Sooner Torch Oct 2010

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Transcript of Sooner Torch Oct 2010

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Volume 1 September 2010 ______________________________________________________________________________

Salvete Omnes!Welcome to a new school year filled with friends, fun, and of course… OJCL!

Here is a list of the current OJCL officers for 2010-11

Name: Robert PoggiOffice: President

School: Jenks High SchoolE-mail: rpoggiiokpres@gmail.comFavorite Food: Peacock Tongue*

Name: Peggy Humes

Office: 1st Vice PresidentE-mail:

Favorite Food: All pastas and breadFavorite Quote: nullum saeculum magnis ingeniis clausum est

Name: Nathan Bowman

Office: 2nd Vice PresidentLatin Level: II

E-mail: nbowman919@yahoo.comFavorite Food: Steak

Favorite Latin Phrase : Si vis pacem, para bellum

Name: Dane Korber Office: Secretary

Favorite Food : Rocky Mountain OystersLatin Level: IV


* If the officers did not answer, “funny” answers were inserted.

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Name : Emily Clark

Office : ParliamentarianSchool : Edmond Santa Fe High School

Latin level : IVE-mail : or

Food : fettuccine alfredoFavorite Quote : cineri gloria sera est –Marius

Name: Kevin Poisson

Office: Webmaster School: Edmond North High School

Latin Level : IVE-mail :

Name: Naomi FoxOffice: Historian

Favorite Food: Anything pasta relatedE-mail:

Favorite Quote: “ Draco dormiens numquam titallandus" -Motto of Hogwarts

September 29, 2010 The Edmond Sun “Wolves go on parade “

EDMOND — The Edmond Santa Fe Latin Club cheers from their homecoming parade float Wednesday. TheWolves will play Lawton at UCO on Friday

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Salvete omnes!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful year so far. The Oklahoma Junior Classical League is busymaking plans for our convention on March 25-26, 2011 at Jenks High School. Please mark your calendars andmake plans to attend.

The last couple of years have seen new teachers and programs in Oklahoma. OJCL welcomes you andencourages you to be a part of our wonderful organization. Joining JCL at the national and state levels (andmembership in both is required!) offers your students great opportunities for leadership, fellowship, andscholarship. OU Classics Day, Certamen, state and national conventions, and the National Latin Exam are justa few of the activities available.

Here’s how to become a JCL chapter:1) send in National dues (form available online at ) as soon as possible. Discounts are

offered to schools that pay before Dec. 1 st!2) send in state dues as follows:

Chapter: $25.00 (large club 51+ members)$15.00 (medium club 21-50 members)$10.00 (small club 5-20 members)

Individual members: $ 1.00 each

Please make checks for state dues payable to OJCL and remember to include a membership roster as well as alist of your officers. I’ve included an application form so we can update our files of sponsors, addresses and

phone numbers.

*your club must be registered with both state and national JCL in order to attend and compete at conventions or run for office. Most clubs charge students $5-10 as club dues to cover the individual and chapter costs.*

All envelopes must be postmarked by February 1, 2011. This is also the latest due date for your nationaldues. Remember that paying dues on time ensures that your club remains in good standing.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Betty IvichOJCL State Chairman

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School___________________________________________School Phone__________________

School Address____________________________________School Fax____________________


Sponsor__________________________________________Home Phone___________________

Home Address_____________________________________City & Zip____________________

School Email_____________________________________________

Home Email______________________________________________


1. Annual Oklahoma Junior Classical League Dues are $1.00 per member _________ Annual memberships at $1.00 each $__________

Please submit a numbered alphabetical typed list of individual members as well as your officers.

2. Annual OJCL Chapter Dues:5.20 Members (small delegation) = $10.00

21-50 Members (medium delegation) = $15.0051 Members and up (large delegation) = $25.00 $__________

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $__________

Make checks payable to Oklahoma Junior Classical League. Mail to:

Betty IvichPutnam City West High School

8500 NW 23rdOklahoma City, OK 73127

Dues must be postmarked by February 1, 2011