Soundoff August 14, 2014

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Soundoff August 14, 2014

Transcript of Soundoff August 14, 2014

Team meadeCSM Forbes begins tenure at garrison command

page 3

UPCOmING eVeNTSTOdaY, 7 P.m.: Concert Band and Soldiers’ Chorus Concert-Constitution ParkWedNeSdaY, 10 a.m.-2 Pm.: Fort Meade Farmers Market-Smallwood Hall lotaUGUST 21, 4-6 P.m.: Right Arm Hight-Club MeadeaUGUST 23, 7 P.m.: 1812 Overture and Alumni Concert-Constitution ParkSePT 4, 7 a.m.: Monthly Prayer Breakfast-Club Meade

qUalITY CareNew leader takes charge of KACC, Fort Meade MEDDAC

page 6

Soundoff!́vol. 66 no. 32 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community August 14, 2014


Sgt. 1st Class Eric Cullipher and Sgt. Shawn Hnatuk-Kaufman, of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 308th MI Battalion, 902nd Military Intelligence Group, rush an objective to secure injured personnel during a medical field training exercise conducted July 31 at Gunpowder Military Reservation in Glen Arm. More than 60 Soldiers from the 902nd MI participated in the daylong training. For the Story see page 10. pHoTo BY SpC. BRooKS SCHnETzlER� SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014

birth of their daughter Jose-phine on June 4. Truly a big summer for the Smith family!

Finally, we welcomed our new Public Works Direc-tor Dan Spicer. Dan recently retired as a navy c o m m a n d e r and comes to us from Naval Facilities Com-mand. He has jumped into one of our most challenging jobs with both feet and has already made a difference.

Across the installation, we welcomed the fol-lowing people:

Col. Michele Bredenkamp as commander of the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade, Col. Joe Hartman as commander of the 780th MI Brigade, Col. Jon Bonin as commander of the 902nd MI Group, Col. Laura Trinkle as commander of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, Col. Jack Ohlweiler as commander of U.S. Army Claims Service, and Col. Jacqueline Chando as commander of U.S. Army Public Health Command-Region North.

Truly a summer of great transition on Fort Meade! Transition is part of our service culture, and throughout Fort Meade and all of our part-ner commands keep rolling along.

Summer is a time of transition, and also a time to rest and relax with family and loved ones. I hope all have been able to spend quality time over the summer to sustain and recharge our emotional batteries. Please take time as my family and I did, and continue to be safe in all you do.

Congratulations to all 30 of our children from the Fort Meade track team who qualified and competed in the national AAU Junior Olympics, and special congratulations to those who won medals in their age groups!

Thanks to our Emergency Services and gar-rison team who hosted another world class National Night Out last Tuesday, and thanks to the U.S. Army Field Band for putting on another wonderful Summer Concert Series at Constitution Park.

I hope all are able to make it to the final con-cert featuring the “1812 Overture,” on Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. You won’t be disappointed.

So welcome once again to all our new com-manders and leaders, Team Meade is honored and fortunate to have you.

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................14

Community................. 12 Classified.............................16

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Brian P. foleyGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. rodwell forbesPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones Chad.T.Jones.civ@mail.milChief, Command informationPhilip H. Jones Philip.H.Jones.civ@mail.milassistant Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Shari rosendesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

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Hello again, Team Meade.Well, I’ve blinked and a year has gone by. Last

Friday, I celebrated completion of my first year as garrison commander of this great Installation. I remain humbled by the honor of serving this wonderful community, and thankful that I still have two years left to serve here.

We have made great progress toward the ulti-mate goal of attaining resources needed to sup-port the installation’s growth, and I will continue to push hard every day for the remainder of my tenure.

Summer is always a time of transition in our military, and this year we saw transition in many of our key garrison leadership jobs and in our partner commands.

First and foremost was the garrison command sergeant major transition. I have worked with many outstanding noncommissioned officers in my 24-year career, but Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter is by far the best. He is a highly intelligent leader whose priority every day was caring for each and every member of our entire Team Meade community.

Service members, civilians, families — Com-mand Sgt. Maj. Latter cared for all. He worked tirelessly to improve every service provided by our garrison, build strong relationships with our partners, and provide sound recommendations and strategic guidance to all.

Command Sgt. Maj. Latter will be missed, but he moves on to perform another key job for our Army and nation as the garrison command sergeant major of our largest Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan.

He is replaced by another outstanding com-mand sergeant major in Rodwell Forbes. Com-mand Sgt. Maj. Forbes comes to us from Ger-many with a wealth of experience leading and caring for Soldiers. Our Team Meade community continues to be in good hands in the form of Command Sgt. Maj. Forbes and his wife, Patri-cia.

Across the garrison staff we also welcomed Chaplain (Col.) Warren Kirby, his wife, Peggy, and their family. Chaplain Kirby is a native of the area and has almost 30 years of experience ministering to and caring for Soldiers and service members in both garrison and combat.

Lt. Col. Jon Cheney arrived from Charlottes-ville, Va., to assume duty as the garrison judge advocate general. Jon arrives with his wife, Karri, and family after being personally selected for the position by the deputy judge advocate general of the Army.

Lt. Col. Eric Smith assumed command of our Headquarters Battalion on May 22. He and his wife, Chaeson, followed that event with the

A summer of transition

COL. Brian P. FOLeyGarrison Commander August 14, 2014 SOUNDOFF! �


Staff photo by nate peSce

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes accepts the noncommissioned officer sabre from Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley during a change of responsibility ceremony Tuesday at McGill Training Center. Forbes assumed responsibilty from Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter, who served as the garrison’s senior enlisted advisor for two years.

By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Command Sergeant Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes became Fort Meade garrison’s new senior enlisted advisor during a change of responsibility ceremony Tues-day at McGill Training Center.

Forbes replaces Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter, who served for two years. In September, Latter will begin a one-year deployment as the garrison com-mand sergeant major at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.

“It is a great day to be a member of the Fort Meade team,” Forbes said in his brief remarks. “I am humbled to stand before each and every one of you today as your new command sergeant major. I don’t take that lightly.”

The 30-minute ceremony began with a rendition of the National Anthem by Master Sgt. Marva Lewis, a lead vocalist with the U.S. Army Field Band. The invo-cation was given by Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Cooper, garrison duty chaplain. Music was provided by the U.S. Army Field Band’s Brass Quintet.

“Sergeant Major Forbes, I look forward to sustaining the wonderful relationship I had with Command Sergeant Major Lat-ter, and building our relationship together with you and your family and taking this installation into the future,” said Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley.

“Command Sergeant Major Forbes and his wife, Patricia, come to us from Germany with a wealth of experience over a long career of leading and caring for Soldiers, both in combat and in gar-rison. They are the right team for this job.”

Forbes hails from New Orleans with more than 19 years of military experi-ence including four years as a signaleer in the Marine Corps. Before transitioning to the Army as an embarkation logistics specialist, he completed basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and his Army Advanced Individual Training in 1995 at Fort Gordon, Ga.

Forbes has participated in Operation Desert Storm/Shield, the Bosnian peace-

keeping mission, Sarajevo peace-keeping mission, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Unified Protector. His most recent assignment was as the command sergeant major of the 72nd Expedition-ary Signal Battalion in Schweinfurt, Ger-many, for two years.

Forbes and his wife, Patricia, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Before the ceremony, Foley presented Latter with the Legion of Merit. The colonel praised Latter for his selfless ser-vice to Fort Meade.

“You worked tirelessly to improve every service provided by our garrison, build strong relationships with our partners, and provide sound recommendations and strategic guidance to all,” Foley said.

The colonel said although he has worked with many outstanding noncom-missioned officers, the year working with Latter “was the first time in my career when I had a true command team rela-tionship. Sergeant Major, I thank you.”

Latter thanked his wife, Terri, for her support and dedication. He also thanked Foley, garrison leaders, senior enlisted advisors, service members and their fami-lies, garrison employees and community partners.

“Rod, you’re gonna be busy, brother,” Latter jokingly said to Forbes. “But you’re gonna love it here. It will take you back to the way you felt when you were a first sergeant, taking care of service members of all ranks and services, taking care of members of the community, building those teams that you built back then, only on a larger scale.”

Referring to his new senior enlisted advisor, Foley said that Fort Meade is “excited” to have Forbes.

“I cannot wait to move Fort Meade forward with you over the next two years,” Foley said.

Forbes thanked Latter and his wife for their support of Fort Meade service mem-bers and families, and for the couple’s support to him and his family.

“You truly personify excellence in action,” he said.

Forbes then directed his remarks to the

Garrison welcomes Command Sergeant Major Rodwell Forbes

garrison leadership.“Members of the garrison team, we

will lead the charge by striving for excel-

lence,” he said. “Colonel Foley, let’s get ready for this great adventure together.”� SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014


By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Three graduates of the Defense Infor-mation School participated in a panel discussion as an Alumni Day event for the school’s 50th anniversary.

“This is our first Alumni Day,” said DINFOS Commandant Jeremy Martin. “Judging from the turnout and the par-ticipation we have had, this has been tremendous.”

The panel discussion was held Aug. 6 for an audience of DINFOS students and faculty members. Panelists were Sunny Anderson, host of several shows on the Food Network and author of “Sunny’s Kitchen,” a New York Times best-selling book; retired Air Force Lt. Col. Joseph Wojtecki, a former public affairs advi-sor to the Air Force chief of staff and a senior fellow at the Center for Risk Com-munication, a New York-based company that provides science-based, strategic communications products and solutions for clients; and retired Maj. Robert Hast-ings Jr., appointed by President George W. Bush as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense who is now the senior vice president of Communications and Government Affairs and chief of staff for Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas.

The moderator was retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Mark Rosenker, former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush; former director of the White House Mili-tary Office; former chairman and acting chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board; and president of the Trans-portation Safety Group, a specialized consulting company.

The guest speakers praised DINFOS for providing military public affairs per-sonnel with the basic fundamentals of the field to act as professionals on the first day of their duty assignment after graduation.

“The things that you learn here are kind of like when you’re getting the the-ory — these are the things that when you get out and start working in the world, people don’t know. People don’t know the basics,” said Anderson, an Air Force veteran and former radio broadcaster and journalist.

For example, said Anderson, there are disc jockeys in the radio industry who don’t know how to operate the equipment in the radio station.

“To think that I would somehow fall backwards into writing a book is quite amazing,” Anderson said. “But it all

starts with DINFOS.”Wojtecki said the school’s commitment

to, and legacy of, professional excellence have prepared current and future genera-tions of military public affairs officers to properly serve the American public.

“The military requires the informed support of the public in our system, which is the finest ever devised,” he said. “We have a public that is comprised of more people who know less and less. You are the interface between the finest military in the world and the people who have to support us in what we do. So in a very important way, you folks are really the front line.”

Hastings said DINFOS provides stu-dents with a “practical approach” to mass communications and helps students come up with “practical solutions” to problems in the field.

“When you folks graduate, you’re going

to go to war,” Hastings said. “You’re in a fantastic institution.”

Early in his career as a public affairs officer, Hastings said he had to handle the case of an American Soldier who beheaded another soldier in Germany.

Hastings said that the German govern-ment wanted to handle the case and pros-ecute the American Soldier for perpetrat-ing “such an atrocity on German soil.”

“The German press was having a field day with it,” Hastings said. “And so that’s where I really got the public affairs principles that the school taught me. And everything that I learned here worked. It was by the book.”

After the discussion, the panelists answered questions from the audience ranging from the use of retired military personnel as consultants by television news stations and the definition of stra-tegic communications, to the relationship

between a public affairs officer and a commander.

Ray Shepherd, director of the Defense Media Activity and a 1974 graduate of DINFOS, said the school instilled in him “an innate curiosity for life.”

Shepherd said this curiosity is a benefit to all DINFOS graduates, whether they remain in the military or work in the civilian sector.

Gunnery Sgt. Helen Searcy, a DINFOS student who is enrolled in the Public Affairs Qualification Course, said the panel discussion taught her how the knowledge she gains at DINFOS can be applied in all facets of public affairs.

“I am not just limited to the press chief job, but also as a counsel and advisor,” Searcy said. “I learned to never limit [the] possibilities of my billet to certain jobs, but to always allow for opportunities to grow.”

DINFOS graduates reflect on their careers

photo by steve ellmore

Defense Information School alumni - retired Maj. Robert L. Hastings Jr., retired Air Force Lt. Col. Joseph Wojtecki and Sunny Anderson, an Air Force veteran - talk about the education they received and its impact on their careers during a panel discussion held Aug. 6 as part of the school’s 50th anniversary Alumni Day event.� SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014


By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Col. Laura R. Trinkle assumed the reigns of leadership of the U.S. Army Medical Activity, Fort Meade, and Kim-brough Ambulatory Care Center in a change of command ceremony on Aug. 7 at McGlachlin Parade Field.

Trinkle replaces Col. B.N. Jaghab, who served as commander of Fort Meade MEDDAC for two years.

“I am excited to be part of this MED-DAC again and remain on the North-ern Regional Medical Command team,” Trinkle said. “Colonel Jaghab, thank you for your service and all you have done to move this command and the communities we support toward improved health.”

Fort Meade MEDDAC is subordinate to the Northern Regional Medical Com-mand and a partner in the Walter Reed health care system. MEDDAC is charged with providing medical and environmen-tal services for 140,000 active-duty and retired service members and their families, as well as occupational health services to civilian employees.

The organization’s area of responsibil-ity includes Maryland and Pennsylvania.

MEDDAC’s roots extend back to the Camp Meade Hospital, which was orga-nized in 1917 and was part of the original post. In July 1961, Kimbrough Army Hospital was established. Eight years later, the hospital was reorganized and redesignated to MEDDAC.

As a result of the 1995 Base Realign-ment and Closure Commission, Kim-brough Army Hospital was downgraded to an outpatient facility. Its emergency room closed in 1996, when Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center was estab-lished.

In 2007, the Warrior Transition Com-pany A, Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center was created. Four years later, the company was designated as the Warrior Transition Unit, Fort Meade, and was reassigned to the Warrior Transition Bri-gade at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda.

The change of command ceremony began with the invocation by Chaplain (Maj.) George C. Okoth, the garrison’s Catholic priest, and a rendition of the National Anthem by Capt. Lolita Waver-ly, MEDDAC company commander at Kimbrough.

In his remarks, Brig. Gen. Robert D. Tenhet, commanding general, North-ern Regional Medical Command, called

Trinkle “the right Soldier” to lead the transformation at Kimbrough and its other clinics “as Army medicine strives to transform into a more efficient and innovative organization over the next decade.”

Trinkle graduated from Emporia State University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in education and an ROTC dis-tinguished military graduate commission. She earned a Master of Health Adminis-tration from Baylor University in Texas in 1998 and a master’s degree in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College.

The new commander most recently led the Andrew Radar U.S. Army Health

Clinic at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia and served as the chief of staff for Northern Regional Medical Command, Fort Belvoir, Va., for the past eight months.

Tenhet praised Jaghab for creating a positive work environment for those under his command.

“This creative team of caregivers thrived under Colonel Jaghab,” Tenhet said. “The military and civilian staff members are united in their efforts to improve the health of their patients while always striving to provide better access to care in a safe environment through responsive customer service.”

Tenhet said one illustration of the suc-cess of MEDDAC’s one-team approach “is the improvement in the medical evalu-ation board 30-day processing rate from 54 percent to 79 percent, directly impact-ing our wounded, ill and injured Soldiers, ensuring they return to active duty or to their community if they can no longer remain in the Army.”

Jaghab also was credited for helping to maintain a mission-ready force “through aggressive efficiency improvement mea-sures, engagement with unit leadership and proper additional resource alloca-tion,” according to Tenhet.

New commander heads Fort Meade MEDDAC

“The garrison’s medical readiness sta-tus improved from 85 to 90 percent. Customer satisfaction is up because wait times at the pharmacy is down by 45 minutes,” Tenhet said. “These accom-plishments are no coincidence. They are guided by a leader who understands the strategic situation.”

In his remarks, Jaghab thanked his family and the military and civilian staff at Kimbrough for their support and dedication.

“Colonel Trinkle, I hand over to you an organization with a truly legendary staff,” Jaghab said. “Like any family, this MED-DAC family exhibits loyalty through their selfless service, their reliability through their long-term 25 years of service, and respect and unconditional love for one another and their patients.

“I know this staff, regardless of their years of service, won’t let you down and will make you as proud of them as they made me.”

In closing, Trinkle said she is humbled to continue serving with MEDDAC.

“I know that together we will continue to improve the experience of care and health of our communities while sustain-ing the high quality that is the trademark of Army medicine,” she said.

‘I know that together we will continue to improve the experience of care and health of our communities.’

Laura R. Trinkle Commander, Fort Meade MEDDAC

Brig. Gen. Robert D. Tenhet, commanding general of the Northern Regional Medical Command, congratulates Col. Laura R. Trinkle, the new commander of the U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, at the change of command ceremony on Aug. 7 at McGlachlin Parade Field. Trinkle replaces Col. B.N. Jaghab, who served as commander for two years.

phoTo by nATE pEsCE� SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014


By Jacqueline K. LovdahlIntern, Legal Assistance Division

Service members, veterans, and their families have the ability to seek free legal services and counsel from attorneys at the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate on Fort Meade and at other military installa-tions worldwide.

However, certain rules of professional conduct dictate which clients these attor-neys can actually advise. It is quite pos-sible that a JAG attorney can advise one member of a military family who has established an attorney-client relationship with the OSJA but cannot advise another member of that same family or other individuals who have conflicted interests in the legal matter.

For instance, you try to make an appointment to see a Fort Meade Legal Assistance attorney with the intention of receiving advice about separation and divorce. Unfortunately, you are told that the attorneys in the office are unable to help you because of a “conflict of inter-est” that exists. What does this mean?

A conflict of interest may prevent an attorney — or in some instances, all attor-neys in a legal office — from providing legal services to a particular client. This conflict may occur when an attorney has an existing duty to another person or organization.

The conflict exists because the attor-ney cannot advise both parties without violating the attorney’s duty to ethically practice the law when their interests are in opposition to one another.

A conflict also may be present when the attorney already possesses confidential information he secured from one client that would greatly disadvantage the other client in their dispute with the first client if they were aware of it.

When a conflict of interest exists, an attorney runs the risk of compromising their first client’s interests by influenc-ing their second client’s interests, or vice versa.

For example, a conflict of interest may exist when a service member wants to meet with a Legal Assistance attorney to speak about separation and divorce, but his or her spouse has already spoken with another attorney in the same office about separation and divorce.

Though the Legal Assistance Office

has attorneys to address these family law issues, a conflict of interest exists within the entire office setting because attorneys in the same office are presumed to have knowledge of each other’s clients, case files and strategies.

Attorneys often work in close proxim-ity to one another, discuss and strategize about cases, and keep client files centrally located. If two different attorneys within the same office are representing a hus-band and wife going through a separation and divorce, a conflict of interest exists due to the close working environment and overall nature of the office.

The husband’s interests may be at stake if the wife’s attorney overhears a conver-sation regarding their case or sees paper-work from the husband’s case file.

Even if the service member has a com-pletely different legal issue that is set apart from the legal issue that his or her spouse sought help for months ago, a conflict of interest may still exist.

In certain legal situations such as sepa-ration and divorce or wills and estate planning, the client who first creates a legal relationship with an attorney “wins the race” to secure that office as his or her resource.

In order to maintain legal practice licensure, it is the professional responsibil-ity of the attorney and the Legal Assis-tance Office staff to identify these con-flicts of interests and, where appropriate, decline to meet with the client and refer the declined client to other legal offices.

To avoid the ramifications stemming from conflicts of interest in the Legal Assistance Office, several precautions are in place. Under Army Regulation 27-3, clients must be screened to avoid inadver-tent conflicts. The client will be referred to other area Legal Assistance Offices, area attorney referral services and pro bono (free) legal services, as appropriate.

To avoid possible conflict of inter-est situations from happening, service members should reach out to their Legal Assistance Office as soon as a legal issue presents itself. For more than one reason, do not wait until mere days before deploy-ing to see an attorney.

To schedule an appointment with a Legal Assistance attorney on Fort Meade, call 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

Conflicts of interest prevent legal service

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American Water is continuing its 2014 Annual Water Main Flushing Program on Monday.

The purpose of the program is to pro-vide the best quality water available to you, the customer, by removing any build-up of sediment that may have occurred in the water lines.

Flushing may result in some temporary discoloration and the presence of sedi-ment in your water. These conditions are not harmful and should be of very short duration.

Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., limit your use of water to help prevent discolored water from reaching the ser-vice lines to your residence. Should you notice an increase in discolored water at your residence, flush all faucets inside for 15 minutes.

If the water discoloration does not change, call the Water Treatment Plant at 443-591-0909. This number is monitored 24/7, should you have any additional questions or concerns.

Areas that may be affected by planned flushing from Monday through Aug. 22:

• 3rd Cavalry Road• Baker Street• Madden Court• Defranzo Loop• Wheeler Court• Christian Loop• Eubanks Loop/Court• Fournier Street• Gammon Street• 29th Division Road• Hall Street• Ames Court• Knowles Court

• Kelley Loop• Brownwell Road• Lobaugh Street• Murphy Loop• Peden Street• Sheridan Street• Van Noy Loop• Will Street• Young Street• Marquette Court• Antolak Street• Merritt Court• Johnson CourtStreets adjacent to 29th Division Road

and Rockenbach Road may see a tempo-rary change in their water during flushing activities. Signs will be posted before any flushing activities to notify customers.

Water main flushing continues

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Meade! SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014

Cover Story

By Brian Murphy Public Affairs Officer902nd MI Group

More than 60 Soldiers from the 902nd Military Intelligence Group participated in a medical field-training exercise on July 31 at Gunpowder Military Reservation in Glen Arm.

During previous training engagements this year, the 902nd MI focused on reflex-ive fire and land navigation. For this exercise, Soldiers were required to recall these skills while also tackling a new set of challenges.

“This training was for all of the support Soldiers of the 902nd MI Group,” said Capt. Isaac Rodriguez, company com-mander, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 310th MI Battalion. “This was their opportunity to have hands-on mili-tary training in areas they don’t get to do every day. For that reason, I think this was a very beneficial experience.”

In the two months leading up to the exercise, each of the Headquarters and Headquarters Companies and Detach-ments focused their warrior task training on specific medical scenarios that were going to be included in the culminating event.

“We started with hands-on training in the classroom with dummies and other props, and then worked our way up to dif-ferent situational training exercise lanes,” Rodriguez said. “By the end, the intent was for the Soldiers to be proficient in each of the associated medical tasks so as soon as they entered the lane, they knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing.”

The 902nd MI used every available technology to ensure the event was as realistic as possible, utilizing everything from paintball guns to UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, to provide the Soldiers with a truly memorable training experi-ence.

“We started the first scenario by giving the squads their mission,” said Sgt. Victor Rosario, a lane noncommissioned officer during the training. “Then they had to use their maps, plot their points and move out. That’s when we called out an injury, and they had to react and provide first aid to the casualty while they explained the steps they were taking.”

As the squads advanced through the training, the scenarios became increas-ingly complex, with opposing forces firing paintball pellets at the Soldiers to see how they responded under pressure during the later stages of the event.

“All of the extra touches helped make it more like a combat environment,” Rosa-rio said. “While one Soldier provided first aid, others had to provide suppressive fire. It was panicked. It was realistic. And you could see them gain confidence and get better as the squads moved through each lane.

“This took our training to a whole

new level. You could see that the Soldiers wanted to be there and were eager to train. By the time the helicopters came, that was just the icing on the cake.”

During each situational training exer-cise lane, the squads had to request a medical evacuation for their casualties. Throughout the day, those requests were repeatedly denied, forcing them to work together to transport the wounded Sol-diers to the next objective.

But during the final lane, the medical evacuation request was finally approved. The squads then had to navigate through the woods to the landing area where two

Black Hawks were waiting.By the time the casualties were loaded

safely onto the helicopters, the Soldiers had earned a well-deserved flight back to Fort Meade.

“I was thoroughly impressed with the entire training exercise,” said Sgt. Mat-thew Pilgrim, range safety officer. “It was cool to be a part of the planning for everything, but then it kind of stinks because we didn’t get to actually go through it with everyone else.

“But, it was nice to see so many people have a good time while conducting train-ing.”

902nd MI Soldiers participate in medical field-training exercise

photoS by Spc. brookS Schnetzler

Spc. Jeremy Milam, of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 308th MI Battalion, 902nd MI Group, provides security during the field training exercise at Gunpowder Military Reservation. Units use field training exercises to maintain proficiency in Army Warrior Tasks. August 14, 2014 SOUNDOFF! 11

Cover Story

Soldiers from the 902nd Military Intelligence Group call in a simulated 9 Line Medical Evacuation request during the training. In the two months leading up to the exercise, each of the Headquarters and Headquarters Companies and Detachments focused their warrior task training on specific medical scenarios.

Capt. Joseph Vesnesky and Sgt. Casey Curtis provide security for squad members assessing a casualty during the training exercise.

Sgt. Melinda Scott, of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 308th MI Battalion, 902nd MI Group, evaluates a casualty during the medical field-training exercise. SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Fort Meade Facebook page at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at or call 301-677-5602.

Rabies vaccinationsAnne Arundal County will conduct

a Raccoon Oral Rabies Vaccination, or ORV, campaign across the county, including at Fort Meade.

The purpose of this program is to reduce the spread of rabies among wild animals in the county.

From Sept. 3 through the end of the month, two types of rabies bait will be dropped via ground and air.

The Fishmeal Polymer bait is approximately 0.75 inches thick and 1.25 inches square.

The Coated Sachet bait resembles a ketchup packet. Both are marked with a toll-free phone number for information about the ORV project.

Pet owners should keep their pets confined or on a leash during the baiting campaign and for two weeks after.

It is probable that some pets will still encounter and may even eat the bait, as it has a fish scent that can be attractive to dogs and cats. Any animal that eats the bait is not assumed to be vaccinated.

A common side effect is diarrhea due to the bait’s high fat content.

Immunocompromized individuals, including those with a history of exfoliative skin conditions, children and pregnant women should avoid handling the bait.

Any instances where a person or animal is exposed to the bait should be reported to the Anne Arundel County Department of Health at 410-222-0056, ext. 3025.

Reports also can be faxed to 410-222-6076.

VCC extended hoursThe Demps Visitor Control Center,

located at building 902 Reece Road, will be open for full, customer service functions the third Saturday of the

month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. starting Saturday.

The Saturday service will continue, based on customer demand and staff availability.

For more information, call 301-677-1064 or 301-677-1065.

Kimbrough town hallDr. (Col.) Michael J. Zapor, deputy

chief of Clinical Services for the Fort Meade Medical Department Activity, will conduct a mini town hall meeting on Aug. 21 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center pharmacy lobby.

The purpose of this forum is to disseminate information, answer questions and discuss concerns regarding Kimbrough.

All beneficiaries are invited to attend.

Summer Concert SeriesThe U.S. Army Field Band’s free

Summer Concert Series is performed Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Constitution Park.

• Tonight: Soldiers’ Chorus, performing “From Stage to Screen: Broadway Goes to the Movies”

• Aug. 23: Concert Band & Soldiers’ Chorus, Jazz Ambassadors and The Volunteers performing the Summer Concert Series Finale

Every performing component of the Army Field Band will participate.

In keeping with Army Field Band tradition, this concert will include returning alumni from across the U.S. and feature Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture.”

No tickets are required. Bring a folding chair or blanket for seating.

In inclement weather, the performance will take place at the Fort Meade Pavilion. The decision will be made at 3 p.m. on the day of each performance.

For updates, check or the Fort Meade Facebook page at

All visitors should enter Fort Meade via the main gate at Route 175 and Reece Road. Visitors are subject to an identification check and vehicle inspection.

For more information, call 301-677-6586.

Farmers marketThe Fort Meade Farmers Market

is held every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Nov. 12 in the Smallwood Hall parking lot, across from McGlachlin Parade Field.

The Fort Meade community will have access to fresh and local fruits and

vegetables, free-range meats, quality heirloom vegetables, herbs and annuals, flowers, jams, baked goods and breads.

For more information, go to

Storytime“It’s A Zoo In Here,” a zoo-themed

Storytime and stuffed animal sleepover for children of all ages, will be held Aug. 22 at 3 p.m. in the Post Library Annex at Kuhn Hall.

For more information, call 301-677-5677.

Social media workshop for job seekers

Did you know that 94 percent of recruiters use or plan on using social media in their recruiting efforts, while only 36 percent of candidates utilize social media?

The Army Community Service Employ-ment Readiness Team, Rose Holland and Ana Brown, have created a workshop encompassing a variety of social media platforms geared for military families.

The workshop will be conducted Sept. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at ACS, 830 Chisholm Ave.

The workshop will cover creating strong, professional profiles; searching for jobs using various platforms; researching companies; and improving your online visibility and presence, while maintaining your safety and security.

You can also use a number of platforms to search for jobs and research companies in order to customize your resume.

Many organizations have a presence on a number of social media platforms specifically geared to assist service mem-bers, retirees, veterans and their families in their job search.

To register, go to or call ACS at 301-677-5590.

Lunch and Learn seriesKimbrough Ambulatory Care

Center hosts a monthly brown bag Lunch and Learn Series on the second Tuesday of the month on the first floor of the Rascon Building, adjacent to

Kimbrough.The next session will be Sept. 9.

Sessions are open to the public.The lecture will be followed by a

question-and-answer session.For more information, call Maj. Anne

Spillane at 301-677-8463.

Out & About• Abundant Life Church will host its

24th annual Super Saturday Kids Car-nival and Family Fun Day on Aug. 23 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 7305 E. Furnace Branch Road, Glen Burnie.

The free outdoor carnival will feature pony rides, a petting zoo, midway games, a Black Ops Obstacle Course, 18-foot Big Kahuna Water Slide (wear a bathing suit and bring a towel), a 32-foot Rock Wall, a 3D Luau Moon Bounce and a dunk tank.

The Anne Arundel County Fire Depart-ment will display several engines.

Inside the air-conditioned building will be face painting, a tattoo parlor (for tem-porary tattoos), hair salon, Kinect and JustDance games, and costumed charac-ters. Community organizations will offer free services and goodies.

Together with Anne Arundel County Public Schools and various services, the church will give away free school supplies on a first-come, first-served basis.

Free lunch and refreshments, including hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones and ice cream, will be provided.

Limited parking at the church and sat-ellite parking lots will be available. A free shuttle service begins at 10 a.m.

For more information, call the church office at 410-761-9075 or visit

• The Bowie Baysox will present “Legends of Wrestling Night” on Wednesday at Prince George’s Stadium, as the team takes on the Reading Fightin Phils at 6:35 p.m.

The event will feature an appearance by Kurt Angle, six-time WWF/WCW world champion and former Olympic gold medalist wrestler. Angle will throw out a ceremonial first pitch, sign autographs and pose for photos with fans during the game.

Tickets are available at or by calling the Baysox box office at 301-464-4865.

• Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trip to New York City on Aug. 23, with discounts to




NEWS & EVENTS August 14, 2014 SOUNDOFF! 13

Community news & notes

attractions. Bus cost is $60. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit

• Families Dealing with Deployment meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. Children welcome. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant, 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is Tuesday. For more information, visit or call Elliott Phillips, the local president, at 443-790-3805 or Arthur R. Cooper, past national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Military District of Washington Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Dining Facility in Virginia. The next meeting is Wednesday. All members and those interested in joining the club are welcome. For more information, contact Master Sgt. Erica Lehmkuhl at or 301-833-8415.

• Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda on the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting is Aug. 21 from 1 to 2 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the Prostate Center), third floor.

Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID is required for base access. Men without a military ID should call the Prostate Center at 301-319-2900 at least two days prior to the event for base access.

For more information, call retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or email

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is Aug. 24. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Aug. 25. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590.

• Calling All Dads meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 4998 2nd Corps Blvd. The next

meeting is Aug. 25.The group is for expecting fathers, and

fathers with children of all ages. Children welcome. For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Aug. 25. Free child care is provided onsite.

For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email

• Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the National Security Agency. The next meeting is Aug. 27. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit

• Women’s Empowerment Group meets Wednesdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to provide a safe, confidential arena for the support, education and empowerment of women who have experienced past or present family violence.

Location is only disclosed to participants. To register, call Samantha Herring, victim advocate, at 301-677-4124 or Katherine Lamourt, victim advocate, at 301-677-4117.

• Moms Walking Group, sponsored by Parent Support, meets Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. To register, call Colaina Townsend or Michelle Pineda at 301-677-5590.

• Project Healing Waters meets Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Soldiers and Family Assistance Center, 2462 85th Medical Battalion Ave.

The project is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of wounded warriors and veterans through fly fishing, fly tying and outings.

For more information, call Larry Vawter, program leader, at 443-535-5074 or email

• Dancing with the Heroes, free ballroom dance lessons for the Warrior Transition Unit, meets Thursdays at 6 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center in the seminar room.

Participants should wear loose clothing, comfortable shoes with leather soles. No super high heels or flip-flops.

• Spanish Christian Service is conducted Sundays at 1 p.m. at the Cavalry Chapel located at 8465 Simonds St. and 6th Armored Cavalry Road.

For more information, call Elias Mendez at 301-677-7314 or 407-350-8749.

• Cub Scout Pack 377 invites boys in first through fifth grades, or ages 7 to 10, to attend its weekly Monday meetings at 6

p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center. For more information, email Cubmaster

Christopher Lassiter at or Committee Chairperson Marco Cilibert at

• Boy Scout Troop 379 meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center on Rockenbach Road. The troop is actively recruiting boys age 11 to 18. For more information, email Lisa Yetman, at or Wendall Lawrence, Scoutmaster, at

• Military Council for Catholic Women is open to all women ages 18 and older for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road. The Catholic Women of the Chapel meets Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County schools are in session. Monthly programs are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

For more information, email Loretta Endres at

• American Legion Post 276 is open to veterans and active-duty service members at 8068 Quarterfield Road in Severn. Breakfast may be purchased beginning at 9 a.m. Lunches may be purchased from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Dinner may be purchased at 6 p.m. on Fridays and the fourth Sunday of every month.

Membership discounts are offered for active-duty military. For more information, call 410-969-8028 or visit

• Odenton Masonic Center, located at 1206 Stehlik Drive, invites the community, local military, fire/emergency services and local businesses to enjoy its reasonably priced breakfast and specialty dinners.

The center offers a fundraising “all-you-can-eat” breakfast every second Sunday from 7-11 a.m. Fundraising specialty dinners are held the third Friday of the month from 5-7 p.m.

Menus vary and are listed on the center’s website at

• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at Club Meade.

The next prayer breakfast is Sept. 4.There is no cost for the buffet; donations

are optional. All Fort Meade employees, family members, and civilian and military personnel are invited.

For more information, call 301-677-6703.• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the

first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton, in the banquet hall in back of the building. The next meeting is Sept. 4.Dinner is served at 6 p.m.

For more information, call 410-674-4000.• National Alliance on Mental Illness

of Anne Arundel County offers a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is Sept. 4. For more information, visit

• New Spouse Connection meets the second Monday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Sept. 8. The program provides an opportunity for all spouses new to the military or to Fort Meade to meet and get connected. For more information, contact Pia Morales at or 301-677-4110.

• Fort Meade TOP III Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting is Sept. 10. The association is open to all Air Force active-duty and retired senior noncommissioned officers. For more information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob at 443-479-0616 or email

• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is Sept. 12. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, go to

• Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at VFW Post 160, 2597 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie. The next meeting is Sept. 13. Active-duty, Reserve and retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited.

For more information, call 443-604-2474 or 410-768-6288.


Public Affairs Officer Chad T. Jones, author of Jibber Jabber, is out of the office.

As always, if you have any comments about Jibber Jabber or anything to do with the world of sports, e-mail or follow him on Twitter @CTJibber.

Jibber-Less SOUNDOFF! August 14, 2014


By Navy MC2 Zach AllanFort Meade Public Affairs Office

More than a few young faces and hands were covered in melted popsicle as the group of 18 children sat in the bleach-ers, cheering and laughing.

Though it was late afternoon, the sun was still high in the sky and a breeze was keeping the heat at bay as the youngsters from the Child, Youth and School Ser-vices’ football program eagerly watched the practice session Saturday.

The group of 6- to 13-year-old Cou-gars, led by Hunter Davis, CYSS Youth Sports director, were on a field trip to the Under Armour Performance Center in Owings Mills — the training center of the Baltimore Ravens.

“It was really cool getting to watch the teams practice,” said Darrion Loney, 11, of Glen Burnie. “I learned, watching the practice, that when someone’s guarding you, you can either fake them out to the left or right.”

As the joint practice between the Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers went on, the children were anxious to meet their favor-ite players and get autographs.

“I’m as excited as the kids,” said Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Montgomery, a volun-teer coach for the CYSS football pro-gram. “I’m excited to get to spend time with my son during something like this as well.”

In addition to the popsicles, the chil-dren were provided with free bottled water, courtesy of the Ravens staff.

After practice, the group stood along a walkway of the training center where they were greeted by almost the entirety of the Ravens lineup.

Players signed autographs and engaged the children by asking them what team they played on and what positions they

Having a ball

Cougars get close-up of Ravens camp


Kenneth Foxworth, 12, of Laurel, gets a T-shirt autographed by Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Steve Smith. Kenneth, along with 17 other children from the Fort Meade Child, Youth and School Services’ football program, attended a Ravens practice session Saturday.

Members of the Fort Meade Cougars, ages 6 to 13, enjoy popsicles, courtesy of the Ravens, during a field trip Saturday afternoon to the Ravens training camp at the Under Armour Performance Center in Owings Mills.

‘The trip was valuable because it gave these kids the opportunity to watch and meet some of their favorite NFL players.’

Hunter Davis CYSS Youth Sports Director

played.To the amazement of Kenneth Fox-

worth of Laurel, player No. 36 Jeromy Miles walked up and gave the 12-year-old a glove he had been wearing during the practice.

“The trip was valuable because it gave these kids the opportunity to watch and meet some of their favorite NFL players and to see that becoming a professional football player takes a lot of hard work and dedication,” Davis said.

Editor’s note: The CYSS football pro-gram is open to children ages 6 to 13. For more information about the Cougars, go to