Post on 05-May-2018

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Numerous publications document the presence of non-inherited mutations in the stem cells that provide the immune cells of the brain in about 60% of autistic children that typically developing children do not have.

Multiple publications document the presence of toxic autoimmune responses against human DNA and nerve cells in 40% of autistic children that typically developing children do not have.

Independent studies confirm SCPI’s theory that human fetal contaminated vaccines are the primary trigger for the epidemic levels of autism spectrum disorder that devastate our children today.


It seems reasonable that the fetal contaminants in vaccines could cause a disease like cancer, because cancers are known to start due to a mutation in just one cell, but how could a mutation in one cell cause a diffuse neurodevelopmental disorder like autism?

Quarterly FAQ

IN PURSUIT OF ETHICAL MEDICINESSound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute ( SCPI) is commited to providing education, scientific research, development and resources to encourage safe, moral medicines and therapeutics.


J U L Y 2 0 1 6

An IRB approved clinical trial to measure the amount of abnormal immunity to the human fetal DNA contaminants in autistic children compared to typically developing children conducted by SCPI and Dr. Karin Burkhard, has fully enrolled 40 patients in only one month.

is conducting an Institutional Review Board approved observational clinical trial, in collaboration with Dr. Karin Burkhard, to determine whether children with autism also have immune responses to the specific human fetal contaminants found in the suspected childhood vaccines. Dr. Burkhard is a psychiatrist in Hauppauge, New York. She received her medical degree from Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and has been in practice for more than 20 years. We have already enrolled 20 autistic and 20 typically developing children for this study. We hope to have the results by the time of our next newsletter release. In each individual child, our study will determine whether that child has immunity to general human DNA, immunity to the specific human fetal DNA from cell lines MRC-5 and WI-38, and immunity to their own DNA (autoimmunity). Evidence for immunity to the human fetal DNA contaminants as well as autoimmunity to the children’s own DNA will provide compelling evidence for the dangers of using human fetal cell lines to manufature vaccines.

Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute...

Viruses for vaccines are produced using cell lines, and DNA fragments and cellular debris from the cell used to make the virus come through the manufacturing process and contaminate the final vaccine product. When animal cell lines are used, like chicken eggs, the contaminants are recognized as foreign and an immune response is mounted to eliminate them. However, when the contaminants are human that does not necessarily happen. Two potential dangers are present when the contaminants are from a human fetal cell line. First, the contaminants may not be recognized as foreign and the DNA fragments from the human fetal cell line have been demonstrated to be readily taken up by primitive cells like blood forming stem cells, called hematopoietic stem cells. This is a process called small fragment homologous recombination and scientists working on stem cell based gene correction for human disease have shown us that human blood forming stem cells readily take up and insert small fragments of human DNA [1] [2] [3]. Fragments of other species DNA, like DNA fragment from a chicken egg, are not readily taken up because the DNA is decorated in a very species specific manner. This is the field of epigenomics. That is why chicken DNA is not a danger in vaccines. When human fetal DNA fragments are taken up and incorporated into a child’s genome they can cause very serious mutations.

Numerous publications from the most prestigious institutions around the world have demonstrated that approximately 60% of children with simplex autism have non-inherited deleterious mutations in their blood cells[4]. Simplex autism means only one child in a family has the disorder. These deleterious mutations are not found in the cells of their typically developing siblings or in their parents. Unfortunately, these scientists have assumed, without study or evidence, that the mutations occur in the womb. They have let us all down by not knowing the literature and by not looking diligently for the source of these mutations. The only environmental change that is associated with increasing epidemic levels of autism is the switch from using animal cell lines for vaccine manufacture. Parents and grandparents should demand that the contaminants in the fetal cell lines be studied for their dangerous mutation potential.

In past newsletters, we have shared the meeting minutes of the FDA and expert scientists where they have discussed the known danger of “insertional mutagenesis” because of the human fetal DNA contaminants in vaccines. However, they chose to do “thought” experiments (intellectual experiments) rather than real life (empirical) studies[5]. This is unconscionable when the safety of our children is at stake.

The other well-known danger of these human fetal contaminants is autoimmunity. A child’s immune system might recognize the human fetal DNA contaminants as foreign, because it is not exactly like the child’s DNA. However, since human DNA has so much in common across people, this immune response could turn and attack the child’s own DNA if it were exposed to the blood in circumstances not normally found. Such an exposure of a child’s DNA in the blood does occur during the period of rapid brain development which takes place between birth and 3-5 years of age [6] [7] [8].

This period of rapid brain development is a time when about 90% of the nerve cells we are born with die off rapidly and only the nerve cells that have been used are retained. If a child has been exposed to human fetal DNA fragments before this period of massive brain remodeling and the child mounted an immune response to the contaminating human fetal DNA, then that immune response could turn against the child’s own brain, a process called autoimmunity. During the past several years mutiple scientific publications have demonstrated that approximately 40% of children with simplex autism have immune responses to neural tissue and more importantly, to human DNA that typically developing children do not have [9] [10] [11] [12] [13].

Human Fetal Contaminants in Vaccines:

Dr. Burkhard


1. Nicole A McNeer1, Joanna Y Chin, et al, Nanoparticles Deliver Triplex-forming PNAs for Site-specific Genomic Recombination in CD34+ Human Hematopoietic Progenitors, The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy, Molecular Therapy vol. 19 no. 1 Jan. 2011

2. Brian J.O’Roak1, LauraVives, et al, Sporadic autism exomes reveal a highly interconnected

protein network of de novo mutations, Nature, April 2012

3. US Dept HHS, FDA CBER, NIH Allergy andInfectious Diseases, WHO, National VaccineProgram; Evolving scientific and regulatory persepctives on cell substrates for vaccinedevelopment, Sept 7, 1999

4. Sandra M. Mooney, Michael W. Miller,

Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol Affects,Postnatal Neurogenesis in Thalamus, Exp Neurol. 2010 June ; 223(2): 566–573. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2010.02.003

5. Gehan A. Mostafa, et al Systemic auto-antibodies in children with autism, Journal ofNeuroimmunology 272 (2014) 94–98

6. Alice Gerrits et al, Cellular barcoding tool

Cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma are known to be clonal. Clonal means that all of the cancer cells arise from a single mutated cell. Typically, the originating cell will have a mutation that gives it a survival advantage over other cells and thus it can “take over” and push out normally functioning cells. While it makes sense that a single cell could take up the human fetal DNA contaminants found in vaccines, undergo insertional mutagenesis leading to cancer, it seems less obvious how a single cell could lead to diffuse neurodevelopmental disease like autism. It seems less obvious because most people and scientists are not aware of the studies done in the field of hematology that have shown that our blood system is largely clonal[14][15]. We have trillions of blood cells in our bodies, however, it turns out that just a very few blood stem cells are active and make all those trillions of blood cells. A remarkable fact indeed!

How could a mutation in a blood stem cell cause problems in the brain? Glial cells found in our brains are generated from the differentiation of blood stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells) in our bodies. These blood forming stem cells circulate periodically and then return to the bone marrow. While circulating, one of these stem cells could readily take up human fetal DNA fragments causing insertion into the cell’s DNA and a mutation, as small fragment homologous recombination has taught us readily happens in blood forming stem cells. How could a mutation in just a single blood forming stem cell result in a diffuse neurodevelopmental disease like autism, and how could such a mutation be detected by the scientists who sequence whole blood looking for mutations in children with autism? We have trillions of blood cells in our bodies, and millions of stem cells, so how could a mutation in a

single blood stem cell show up in a trillions of blood cells that are used to measure mutations? This is very probable because our blood system is clonal, like cancer.

What this means is that while we have millions of stem cells, in most people only 7 or 8 stem cells are actively making all the trillions of blood cells in our bodies. In many people, only 1 or 2 stem cells make up to 90% of the trillions of blood cells in our bodies, which means a mutation in a single blood stem cell, which typically gives the mutated cell a survival advantage as seen with cancer, could result in 50% or more of our blood cells carrying the same mutation. And since the glial cells that populate our brains can be replaced during life with new glial cells from the blood, if those replacing glial cells are formed by a mutated blood stem cell, then the glial cells in the brain could carry a dominant mutation. Mutated glial cells in the brain could cause a diffuse abnormal immune activity in the brain, and glial cells are also known to be critically important for nerve cell signaling.

Thus, indeed, a mutation in a single blood stem cell is quite probable when children receive human fetal DNA contaminants in their vaccines. Such a mutation would give that cell a survival advantage, and that mutated cell could produce trillions of mutated blood cells that would subsequently populate the brain’s glial compartment and lead to diffuse abnormal brain function in these children. This mechanism appears to be the cause of simplex autism in about 60% of children, while the other 40% appear to have an autoimmune mediated regressive autism.

Work Cited[1] Mcneer, Nicole A., Joanna Y. Chin, Erica B. Schleifman, Rachel J. Fields,Peter M. Glazer, and W. Mark Saltzman. “Nanoparticles Deliver Triplex-forming PNAs for Site-specific Genomic Recombination in CD34 Human Hematopoietic Progenitors.” Mol Ther Molecular Therapy 19.1 (2010): 172-80.

[2] Mcneer, N. A., E. B. Schleifman, A. Cuthbert, M. Brehm, A. Jackson, C. Cheng, K. Anandalingam, P. Kumar, L. D. Shultz, D. L. Greiner, W. Mark Saltzman, and P. M. Glazer. “Systemic Delivery of Triplex-forming PNA and Donor DNA by Nanoparticles Mediates Site-specific Genome Editing of Human Hematopoietic Cells in Vivo.” Gene Therapy Gene Ther 20.6 (2012): 658-69.

[3] Colosimo, A. “Targeted Correction of a Defective Selectable Marker Gene in Human Epithelial Cells by Small DNA Fragments.” Molecular Therapy 3.2 (2001): 178-85.

[4] O’Roak, Brian J., Laura Vives, Santhosh Girirajan, Emre Karakoc, NiklasKrumm, Bradley P. Coe, Roie Levy, Arthur Ko, Choli Lee, Joshua D. Smith,Emily H. Turner, Ian B. Stanaway, Benjamin Vernot, Maika Malig, Carl Baker, Beau Reilly, Joshua M. Akey, Elhanan Borenstein, Mark J. Rieder, Deborah A. Nickerson, Raphael Bernier, Jay Shendure, and Evan E. Eichler. “Sporadic Autism Exomes Reveal a Highly Interconnected Protein Network of De Novo Mutations.” Nature 485.7397 (2012): 246-50.

[5] US Dept HHS, FDA CBER, NIH Allergy and Infectious Diseases, WHO,National Vaccine Program; Evolving scientific and regulatory persepctives on cell substrates for vaccine development, Sept 7, 1999

[6] Mooney, Sandra M., and Michael W. Miller. “Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol Affects Postnatal Neurogenesis in Thalamus.” Experimental Neurology 223.2 (2010): 566-73.

[7] Johnston, Michael V. “Neurotransmitters and Vulnerability of the Developing Brain.” Brain and Development 17.5 (1995): 301-06.

[8]Johnston, Michael V. “Clinical Disorders of Brain Plasticity.” Brain andDevelopment 26.2 (2004): 73-80.

[9] Mostafa, Gehan A., Dalia F. El-Sherif, and Laila Y. Al-Ayadhi. “SystemicAuto-antibodies in Children with Autism.” Journal of Neuroimmunology 272.1-2 (2014): 94-98.

[10] Mostafa, Gehan Ahmed, and Laila Yousef Al-Ayadhi. “The Relationshipbetween the Increased Frequency of Serum Antineuronal Antibodies and theSeverity of Autism in Children.” European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 16.5 (2012): 464-68.

[11] Piras, I.s., L. Haapanen, V. Napolioni, R. Sacco, J. Van De Water, and A.m. Persico. “Anti-brain Antibodies Are Associated with More Severe Cognitive and Behavioral Profiles in Italian Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 38 (2014): 91-99.

[12] Anderson, George, and Michael Maes. “Redox Regulation and theAutistic Spectrum: Role of Tryptophan Catabolites, Immuno-inflammation,Autoimmunity and the Amygdala.” Current Neuropharmacology CN 12.2 (2014): 148-67.

[13] Al-Ayadhi, Laila, and Gehan Mostafa. “Serum Antinucleosome-specificAntibody as a Marker of Autoimmunity in Children with Autism.” Journal of Neuroinflammation J Neuroinflammation 11.1 (2014): 69.

[14] Gerrits, A., B. Dykstra, O. J. Kalmykowa, K. Klauke, E. Verovskaya, M. J. C. Broekhuis, G. De Haan, and L. V. Bystrykh. “Cellular Barcoding Tool for Clonal Analysis in the Hematopoietic System.” Blood 115.13 (2010): 2610-618.

[15] Verovskaya, E., M. J. C. Broekhuis, E. Zwart, M. Ritsema, R. Van Os,G. De Haan, and L. V. Bystrykh. “Heterogeneity of Young and Aged MurineHematopoietic Stem Cells Revealed by Quantitative Clonal Analysis UsingCellular Barcoding.” Blood 122.4 (2013): 523-32.

It seems likely that a non-inherited mutation could cause a disease like cancer, because cancers are known to start due to a mutation in just one cell, but how could a mutation in one cell cause a diffuse neurodevelopmental disorder like autism?

This Quarter’s FAQ


Thank you for your support and your presence at our fundraising dinner event. With your generosity and your belief, we have made major accomplishments.

We have two additional scientific manuscripts that have been published, and you can find those on our website. We have also been advocates in the vaccine injury court, where parents can claim that their child is damaged by vaccines. Our concern is not just about the moral aspects of using aborted fetal cells to make vaccines, but also about the public health consequences of giving our children vaccines that were contaminated with human fetal DNA. Those contaminants are known to be able to cause autoimmunity which could attack the developing brain of a young child.

Over the last two years, over 6 publications have been published demonstrating that children with autism have immunity to human DNA that normal children do not have. Where does that immunity come from? We believe it is triggered by human fetal DNA contaminants in vaccines. We would like to thank the Kopp Foundation for their generous funding of this important study.

As for our involvement in vaccine injury court case, there is a false impression that vaccines are safe that is propagated by the media and doctors. Vaccine injury court was set up for families to be rapidly compensated if their child was damaged by vaccines. For over 30 years, billions of dollars have been paid out, about 100 million dollars per year, yet the Committee has never acknowledged an autism claim. More importantly, most parents don’t even know about the vaccine injury court.

There are only a handful of attorneys who represent vaccine-injured children, about 80 in the United States, and we had the honor to have John McHugh support our cause and be our keynote speaker at the dinner. It is a vicious battle, but we are determined to keep up this work and we believe that justice will prevail.

Thank You for Your Support at Our Annual Fundraising Dinner 2016

Thank you for participating in Seattle Foundation’s one-day giving event #GIVEBIG !

This was our first time participating and we are humbled by your support.

Your generosity allows us to continue our research and achieve our mission.