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Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Presenter: Paul Ewing

Something to Think About

Summer 2008

Age: 5-7 These programmes are available to order (for UK schools only) on pre-recorded CDs from: BBC Schools’ Broadcast Recordings Tel: 08701 272 272 Monday to Friday 0800 to 1800 Or visit for more information Audio on demand. These programmes are also available as audio on demand from the School Radio website for 7 days following the original date of transmission. Refer to programme titles below to find out when programmes are available as audio on demand.

© This publication contains only BBC copyright material: its contents may be copied or reproduced for use in schools and colleges without further



Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Something to Think About

Summer 2008 These programmes are available as audio on demand from the School Radio website for 7 days following transmission. Refer to the transmission dates below to find out when each one is available.

Introduction 3 Planning chart 6 Unit 1: All that glitters 7 1. What’s it worth? 7 AOD 23/04/2008 Words to the song ‘I want, I want ’ 9 2. I haven’t got anything 10 AOD 30/04/2008 3. What’s more important than money 12 AOD 07/05/2008 4. What have I got to give? 14 AOD 14/05/2008 Words and music to the song ‘Chain of love’ 16 Unit 2: Our patron saints 18 5. St George 18 AOD 21/05/2008 6. St Patrick 20 AOD 04/06/2008 7. St Andrew 22 AOD 11/06/2008 8. St David 24 AOD 18/06/2008


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


These Teacher’s Notes include:

• a planning grid with details of the songs

• a suggested object for visual focus including weblinks to images

• pre-programme preparation ideas

• programme content breakdown

• related activities

• weblinks for supporting resources (e.g. images for visual focus)

Where to listen: These programmes are suitable to use as part of either school or class assembly. Using the series: You may like to listen straight through, with discussion at the beginning and end or listen in sections, pausing for discussion as you go. Alternatively you may choose to use only one section of the programme at a time and spread the material out over several sessions in a week. For example you may wish to revisit the story and reflection or sing the song a second time or at the end of the day. Participation: Make sure you join in yourself with the listening and the singing. The children will observe your response and it will influence the way they perceive the programme. Stop the programme if the children seem to want to respond or become restless. Encourage the children to sing the songs, which have been chosen to be easy to sing and learn. During the programme the presenter will help the children join in. If they have difficulty, join in with part of the song (for example the chorus or refrain) and listen or tap hands or toes to the rest! Before the programme: Creating the right listening conditions: It’s important that the children can all hear comfortably. Make sure that the loud speakers are at the right height facing the children (preferably a child’s ear height), and that the volume is comfortable for them all. Arrange the seating so that none of the children are too far away from the speakers and any child with a hearing problem (or has a heavy cold) is in a good position. You may find that sitting in a semi-circle or in short lines facing one another with the speakers in the middle is best. Experiment and find the formation that works best for you and your class.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Creating the right atmosphere: It will help everyone to concentrate if you prepare a visual focus. A focus object has been suggested for each programme in these notes. Some suggestions for images from the web have also been included. This can be used for discussion and preparation - particularly important if you feel some aspect of the story is going to be unfamiliar to your group. You may want to create a special atmosphere by playing music or altering seating and lighting to let the children know that this is a different type of activity and prepare them to listen and take part. During the programme: Getting ready to listen: Show the children the visual focus. Can they guess what the programme is about? You may also like to use the ‘Before the programme’ section in these notes to encourage the children to think about the theme. Thinking about the story: All the stories provide opportunities for discussion. You may wish to talk further about the issues raised during the session, at a later time or even through the week. A time to reflect: Using this part of the programme ensures that the legal requirements for Collective Worship are met. Encourage the children to stop and be still during the reflection / prayer times of the programmes. If at first they are not sure how to respond, stop the programme and settle them down. They may like to shut their eyes or look at the focus object. You might like to light a candle for this special time, which will gradually become a visual cue that the reflection part of the programme is happening. Allow the children time to get used to the quiet and then turn the programme on again. Sitting quietly and thinking may be a very unfamiliar concept to some children. Allow them time to become accustomed to this, maybe over a period of weeks. Meanwhile encourage them to sit quietly and respect the people around them who would like to listen / reflect / pray. It is important that children are given the choice to join in with the prayer by saying ‘Amen’ at the end (which signifies their agreement with the prayer) or just to sit quietly and reflect on what they have heard. This is clearly signalled in the programmes.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Songs: The songs for this term come predominantly from the collection Come and Praise Beginning. The song for the first unit – ‘I can make a difference’ – is a commercially available song called ‘Make a difference’ (see Planning chart on page 6 for details). You may like to replay the recording and learn more of the song after the programme. Thinking about what’s been heard: Go through the main points of the programme again at the end (the programme contents section of theses notes may help). There are some suggested questions you may like to ask the children. What do they remember? What are their ideas? There are further ideas to help with this on the programme pages of these notes. After the programme: There are some ideas for optional related activities for following up the programme content. Feedback: Your feedback is important to us and helps to shape the series. Letters, drawings and poems from the children are particularly welcome. Please use the ‘Contact us’ button from the Home Page of the School Radio website at: Or write to us at: Something to think about BBC School Radio MC3 D5 BBC White City London W12 7TS Copyright: You may copy the words of the songs onto a board, sheet or overhead project slide for use with the programmes in which they appear. However, for music copyright reasons, copies may not be permanently retained for subsequent use. It infringes copyright laws to retain material without the agreement of individual rights holders. Please respect these rights.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Planning grid showing the songs in each programme

Title Song


Unit 1: All that glitters

1 What’s it worth? ‘I want, I want’. See page 9 for the words.

Money and its uses; what is really precious?

2 I haven’t got anything to give

‘Love is something’ from Come and Praise

Beginning – number 16

Giving; charity; wonderful things that are free; what is most


3 What’s more important than


‘Friends’ – from Come and Praise Beginning – number


Friendship – something more precious than money.

4 What have I got to give?

‘Chain of love’ from Come and Praise – All about our school – number 14. See

page 16 for the words and music.

Things that matter to others – caring.

Unit 2: Our patron saints

5 St George ‘Thank you for the love of Jesus’ from Come and

Praise Beginning – number 38.

The lives of the patron saints; courage.

6 St Patrick ‘Deep peace of the running wave to you’ from Come and Praise Beginning –

number 23. A traditional Celtic prayer.

The lives of the patron saints; courage.

7 St Andrew ‘Thank you God for all our friends’ from Come and

Praise Beginning – number 20.

The lives of the patron saints; trust.

8 St David ‘Sow a seed’ from Come and Praise Beginning –

number 28.

The lives of the patron saints; devotion.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Unit 1: All that glitters

1: What’s it worth? Themes: money and its uses; what is valuable; what should we wish for? Focus images: A piggy bank: Some golden pound coins: Before the programme: Talk about things that the children would like if they had all the money in the world. Are these things the most precious things they can think of? What about things that money can’t buy?

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD1 Track 1

Paul introduces the programme with a short quiz. Can the children tell what the sounds are?

The sounds the children will hear are a cash register and money being put in a piggy bank. This is followed by a brief section of the song ‘Money (that’s what I want)’ by The Searchers.

CD1 Track 2

Song: ‘I want, I want’. Encourage the children to join in with as much of the song as they can. ‘I want, I want’ is specially written for the series. The simple words are repeated three times, a little faster each time, with a variation at the end. The words appear below.

CD1 Track 3

Voxpops: children talk about what they would buy if they had ‘all the money in the world’.

The thoughts of the children are: If I had all the money in the world I would like a mansion with walls made out of gold and silver furniture… If I had a lot of money I would spend it on a camper van to go on holiday…If I had all the money in the world I would buy a big chocolate fountain… If I had all the money in the world I would buy a fantastic sports car which is the fastest car in the world… If I had a lot of money I would spend it on an ever-lasting holiday… If I had a lot of money I would spend it on a canal boat to live in… If I had loads of money I would give it to the people who are poor and sick… If I had a lot of money I would give my money to the poor people in Africa and give them a water pump… If I had all the money in the world I would buy loads of bricks for the people in India and Africa to make strong houses…


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 4 Story: King Midas, specially written by Chris Head, based on the Ancient Greek myth.

Dionysus is pleased with Midas and grants him a single wish. King Midas wishes that everything he touches should turn to gold. But Midas soon learns the error of his choice; everything he touches turns to gold and gold becomes worthless to him. Midas learns an important lesson: things do not have to glitter to be precious.

CD1 Track 5

Time for reflection…about the things that money can buy…and the things it can’t buy. Many of the best things in life cannot be bought with money.

Ensure everyone is listening carefully.

CD1 Track 6


Children can listen or join in with Amen at the end if they wish. Dear God, Thank you for all the good things we have in our life. Help us to learn the value of money. Teach us not to be greedy and to share what we have with our friends and family. Thank you God Amen.

After the programme:

• Talk about the story. What would the children have wished for? What do they think of the choice made by King Midas? Do they feel sorry for him that the wish cannot be undone…or do they think the ending is fair to him? Can the children think of times when they have been ‘greedy’.

• Make lists of the things that money can buy…and the things that money cannot buy.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

I want, I want

I want, I want I want, I want

I want it all for me.

I want, I want I want, I want

I want it all for me.

So how about, better to say Every day, come what may

I want, I want I want, I want

I want it all for you.

Better to say Every day, come what may

I want, I want I want, I want

I want it all for you.

© Kate Walker / Dave Cooke


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

2: I haven’t got anything Themes: giving; wonderful things that are free; what is most precious? Focus images: A big smiley! A wire loop (for the story): Before the programme: Talk about giving. Have the children ever taken part in any charitable events? What was the money raised for? What other things can we give apart from money?

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD1 Track 7

Paul introduces today’s programme by relating how he stopped in the street to give some money to a charity collector…to discover that he only has a 20p coin.

The charity collector’s response – ‘Every little helps’ – helps to introduce the theme of today’s story.

CD1 Track 8

Story: The widow’s mite The story is inspired by the biblical tale of ‘The widow’s mite’ (Mark 1 v 41 – 44)

Alfie has a stall next to his mother’s at the Summerhill Youth Centre fair. He’s collecting money by charging 50p for each turn on his game…and hoping that by the end of the evening he may have enough money to pay for the window that he accidentally helped to break. But when Steve unexpectedly wins the jackpot, Alfie is left with just £3.50 to contribute. Alfie is embarrassed – he doesn’t feel it’s enough. But his memory of the story of ‘The widow’s mite’ helps him to realise that ‘every little helps’.

CD1 Track 9

Song: ‘Love is something’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 16.

Paul introduces the song by reminding everyone the words and tune of the chorus. Encourage the children to join in with the chorus and any of the other words that they can remember.

CD1 Track 10

Voxpops: children talk about wonderful things that are free.

The thoughts of the children are: A smile doesn’t cost anything, and when you smile to everyone they will give you a smile back… Your family doesn’t cost anything… A hug doesn’t cost anything…it’s nice and it shows that people love you… The countryside doesn’t cost anything because you can go for walks in it and you don’t have to pay… It’s priceless to have a family and friends…


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 11 Time for reflection…about times when the children have given…and the value of gifts.

Ensure that everyone is quiet and listening carefully.

CD1 Track 12

Prayer. Children can just listen or join in with Amen at the end if they wish. Dear God You have sent the gift of love. Thank you for the gift of love. You have taught us how to give Thank you for the gift of giving. You have sent many special things for our world. Thank you for all those gifts. Amen

After the programme:

• What situations can the children think of when money is given away? • Talk about the story. Why was Alfie so keen to raise money for the Youth

Centre? Why might he have been particularly upset that it was Steve who had won the jackpot? What did Steve choose to do with his winnings? Why did he give the money to Mr Davis?

• Make a list of wonderful things that are free. For a transcript of the story in today’s programme go to this link:


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

3: What’s more important than money? Themes: friendship – something more precious than money; things that we value in others Focus images: Two friends: The Lion and the Mouse: Before the programme: Talk about things that are more precious than money. What value do the children put on friendship?

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD1 Track 13

Introduction. Paul sets up the programme theme by considering some classic best-of-friends from fiction: Pooh and Piglet, Shrek and Donkey, etc. Which leads us into today’s song ‘Friends’.

CD1 Track 14

Song: ‘Friends’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 19.

Encourage them to join in with as many of the words as they can.

CD1 Track 15

Voxpops. Children talk about what they like about their friends.

The children’s thoughts are: One of the things I like about my friends is they’re always there to play with me. When I fall over they help me… I like my friend because every time I’m upset he comes and helps me… My friend is funny and she makes me laugh a lot of the time, because she does a lot of funny faces… I’ve got a friend who is really, really, really funny… My friends are very caring and helpful… Having friends stops you getting bored… When you’re down they can just cheer you up… If I tell my friends a secret I can really trust them to keep it…

CD1 Track 16

Story: The Lion and the Mouse based on the fable by Aesop.

A mouse goes foraging for food in the wood. He strays into a cave and thinks he has found his dinner…when in fact he has found a sleeping lion. The lion catches the mouse but the quick thinking mouse promises that if the lion releases him he will come back to help the lion one day. The lion is amused and let’s the mouse go. Some time later hunters catch the lion…but the mouse is as good as his promise.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 17 Time for reflection…about the importance of friendship and looking after those around us…and occasions the children can think of when they have shown good friendship.

Make sure everyone is quiet and listening carefully.

CD1 Track 18

Prayer. The programme plays out with a song about friendship.

Just listen…or join in with Amen at the end if you’d like to make the prayer your own. Dear God Help us to be good friends to those who are good to us, Teach us to be kind, and thoughtful and helpful to those we call friends, Thank you for all our friends. Amen.

After the programme:

• Talk about the story. Why didn’t the Lion think the Mouse could help him? What did the Mouse do to help the Lion? What ‘lesson’ should we take from the story.

• Talk about ‘fables’. What kind of stories are they (short stories, often with animals as characters, which illustrate some truth about the human world)? How do fables differ from other types of story? Do the children know any other fables?

• What words would the children use to describe friendship? Let each compose a short sentence beginning ‘Friendship is…’

For a transcript of today’s story go to the following link:


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

4: What have I got to give? Themes: things that matter to others – kindness, caring Focus images: Chain links: The elves and the shoemaker: Before the programme: Talk about what things really matter to the children…family, friends, what else?

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD1 Track 19

Paul introduces the programme by inviting the children to sing straight away. The song will be ‘Chain of love’ from Come and Praise – All about our school – number 14.

Today’s programme starts with singing. Today’s song – ‘Chain of love’ – is from the collection All about our school. See below for the words and music to the song.

CD1 Track 20

Song: ‘Chain of love’ See below for words and music.

Encourage the children to join in with as many of the words as they can. There are three verses to the song and the chorus comes after each verse.

CD1 Track 21

Voxpops. Children talk about the things that they think really matter… At the end of the voxpops there is an opportunity to pause the programme for the children to discuss what really matters to them.

The thoughts of the children are: My family mean a lot to me because they’re always there to care for me and help me… Your mum and dad really matter because they’ve loved you since you were a baby, and they will always love you… What’s important in life to me is my house because it gives me protection… I think it’s important just being able to help people in life… The poor people in Africa really matter because I think we should care for them a bit more… It’s really important to make other people happy and for you to be happy. If other people are happy that makes you happy. If they’re not happy that makes you not happy…


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 22 Story: ‘The elves and the shoemaker’ based on the classic story by the Brothers Grimm.

A shoemaker falls on hard times – nobody will buy his shoes any more. He has just enough leather to make one final pair. He leaves the cut leather out overnight in his workshop and is astonished to find the shoes beautifully made up in the morning. Then, a costumer arrives, and suddenly the shoemaker has enough money to buy more leather. Eventually the shoemaker decides to find out who has been helping him. When he discovers that his assistants are two little elves he makes them both a suit of leather clothes…

CD1 Track 23

Time for reflection…about the things that might make this a better world…enough for all…love…kindness and caring…

Ensure everyone is quiet and listening carefully.

CD1 Track 24

Prayer. A short version of the Prayer of St Francis.

The children can just listen or say Amen at the end if they wish to. Lord, Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is darkness, light Where there is sadness, joy. It is in giving that we receive.

After the programme:

• Talk about the story. Why did the shoemaker make a suit of clothes for the elves? Why do the elves leave at the end of the story?

• Talk about the children’s own attributes. What do they think they have to offer others? What do they think their friends have to offer others?

For a transcript of the story go to this link:


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

Unit 2: Our patron saints

5: Saint George Themes: the patron saints of the UK and Ireland; what we can learn from the lives of great people, courage – standing up for your beliefs Focus images: A painting of St George slaying the dragon: The flag of St George: Before the programme: What do the children know about ‘patron’ saints? If there is a particular saint linked to your school, what do the children know about them? St George: Very little is known about the life of St George – despite the fact that he is the patron saints of many countries around the world. The popular legend told about St George is that he fought a dragon. The real St George was born in modern day Turkey and was a soldier in the Roman army about 1700 years ago. He stood up against the persecution of the early Christians…and paid with his life.

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD2 Tracks 1

and 2

Introduction. Paul tells us that today we will begin hearing about four very special people – each of whom is a patron saint. A ‘patron’ saint is one adopted by a group of people – often a country. Which saint will we be hearing about today? Paul introduces some sound clues to reveal that today’s saint is St George.

The introduction includes the ideas of some children on who our patron saints are…not much is known about them! The four patron saints are St George (England), St Andrew (Scotland), St David (Wales) and St Patrick (Ireland). St George’s day is 23 April. You could display the flag of St George while listening to the sound clues.

CD2 Track 3

Story: The story of St George. Based on the crucial events we know of the life of the real St George. Specially written for the series.

The story is told by an early Christian – a former resident of the city of Nicomedia but now on the run for his beliefs. He tells us how he was once a soldier in the Roman army, serving the emperor Diocletian. The emperor orders the persecution of the Christians, but one soldier – George – refuses. We hear how George helps the early Christians to escape the persecution and even becomes a Christian himself. But then he is summoned before the emperor and when he refuses to renounce his faith, George must pay the ultimate price…

CD2 Track 4

Song: ‘Thank you for the love of Jesus’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 38.

Paul reminds listeners of the song by singing the chorus through once. Encourage the children to join in with the words.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 5 Reflection…about the life of St George…his courage…how he was true to himself and his beliefs.

Make sure everyone is quiet and listening carefully.

CD2 Track 6


The children can listen or join in with ‘Amen’ at the end if they wish to make the prayer their own. Dear God Thank you for the life of St George. Thank you for giving him such courage to help others… Help us all to have courage to do what we feel is right… And to help those about us. Amen.

After the programme:

• Make your own pictures of St George illustrating some of the real events from his life.

• Write diary entries revealing some of St George’s thoughts as he considers what path to take.

• St George was a ‘hero’ to early Christians. What other people are ‘heroes’ to the children? What inspiration do they draw from them?

• What celebrations happen on St George’s Day (23 April)? How would the children like to commemorate the life of St George?

Web links: St George’s entry in Wikipedia: Useful information from the BBC website: Comprehensive information about the life of St George: The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

6: St Patrick Themes: the patron saints of the UK and Ireland; what we can learn from the lives of great people, devotion Focus images: St Patrick…with snakes waiting to be banished: A shamrock: Before the programme: Remind the children about ‘patron’ saints. What can they remember about St George from last time? What made St George such a special person? St Patrick: we know rather more about St Patrick than we do about St George because Patrick wrote down the main events of his life in his ‘Confessio’. He lived c. 390 to c. 461. He was probably born in Wales and was captured and taken to Ireland, where he lived as a slave for many years. He escaped and returned home…but shortly thereafter returned to Ireland on a mission to convert the people to Christianity.

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD2 Track 7

Introduction. Paul returns to the theme of the four patron saints of the UK and Ireland.

The introduction includes the thoughts of children on who the four patron saints are and why they are famous.

CD2 Track 8

Paul offers some more clues to help listeners decide today’s saint.

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on 17 March.

CD2 Track 9

Song: ‘Deep peace of the running wave to you’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 23.

Paul introduces the song by saying some of the words. Then encourage the children to join in with the song when it is their turn to sing.

CD2 Track 10

Story: The life of St Patrick, specially written for the series.

The story is written from the point of view of a young thatcher, working in the village where Patrick lived. He recalls how he and his friend Patrick are enjoying themselves by the sea. Patrick is troubled – he doesn’t share his father’s Christian faith – and fails to notice the ship coming ashore until too late. Patrick is captured and taken away. Years later, after Patrick’s return, the thatcher recalls how Patrick told him that during his time in Ireland he had had a mystical experience – a message from God. He must tell the Irish people about the Christian faith – convert them to Christianity. The thatcher is sad that his friend has left again…but hopes Patrick will succeed in his important work.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 11 Time for reflection…on the life of St Patrick…his courage in returning to the place where he had been held captive…on what we can learn from the courage of those like St George and St Patrick.

Make sure everyone is quiet and listening carefully.

CD2 Track 12

Prayer. The prayer is based on that known as ‘St Patrick’s breastplate’.

Listeners can make the prayer their own by joining in with Amen at the end. Christ be with me Christ be before me Christ be behind me Christ be within me Christ be beneath me Christ be above me Christ be at my right Christ be at my left Christ be in the heart of everyone Who thinks of me Christ be in the mouth of everyone Who speaks of me Christ be in every eye that sees me Christ be in every ear that hears me… Amen.

After the programme:

• Make pictures of the real of legendary events of St Patrick’s life. • Learn about St Patrick’s Day celebrations around the world (there are big

celebrations in many cities around the world including Dublin, New York and London)

• Use the prayer ‘St Patrick’s breastplate’ as a model and add some new lines, each beginning ‘Christ be…’

Web links: St Patrick’s entry in Wikipedia: More on the life of St Patrick from the BBC website: Fun activities linked to the life of St Patrick: The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

7: Saint Andrew Themes: the patron saints of the UK and Ireland; what we can learn from the lives of great people, trust Focus images: An early image of St Andrew: The cross of St Andrew: Before the programme: Return to the theme of patron saints. Which patron saints have we heard about so far? Can the children remember some of the key events of their lives? What characteristics do the two saints have in common? Saint Andrew: Andrew lived about 2,000 years ago. The gospels relate how Andrew and his brother Simon were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. One day the fishermen are having no luck and have not caught anything. Jesus asks to go out on the sea with the brothers and soon their nets are full. Jesus asks Andrew and Simon to become his followers – he will make them ‘fishers of men’ – and so Andrew becomes the first disciple. After the death of Jesus we know that Andrew traveled widely through the Middle East, spreading the Christian faith, until his martyrdom.

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD2 Track


Introduction. Paul returns to the theme of the four patron saints and gives some more sound clues about the country whose patron saint will be the focus of today’s programme.

St Andrew’s Day is 30 November.

CD2 Track


Song: ‘Thank you God for all our friends’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 20.

Paul sings the first verse of the song to remind everyone of the words and tune. Between each verse Paul reminds the listeners of what new words to sing.

CD2 Track


Story: The life of St Andrew, specially written for the series.

The story is told from the point of view of Joarib, a fisherman on the sea of Galilee. He recalls how long ago, before he owned his own boat, he used to work for two brothers – Andrew and Simon. One morning they have caught no fish when suddenly a crowd appears, following Jesus. The brothers row Jesus off-shore to speak to the crowd and later their nets fill with fish. Jesus asks the two brothers to become his followers…which they do. Joarib returns home to tell his family about the extraordinary events…but they are more concerned about the fish left on the shore.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 16 Reflection…about the life of St Andrew…how he gave up everything to follow Jesus…to become a ‘fisher of men’…showing courage.

Make sure everyone is listening carefully.

CD2 Track 17


Join in with ‘Amen’ at the end to make the prayer your own. Dear God Thank you for the life of Saint Andrew. Thank you that he was such a good friend to Jesus. Help us all to be good friends to one another And to remember the courage of Saint Andrew. Amen.

After the programme:

• Make flags representing the four countries whose patron saints we have been learning about.

• Listen to traditional music from each of the four countries. • What do the children understand from the phrase ‘fishers of men’? What

do they think it means? Web links: St Andrew’s entry in Wikipedia: And more from the BBC website: Some facts about St Andrew’s Day from the Woodlands Junior website: Some activities linked to St Andrew’s Day, including flags to print etc (scroll down the page to find the activities): The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008

8: St David Themes: the patron saints of the UK and Ireland; what we can learn from the lives of great people, devotion Focus images: A young St David (Dewi Sant): St David’s cathedral: Before the programme: return to the lives of the patron saints. Can the children remember who they have heard about so far and some of the key events of their lives? Which saint haven’t they heard about yet? St David: David is unique among the four patron saints in that he was actually born and lived in the country of which he is the patron saint. He lived in the 6th century – about 1500 years ago – and was a monk who worked to establish many monasteries, including one which stood on the site of today’s St David’s Cathedral. There are many legends about his life and today’s story is about one of those legends.

CD / Track

Content Notes

CD2 Track 18

Paul begins by offering some clues to the country whose patron saint we’ll be finding out about today.

St David’s Day is celebrated on 1 March.

CD2 Track 19

Song: ‘Sow a seed’ from Come and Praise Beginning – number 28.

The song has a call and response pattern. The children can either join in with all the words, or they may find it easier to just join in with the repeated lines.

CD2 Track 20

Story: The life of St David, specially written for the series.

The story is told from the point of view of a monk visiting St David’s cathedral in Wales – a pilgrimage to this special place associated with St David. The monk recalls one of the best known stories about the life of St David: how David restored the sight of his blind teacher, Paulinus… When Paulinus goes blind he asks each of his novices to touch his eyes in turn, in the hope that God will move through one of them and restore his sight. Nothing happens until it is David’s turn…and then the miraculous happens.

CD2 Track 21

Time for reflection…on the lives of the patron saints…their courage…and the remarkable things they did.

Make sure everyone is listening carefully.


Something to Think About – Summer 2008


Track 22 Prayer.

Listeners can just listen or make the prayer their own by joining in with Amen. Dear God Thank you for the life of St David and all the saints. Thank you for giving them such courage. Help us to remember the remarkable things they did during their lives… So that they may be a guide to us. Amen.

After the programme:

• Find out about traditional costumes worn in each of the four countries represented by the patron saints.

• Compare the lives of the four patron saints. What do they have in common? What is different about them? What one word would you use to describe them?

Web links: St David’s entry from Wikipedia: More from the BBC website: More about the wonderful building of St David’s Cathedral: Activities related to St David’s Day: The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites.