases

• Distributing press releases to key media

• Addressing media questions and following up on RSVPs

• Co-ordinating interviews

Interviews were conducted with the following people:

Elizabeth Lwanga-Nziri: SASI CEO

• Moneyweb Radio

• Fin 24

• eTV Sunrise Cape Town

• SABC 3

• Radio 702

• Vaaltar FM

• Valley FM

Prem Govender:

• CNBC Africa

• SABC 2 Morning Live-Durban

Sandra van Rensburg:

• Radio Pretoria


Busi Skenjane:

• Etv Sunrise- Johannesburg

• Khwezi FM

Deputy Minister Mcebisi Jonas:

• CNBC Africa


Press Release

Spotlight on stokvels during July Savings Month

The annual July National Savings Month, instigated by the South African Savings Institute (SASI),

aims to foster a culture of saving through promoting debate around key aspects of savings and

raising awareness of the benefits of short, medium and long term planning. The spotlight this year

will fall on informal saving mechanisms as SASI runs an expo focused on stokvels - Stokvelex 2014

- at the Tshwane Conference Centre from 3-6 July.

Under the theme, “stimulating local economies”, the expo will link stokvels with the formal financial

institutions that could service them, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the various stokvel

models and to investigate the implications of stokvel activities on overall household savings.

“The exclusion of many South Africans from the mainstream financial sector during apartheid

caused parallel informal financial mechanisms to emerge,” says Elizabeth Lwanga-Nanziri,

“Stokvels, mogodisan and lekgotla - these terms are now synonymous with Township Savings and

Investment Clubs and one cannot address issues around saving without including these

mechanisms. After twenty years of democracy as well as financial sector reforms that encourage

access to financial services, these informal mechanisms are still vibrant, with membership that

spans across the entire income spectrum. This has clear implications for the formal financial sector.”

Lwanga-Nanziri references a study by Africa Response (2012), which put a value of R44 billion per

year of savings accumulated through informal saving mechanisms. She explains that these

mechanisms continue to evolve, with research findings pointing to forward-looking stokvel structures

that now encourage members to save for education for their children or to purchase or expand

homes, over and above saving for basic requirements such as food and medical care.

“The outcome of the SASI Savings Symposium of 2013 pointed to a financial regulatory framework

that is inadvertently keeping many South Africans out of the operations of the formal financial

system,” says Lwanga-Nanziri. “As practitioners strive to observe the current regulations, ordinary

South Africans either join the formal system which can be perceived as expensive or inappropriate

for their needs, or to use their familiar informal system, although it could take advantage of their lack

of alternative financial service and product options. This problem is exacerbated by the

fragmentation of this market, which makes information sharing on financial risks and opportunities


Up to 5000 guests are expected to visit the expo which is targeted at government, regulators,

financial service providers from the formal and informal sectors, stokvel groups and civil society. “It

is our hope that the Expo will encourage financial inclusion through providing a platform for

engagement between the formal and informal sector. Formal practitioners will be able to gain

insights on how this sector of our economy operates and how to best serve them. We believe that

by bringing together these groups of stakeholders, we can increase understanding and enable

policy makers to include the informal sector in the policy review process,” says Lwanga-Nanziri.


Press Release

3 July 2014

Please find excerpts from the speeches at the launch of July National Savings Month below.

These include South African Savings Institute (SASI) Chairperson Prem Govender; Deputy Minister

of Finance, Mcebesi Jonas; Gerry Anderson, Chief Operating Officer of the Financial Services

Board (FSB); and Lynette Nicholson, Old Mutual Head of Research on Emerging Markets.

Deputy Minister of Finance launches SASI July National Savings Month and Stokvelex 2014

Call to the formal financial sector and government to work on solutions for South Africa’s

parallel saving system

Sandton, 3 July 2014 - Speakers at the launch of July National Savings Month at the IDC today

highlighted research on the growing informal saving sector and the need for government and the

formal sector to provide appropriate solutions for South Africans to save more effectively.

South African Savings Institute (SASI) chairperson Prem Govender, highlighted the need for

regulatory and policy reform in the financial sector and the launch of Stokvelex 2014.

“As we mark twenty years of democracy, we also celebrate a period of financial freedom where

the number of individuals accessing formal financial services has increased from just above

30% to over 70% of our population. However, the economic conditions, both globally and

locally, have stifled the realization of benefits associated with this inclusion.

At our 2013 symposium - 'Savings and investment in a dual economy’ - there was consensus

that the current policy and regulatory financial framework is inadvertently excluding the

population from effectively participating in the formal financial sector. This problem is multi-

pronged: policy, regulatory as well as historical and requires far-reaching interventions. We appeal

to government and policy makers in general, to consider transformation in the finance sector

in order to accommodate the lower end of our population.

Building on the outcome of last year's savings symposium, we are focusing on the informal

savings groups/stokvels of South Africa by launching the Stokvelex Expo 2014 at the Tshwane

Conference Centre from 3-6 July as our flagship event for savings month. Under the theme,

“stimulating local economies”, the expo will link stokvels with the formal financial institutions that

could service them, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the various stokvel models and to

investigate the implications of stokvel activities on overall household savings.

We take this as a first step in advocating for the strengthening of a middle tier in our

financial system, in the form of cooperative banks or credit unions as potential interventions for

sustainability and alleviation of poverty. Such structures have been successful in countries

that have witnessed a similar economic fabric like ours, such as the USA and India.

Up to 5000 guests are expected to visit the expo which is targeted at government, regulators,

financial service providers from the formal and informal sectors, stokvel groups and civil society.”

Deputy Minister of Finance, Mcebesi Jonas highlighted the low savings rate, formalisation of the

informal sector and the solutions being put in place by government. He also pointed out how

indebtedness is a major factor in negative labour relations in South Africa.

“South Africa must retain a focus on financial inclusion. Savings are disturbingly low in South Africa

and relative to our peers. As of 2013, our national gross savings rate, as a percentage of GDP, stood

at 13.5 percent, an unfortunate decline from 14.2 percent in 2012. Households contributed a

meagre 1.7 percent to the gross savings rate, although the number has remained stable in the

recent years, which is a positive sign.

Government has embarked on a retirement reform process to enable workers to retire comfortably

and that they are offered cost effective retirement saving products. One of the challenges with our

retirement system is that the lack of savings beyond retirement has forced households to prematurely

rely only on retirement savings to meet their unexpected and expected large spending or investments.

It is important to stress that retirement savings should, as much as possible, be left for one’s


However, realising the income challenges and realties faced by many South Africans, and to enhance

the saving culture, Government is still proceeding with the non-retirement Tax Free Individual Savings

Accounts announced in the last two Budget Speeches by the Minister of Finance. These accounts are

meant to encourage South Africans to save beyond just for retirement. These accounts will carry no

tax on capital gains, interest or dividend income. I would like to encourage South Africans to take

advantage of these accounts once they become publicly available by next year.

To protect savers, the financial industry will have to ensure that these saving accounts adhere to

principles of simplicity and transparency, and that they are cost effective and easily accessible to the

wider public. As part of the reforms on the financial sector, the Financial Services Board continues to

roll out its Treating Customers Fairly initiative, to ensure that savers and investors, are protected from

any abuse by the financial institutions who, I should say, play a critical role in enabling us to formally

save and put saved money into good use in the economy.

The opposite side of saving is indebtedness. Debt to disposable income in South Africa has almost

doubled from 1980 to 2013, from 41.9% to 75.2%. As the savings rate fell in the same period,

indebtedness rose significantly. Workers as so indebted to microlenders,that they lose up to 80% of

their income before they see it. This is a major factor in the negative labour relations environment in

South Africa.

With no savings, households are likely to borrow more to deal with shocks to their income and

expenditure. Here, the role of informal savings like stokvels comes in handy as they pool savings for

purposes like meeting burial expenses, Christmas spending, and education. The National Stokvel

Association of South Africa estimates that there are a total of 800 000 stokvels, burial societies and

savings, and credit associations in South Africa, with about 8.25 million members. It is estimated that

the value of savings in the sector is between R25 to 44 billion. This informal sector has survived for

decades largely due to the embedded trust between members of the informal savers.

The question that may be asked is: should they be formalised as savings schemes? Further research

needs to take place to answer this question. Formalisation can offer some advantages, but challenges

too. For example, the current formal industry has some challenges around certain fees and practices

on certain products and services. People still perceive bank fees as high. Formalisation, on the

positive side, can enable enhanced consumer protection and better returns on savings.

Rather let us solve the problems that the informal savers currently have. For example, some informal

saving schemes in the rural areas might not have immediate banking facilities and are therefore

subjected to robberies. How can they be banked?

In 2007 government introduced the Co-operative Banks Act to encourage the formation of financial

co-operatives as one avenue toward the formalisation of stokvels. There are similarities between a

stokvel and a financial co-operative, and we should investigate how we can better facilitate a

formalisation continuum for stokvels that want to formalise and provide banking products to their

members and communities.

The Co-operative Banks Development Agency (CBDA) was established in 2009 and assists with the

capacity building of financial co-operatives and their nurturing into potential fully fledged co-operative

banks or viable financial co-operatives. It also provides a light-touch supervisory framework to

incubate financial co-operatives towards growing into Co-operative Banks.

There are also stokvels that invest in the JSE or in commercial properties. Investments in equities,

although risky, are a good way for creating long term wealth. How can we, therefore, encourage most

informal savers to invest what is not immediately needed into longer term investments, and within

their communities?

RSA Retail Savings Bonds were introduced ten years ago by the National Treasury. Their popularity

is illustrated by the R9.1 billion invested in them as at 30 June 2014. Due to public demand, a Top Up

Bond will be introduced towards the end of 2014. Potential investors will be able to invest from as little

as R500 and top it up from as little as R100 at any time. This should attract younger and smaller

savers. Informal groups, such as stokvels, clubs and other community structures will also be allowed

to invest in the Top-Up Bond.”

Gerry Anderson, Chief Operating Officer of the Financial Services Board (FSB) and a member

of the Savings Institute of South Africa (SASI) Board, called for increased financial consumer


“South Africans with low financial literacy are vulnerable both to predatory lending and to

acquiring inappropriate financial products or services. They tend to have higher levels of

consumer debt, lower saving rates, are victims of pyramid schemes and financial scams and

have limited knowledge of recourse mechanisms. In addition, lack of financial knowledge and

understanding, hampers their ability to start businesses and to be financially independent.

Given this context, there has been the need to develop and maintain an effective public

financial education policy and strategies to improve the levels of financial literacy amongst

consumers in South Africa. The importance of education lies not only in helping people to

understand and thereby protect themselves from erratic and fickle financial markets, but also in

its potential to assist people to grow their wealth and increase their financial well-being. The

financial sector today has many and increasingly complex product offerings. These, combined with

a growing range of financial challenges facing households, imply that developing and

increasing the financial literacy levels of consumers is essential.

The FSB undertook a baseline financial literacy study in 2011 in order to determine the

financial literacy levels of South African consumers and monitor the effects of

educational initiatives on an ongoing basis. Financial Literacy in South Africa: Results of

a baseline national survey (2012), identified potential gaps in financial knowledge and

understanding among South Africans. It showed that there is a huge disparity

between knowledge of products and holding of products - 86% know about savings

accounts, whereas only 45% hold one. 47% know about savings or investment policies,

9% hold one. The study further identified groups that are at risk due to their low

quotient of financial knowledge and understanding – women, black south Africans, rural

populations and those with low levels of education. “

Lynette Nicholson, Head of Emerging Markets research from Old Mutual, gave a preview of

the Annual Savings and Investment Monitor results, focused on the behaviour of metropolitan

working South Africans, which will be launched on 15 July.

The South African Stokvel market went up to 45.1 billion in 2013, from 38.6 billion in 2011.

Nicholson estimates that it is closed to 48 billion now. The results reveal that 90% of informal

savers are black. 45% of working metropolitan households contribute to a stokvel every month. The

35-49 year old age group has the highest incidence of stokvel membership. 77% of contributors

have child dependants, while 39% have other adult dependants.

Between 47% and 53% of salaried people contribute to stokvels, across all income groups from

R6,000 per month to over R40,000 per month. The average monthly amount contributed is up from

R520 per month in 2011 to R683 in 2014.

Stokvel members have substantially increased in the public sector, while they reduced in the private

sector. The Public Sector is also increasing debt through storecards, credit cards and personal


The increase in the membership of stokvels indicates a need for simplicity, ease of access and

affordable savings vehicles. Short term access to funds is a priority. The major concern with

stokvels and informal mechanisms is the lack of longterm savings or investment return. There is a

definite hunger for knowledge, with 88% of people wanting to lean more. We need to address the



About SASI:

The South African Savings Institute (SASI) was founded by the Industrial Development Corporation

and Ipac which is now known as Acsis, in 2001. SASI is an independent non-profit organisation

dedicated to the development and delivery of programmes that encourage growth in the level and

rate of saving among South Africans. The Institute is governed by an Advisory Board selected from

strategic financial sector institutions, and a Secretariat that operates under the supervision of the

Chief Executive Officer. To execute its mandate, SASI works in partnership with policy makers,

regulators, consumer educators, civil society and the academia/research houses.


Photo Captions:

Deputy Minister of Finance Mcebesi Jonas speaks at the launch of SASI July National Savings Month

Deputy Minister of Finance Mcebesi Jonas, Financial Services Board Chief Operations Officer Gerry

Anderson and SASI CEO Elizabeth Lwanga-Nanziri arrive at the launch of SASI July National

Savings Month

Extensive coverage in major financial, consumer and lifestyle publications was received prior to and

upon launch. The coverage largely reflected launch press release and messaging. Coverage was

positive, mainly focusing on the importance of the festive season campaign to all South Africans.

South African Savings Institute received a total of 115 media items for 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014, which is the period under review.Print media received 33 units, which was 29% for the period.Broadcast media received 53 units and Online media received 29 units.

In terms of media performance, YOU was the most active publication with 2 clips, Smile FM was the most active station (10 clips) and - Engineering News with 3 clips was the most active website.

The Media Distribution highlights Daily Newspaper's dominance and, regionally, National coverage was significant.Broadcast reflected Gauteng's reach from Regional Commercial stations.

1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014

(62 days / 2 months)

Clip Count


Print 33 29%

Broadcast 53 46%

Online 29 25%




Print 1,193,849 19%

Broadcast 3,678,209 59%

Online 1,402,570 22%




Print 2,659,101 8%

Broadcast 29,694,000 92%

Online 0 0%


1Report 80 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014

Unit Volumes

South African Savings Institute

Print 33 R 1,193,849 CirculationSouth African Savings Institute 14,961

BUSINESS BRIEF 01 Aug 14 PART 2 of 7 Feature your wealth p.25 CON R247,487 25 056 2,958

p.26 495 R 36,679

p.28 441 R 42,755

p.30 441 R 42,755

p.32 441 R 42,755

p.34 251 R 18,525

p.35 307 R 22,822

p.25 582 R 41,199

CAPE ARGUS (AM Edition), Business 07 Aug 14 Hidden economy bears its own risks p.25 DAI R39,430 29 170 506

CAPE ARGUS, Tonight 03 Jul 14 Savings month focuses on stokvels p.8 DAI R14,572 29 170 187

DAILY NEWS (Late Final) 03 Jul 14 Savings month focuses on stokvels p.14 DAI R15,718 29 457 265

DAILY SUN 04 Jul 14 GREAT ADVICE AT THE SIMNEL EXPO p.23 DAI R37,508 274 165 232

DAILY SUN (KZN) 04 Jul 14 GREAT ADVICE AT THE STONVEL ERPO p.23 DAI R10,838 274 165 229

DAILY SUN (KZN), Money 08 Jul 14 GET INTO THE SAVING HABIT p.15 WEE R14,198 274 165 300

DAILY SUN, Money 08 Jul 14 Get into the saving habit p.15 WEE R48,663 274 165 301

DAILY VOICE 29 Jul 14 IT MAKES CENTS TO START SAVING p.12 DAI R67,749 30 000 1,203

ECHO, DE AAR 04 Jul 14 July is savings month p.4 RCP R883 1 469 82

ENGINEERING NEWS 18 Jul 14 SA savings 'disturbingly' low - Deputy Ministerp.76 CON R6,244 10 722 124

FRANSCHHOEK TATLER 01 Aug 14 How affordability levels affect the market p.18 RCP R1,728 3 700 266

HERALD, Money 07 Jul 14 Informal initiatives vital for saving p.10 WEE R7,444 22 987 149

LESEDING NEWS (Rustenburg) 18 Jul 14 Are you saving this July? p.5 RCP R2,828 10 440 337

MOVE! (English) 23 Jul 14 PART 1 of 2 - EXPOSED TO SOMUCH MOREp.6 CON R95,827 127 635 1,088

p.6 513 R 45,183

p.7 575 R 50,644

NEW AGE, THE 01 Jul 14 Expo celebrates stokvels heritage p.26 DAI R13,211 100 000 454

NEW AGE, THE, Consumer Age 11 Jul 14 Poor levels of saving is a concern p.24 WEE R27,296 100 000 938

NEW AGE, THE, Consumer Age 15 Aug 14 Debt management needs a serious mindsetp.24 WEE R7,450 100 000 256

NEW AGE, THE, Inside 1 07 Jul 14 No culture of saving in SA p.16 DAI R12,504 100 000 441

PEOPLE'S POST (Grassy Park) 17 Jul 14 Stokvels able to turn the poor economic tidep.2 UCP R3,950 21 838 144

PEOPLE'S POST (Lansdowne) 24 Jul 14 Stokvels taking centre stage p.8 UCP R3,660 21 130 137

PEOPLE'S POST (Mitchell`s Plain) 24 Jul 14 Stokvels take centre stage p.18 UCP R3,605 83 340 110

PEOPLE'S POST (Retreat) 17 Jul 14 Stokvels able to turn the poor economic tidep.2 UCP R4,130 23 423 144

PEOPLE'S POST (Woodstock/Maitland) 24 Jul 14 Stokvel savings p.9 UCP R3,206 16 391 125

PRETORIA NEWS 03 Jul 14 Savings month focuses on stokvels p.24 DAI R9,393 16 914 259

REKORD (Centurion), Property 18 Jul 14 Debt ratio still high p.13 UCP R1,994 56 053 144

REKORD (Pretoria Moot) 18 Jul 14 How affordability levels can affect the marketp.13 UCP R8,369 32 880 234

REKORD (Pretoria North) 18 Jul 14 Household disposable income remains low p.10 UCP R7,615 37 690 208

SOWETAN, Business 04 Jul 14 Financial illiteracy hampers citizens p.20 DAI R20,274 99 529 152

STAR 03 Jul 14 Savings month focuses on stokvels p.22 DAI R33,715 96 029 271

YOU 31 Jul 14 PART 2 of 2 YOU CAN SAVE! p.18 CON R173,110 153 709 1,138

p.19 578 R 87,924

p.18 560 R 85,186

YOU 14 Aug 14 MONEY-SAVVY CHILDREN p.52 CON R85,186 153 709 560

YOU WEDDINGS 01 Aug 14 PART 2 of 2 - HE SAID, SHE SAID: TIME TO TALKp.112 CON R164,062 30 000 1,019

p.113 523 R 84,205

p.112 496 R 79,858


Chillibush Public Relations1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014Tamaryn Smith - 9/11 08:03

Full Listing Period Report1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014 (62 days)

Report 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014

South African Savings Institute

53 R 3 678 209Broadcast South African Savings Institute Circulation

R 77 667NAPT00:07:46Saving for a rainy day19 Aug 14Business Day TV The Money Show 0

R 46 600NAPT00:07:46Saving for a rainy day25 Aug 14Business Day TV Business Day TV 0

R 30 008NPBS00:05:41Stokvels have been part of SA for a long time01 Jul 14Channel Africa Africa Midday 14 000

R 197 167NACO00:19:43July is also known as National savings month10 Jul 14e.TV Sunrise 0

R 79 667NAPT00:03:59July is National Savings Month10 Jul 14ENCA Morning News Today 0

R 1 350RPBS00:00:30Coming up on the Sivukile Brakfast Show22 Jul 14Ikwekwezi FM Ngezibhula Umbethe (Current Affairs) 1 737 000

R 21 857RECO00:01:23Coming up on the John Perlman Show24 Jul 14Kaya FM 95.9 Kaya FM Bizz 1 604 000

R 210 667RECO00:13:20Adopting a culture of saving24 Jul 14Kaya FM 95.9 Today with John Perlman 1 604 000

R 251 483RECO00:15:55Adopting a culture of saving - Continue24 Jul 14Kaya FM 95.9 Today with John Perlman 1 604 000

R 205 400RECO00:13:00Adopting a culture of saving - Continue24 Jul 14Kaya FM 95.9 Today with John Perlman 1 604 000

R 132 048RPBS00:08:44July Savings Month15 Jul 14Lesedi FM Makumane 3 923 000

R 258 300RPBS00:17:05July Savings Month - Continue15 Jul 14Lesedi FM Makumane 3 923 000

R 27 216RPBS00:07:12A discussion on savings04 Jul 14Ligwalagwala FM News and Current Affairs 1 564 000

R 6 726RPBS00:01:58Savings Month01 Jul 14Lotus FM Money Web 345 000

R 9 120RPBS00:02:40Savings Month03 Jul 14Lotus FM Money Web 345 000

R 11 514RPBS00:03:22Savings Month04 Jul 14Lotus FM Money Web 345 000

R 9 114RPBS00:07:14Savings month12 Jul 14Lotus FM Newsbreak 345 000

R 53 340RPBS00:42:20Savings month - Continue12 Jul 14Lotus FM Newsbreak 345 000

R 62 416RECO00:06:16National Savings Month11 Jul 14Power FM Power Afternoon Drive 76 000

R 34 196RECO00:03:26Show Line up06 Aug 14Power FM Power Hour 76 000

R 48 804RECO00:04:54South African Savings Institute06 Aug 14Power FM Power Hour 76 000

R 142 760RECO00:14:20South African Savings Institute - Continue06 Aug 14Power FM Power Hour 76 000

R 30 667NPBS00:06:08July was declared National Savings Month31 Jul 14SABC 1 Kids News & Current Affairs 0

R 373 100NPBS00:14:21National Savings Month03 Jul 14SABC 3 3 Talk 0

R 264 767NPBS00:10:11National Savings Month - Continue03 Jul 14SABC 3 3 Talk 0

R 267 800NPBS00:10:18National Savings Month - Continue03 Jul 14SABC 3 3 Talk 0

R 257 833NPBS00:09:55National Savings Month - Continue03 Jul 14SABC 3 3 Talk 0

R 13 250NAPT00:02:39Government has urged South Africans to save04 Jul 14SABC News PM News 0

R 83 067NAPT00:10:23South Africans are bad savers - SA Savings Institute04 Jul 14SABC News Prime Time News 0

R 1 116NPBS00:01:33Show line-up01 Jul 14SAFM The Talk Shop 549 000

R 7 428NPBS00:10:19Interview with Elizabeth Lwanga-Nanziri01 Jul 14SAFM The Talk Shop 549 000

R 4 680NPBS00:06:30Interview with Elizabeth Lwanga-Nanziri - Continue01 Jul 14SAFM The Talk Shop 549 000

R 1 520RECO00:02:32National Savings Month07 Jul 14Smile FM Gavin Arends 31 000

R 22 200RECO00:02:28Saving landscape in SA07 Jul 14Smile FM Money Minute 31 000

R 15 200RECO00:02:32National Savings Month - Repeat07 Jul 14Smile FM Money Matters 31 000

R 17 617RECO00:02:31National Savings Month - Repeat07 Jul 14Smile FM Money Matters 31 000

R 1 560RECO00:02:36National Savings Month - Repeat07 Jul 14Smile FM Red Carpet Diaries 31 000

R 1 330RECO00:02:13Informal savings clubs14 Jul 14Smile FM Gavin Arends 31 000

R 19 350RECO00:02:09Informal savings clubs - Repeat14 Jul 14Smile FM Money Minute 31 000


Chillibush Public Relations1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014Tamaryn Smith - 9/11 08:03

Full Listing Period Report1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014 (62 days)

Report 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014

R 13 000RECO00:02:10Informal savings clubs - Repeat14 Jul 14Smile FM Money Matters 31 000

R 15 400RECO00:02:12Informal savings clubs - Repeat14 Jul 14Smile FM Money Matters 31 000

R 1 330RECO00:02:13Informal savings clubs - Repeat14 Jul 14Smile FM Red Carpet Diaries 31 000

R 11 682RECO00:00:56Coming up on Talk@901 Jul 14Talk Radio 702 The Xolani Gwala Show 876 000

R 4 939RECO00:01:23Show line-up01 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastSports Talk 975 000

R 4 641RECO00:01:18Coming up on Talk @ 901 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastTalk @ 9 975 000

R 45 059RECO00:23:34Saving in the spotlight01 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastTalk @ 9 975 000

R 205 471RECO00:13:08Ways in which we can stimulate local economy02 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastThe Money Show 975 000

R 2 581RECO00:01:21Overnight Live Show line up22 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastTalk @ 9 975 000

R 933RECO00:01:41Municipalities owe billions23 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastOvernight Live 975 000

R 23 130RECO00:41:45SA needs to change savings mindset23 Jul 14Talk Radio 702/Cape Talk SimulcastOvernight Live 975 000

R 22 558COM00:36:23National Savings Month04 Jul 14Vallei FM Magazine Programme 58 000

R 4 583RECO00:00:55Show Line Up01 Jul 14Vuma FM Ziphuma Zinjalo 186 000

R 23 000RECO00:04:36National Savings Month01 Jul 14Vuma FM Ziphuma Zinjalo 186 000


Chillibush Public Relations1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014Tamaryn Smith - 9/11 08:03

Period Report1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014 (62 days)

Report 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014

South African Savings Institute

29 R 1 402 570South African Savings InstituteOnline Circulation

R 366 922Banking news22 Jul - Biz Community 0

R 466 554Exhibitions news22 Jul - Biz Community 0


R 7 753Save today, own tomorrow18 Jul - Cover 0

R 11 472SA savings ‘disturbingly’ low – deputy Minister03 Jul - Engineering News 0

R 12 199SA savings ‘disturbingly’ low – Deputy Minister18 Jul - Engineering News 0

R 12 275SA savings ‘disturbingly’ low – Deputy Minister18 Jul - Engineering News 0

R 50 523There is just no excuse anymore – the time for saving is now08 Jul - FA News 0

R 32 019Save and invest today and own tomorrow17 Jul - FA News 0

R 59 182Using tax free savings accounts05 Aug - Fin 24 0

R 73 224INVESTMENT: Investing in real estate vs the stock market07 Aug Finweek 0

R 24 980BANKING: There is Just No Excuse Anymore ? the Time for Saving is Now09 Jul - Gauteng Business News 0

R 15 255COMHow affordability levels affect the market11 Jul - George Herald 0

R 7 304Save and invest today and own tomorrow17 Jul - Insurance Gateway 0

R 7 630Save and invest today and own tomorrow17 Jul - Itinews 0

R 7 295Are you saving this July?17 Jul - Leseding News 0

R 24 801Spotlight on stokvels in Savings Month04 Jul - Money Marketing 0

R 32 503Save and invest today – and own tomorrow17 Jul - Money Marketing 0

R 34 194How affordability levels affect the Property Market11 Jul - My PE 0

R 17 277How affordability levels affect the market10 Jul - My PR 0

R 30 754How affordability levels affect the market10 Jul - My Property 0


R 6 639COMStokvels taking centre stage27 Jul - People`s Post 0

R 8 985SA savings ‘disturbingly’ low – Deputy Minister03 Jul - Polity 0

R 16 878Reduce debt and increase savings culture in South Africa – SAICA29 Jul - Polity 0


R 9 036Investments are the new trend in stokvels09 Jul - SME South Africa 0

R 32 608My kids are my retirement plan27 Aug - Thought Leader 0

R 8 642COMSpotlight on stokvels during July Savings Month08 Jul - Vaalweekblad 0


Chillibush Public Relations1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014Tamaryn Smith - 9/11 08:04

Full Listing Period Report1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014 (62 days)

Report 1 Jul - 31 Aug 2014