Some Reality into Apps Store Hysteria on the Markets and Opportunities in Mobile

Post on 13-May-2015

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"This industry is so prone to hype and hysteria. Right now the hot buzz in mobile is "apps stores", and every handset maker, smartphone operating system provider and major mobile operator/carrier is eager to launch their own apps stores, while the tech-oriented press and bloggers all obsess about the traffic and downloads generated by Apple's iPhone Apps Store. I want to bring some voice of reason to this hysteria. And yes, this is one of my trademark long and detailed blog articles, so get your coffee before you start." ~Tomi T Ahonen

Transcript of Some Reality into Apps Store Hysteria on the Markets and Opportunities in Mobile

Some Reality into Apps Store Hysteria on the Markets and

Opportunities in Mobile

presentation was inspired by Tomi T Ahonen's post

About Tomi T Ahonen

He is a five-time bestselling author and consultant on digital convergence and mobile telecoms, based in Hong Kong. Tomi lectures at Oxford University's short courses on high tech and convergence.

8 unique abilities of mobile phone

Mobile is personal

Mobile is permanently carried

Mobile is always on

Mobile has a built-inpayment channel

Mobile is available at the point of creative impulse

Mobile is most accurate at measuring its audience

Mobile can capture the social context of consumption

Mobile can offer augmented reality

Apple is luxury brand for phones

35M of iPhones out there globally or 1% of all phones

A $600 iPhone is as a Jaguar or Mercedes Benz car :)

3% of Americans have an iPhone

It is NOT a mass market phone :(

USA market is anomaly

1/3 of total iPhone users are in the USA

The hysteria is centered in the USA

The rest of the planet is NOT like the USA :|

Smartphones is small part of all phones

180M smarphones sold this year, or 64% of the size of total PC sales worldwide

1.1B new mobile phones are sold this year

The total installed base of smartphones is 550M

3.8B actual activated mobile phones in use

14.5% of all mobile phones in use are smartphones...

...but 85.5% are basic phones

PC based web vs. mobile web

You can reach a total internet PC population of 1.0B

The rest of the 1.7B internet users access in web cafes

or on their phones

Over 1.2B people already do use the mobile internet 8-)


Is enabled at more than 2.8B mobile phones and their


...and has 1.4B active users

How big is? Globally worth $26B last year said Portio


There are 3B active users on the planet!

Over 99.9% of all 3.8B connected mobile phones

on the planet has that ability

76% of all mobile phone subscribers are active users

post scriptum

$145M is made from all mobile services daily *

* A day in the Internet :