Sound Doctrine for Younger Men A Study of Titus 2:6-8 All Scripture Quoted is from the English...

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Transcript of Sound Doctrine for Younger Men A Study of Titus 2:6-8 All Scripture Quoted is from the English...

Sound Doctrine for Younger Men

A Study of Titus 2:6-8

All Scripture Quoted is from the English Standard Version

Manly Men

Are hard to live up to!

Conduct appropriate

for Younger


Self controlled (sober minded)

Demonstrating control over yourself in all types of situations in life.

To have a sensible mind (one who can be reasoned with)

Same word is translated temperate or discrete for older men & older women in Titus

Controlling self in all areas of life!

In all respects to be a model of good works

A pattern or prototype or even a mold

You are to behave in ways other Christians can follow you…not to be a stumbling


Consider 1 Timothy 4:12…

Example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity

In your teaching show integrity, dignity & incorruptibility

Some translations exclude incorruptibility However, these are three words used to

describe the way we teach This also shows the importance of teaching Regardless, whether public or private,

everyone is to be a teacher of the truth Consider 1 Peter chapter 2

Teaching with sound speech which cannot be condemned

Paul says so anyone opposing your teaching is put to shame

Sound speech doesn’t allow anyone to speak evil against you

Sound speech begins with Sound teaching from the word of God and only the Word of God

Consider Ephesians 4:29 & Colossians 4:6

Examples to

Inspire Men

Joseph…(Genesis 37-50)

A young man betrayed by his brothers

Sold into slavery by his own brothers

Resisted his bosses wife’s advancements

Excelled even while in jail knowing he was innocent

Did not use a position of power to punish those who made his life miserable


Defeated giants with God’s help (1 Sam. 17)

Prior had delivered his sheep from lions & bears

Humility and friendship were very important to David

A man after God’s own heart who committed a grave sin (2 Sam. 11)


Trained by his grandmother and mother in the gospel at a young age (2 Timothy 1:5)

Followed Paul in his missionary journeys (Acts 16:1-3)

Was told not to let his youth be despised by others (1 Timothy 4:12)

Was to lead congregations (2 Tim. 4:1-4)

Modern Day Young Men

Younger men who begin to serve the Lord’s Church at a young age in different ways

Younger men who are Christian examples to their families

Younger men who take leadership roles

Younger men who do mission work & preach

Modern Day Young Men

Without such men there would be a lack of preachers, elders, deacons, and teachers

in the Lord’s Church

God bless our younger men!