Some Questions for a Better Understanding of Romeo and Juliet

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Transcript of Some Questions for a Better Understanding of Romeo and Juliet

  • 8/9/2019 Some Questions for a Better Understanding of Romeo and Juliet


    Questions for a better understanding of Romeo and Juliet, hopefully!

    Prologue The Chorus here gives you plenty of information about the story: where it is set (In fairVerona), who the characters are (two star-crossd lovers), what will happen to them

    (fearful passage of their death-marked love), even how long the play will last (two hours)

    You know, you read the Prologue and know at once everything that will happen in the play.

    Does it make sense? Whats the use of it? Why should I be interested in going on reading?

    Well, on second thought . What do you think?

    Act 1 sc.1. Two servants of the Capulet household meet two servants of the Montagues. They would

    enjoy a fight very much, but none of them dares to start it, so they begin provoking each

    other.Here you meet Tybalt, read what he says: what kind of guy is he?

    Eventually the fight starts and the prince has to intervene.

    Read what the Prince says: is this the first fight between Capulets and Montagues?

    What will happen if they go on like this?

    The Prince asks Lord Capulet to follow him. Lady Montague is worried about Romeo, she

    doesnt know where he is and she says he looks quite depressed these days. Then Romeo

    arrives and talks with Benvolio about his love problems: he loves Rosaline, a girl who

    doesnt return his love and, worst of all, is probably going to be a nun.

    Consider Romeo: whats your first impression of him?

    What advice does Benvolio give him?

    Discuss the effects of starting a play with a fight scene

    Act 1 sc.2 Lord Capulet is talking to Paris, a noble young kinsman to the Prince, about Juliet: Pariswould like to marry her. The girl is only 13 but, he says

    Younger than she are happy mothers made

    How do you feel about the idea of getting married at 13?

    Lord Capulet tells Paris that he is going to hold a party and invites him to join. Then he

    sends one of his servants to handout the invitations. The servant meets Romeo and

    Benvolio who are chatting together in the street. They learn of the party and, even if not

    invited at all, they decide to go.

    Benvolio: Tut man, one fires burns out anothers burning,

    One pain is lessened by anothers anguish

    What does he mean? Has anything like this ever happened to you? Write a short

    paragraph about it. Benvolio and Romeo eventually decide to go to the party. Can you explain why?

    Act 1 sc.3 Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris is going to marry her. While they talk, the Nurse is

    there too and has her say. Note that she doesnt speak in verse, but in prose.

    How would you define the nurse? How would you feel if your mother would like you to

    marry a guy you have never met?

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    Act 1. sc.5 Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo go the Masque. Romeo is not going to dance, since he is too

    sad because of Rosaline and he is also a little bit upset because of a dream he had the

    previous night. As soon as he enters the hall, Romeo notices Juliet and wants to know who

    she is. He admires her beauty aloud and Tybalt recognizes his voice dont forget he is

    wearing a mask and a costume. Tybalt would like to face Romeo with his sword but LordCapulet prevents him from doing anything like that: after all Romeo is behaving and he doesnt

    want Tybalt to make a mutiny among his guests. Romeo at last meets Juliet.

    Tell a friend what happens during the Masque.

    Why do you think Romeo and Juliet use such religious imagery?

    Do you think what happens during their first meeting is enough to justify such deep love?

    Act 2 Chorus Consider the rhyme scheme, what kind of composition is it?

    Act.2 sc.1 While leaving the party with his friends, Romeo decides to go back to the Capulets.

    Benvolio and Mercutio call him but cannot make him come back

    Act. 2 sc.2 This is the well-known Balcony Scene. Romeo is in the Capulets orchard and is looking at

    Juliets window. He praises her beauty with metaphors and similes. Can you find them out

    and explain them?

    Then Juliet appears on the balcony and, to his amazement, she starts speaking about

    Romeo himself and how much she likes him. He decides to let her see him and they start

    chatting about their names, how dangerous it is for him to be there, and how much they

    love each other. They really cannot say goodbye: she keeps on going and coming back. Finally

    they decide to get married the day after. Romeo thinks he will go and visit Friar Laurence,

    his spiritual father.

    Can you detect any difference between Romeo and Juliet as for personality?How would you explain such a hurry to get married?

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    Act 2 sc.3 Friar Laurence belongs to the Franciscan Order and is quite expert in the properties of

    herbs and plants. When Romeo tells him of his love, Friar Laurence thinks he is talking of

    Rosaline. When he understands the truth, he says Young mens love then lies

    Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes .

    What does he mean?

    He eventually decides to help the two lovers. Why does Friar Laurence accept to help

    Romeo and Juliet? Does his plan prove successful in the end? Can you detect any irony in


    Act 2 sc.4 Romeo and Mercutio start a sort of duel of wits.

    Who do you think is better at it?

    Then, sent by Juliet, the Nurse arrives and wants to know about the plan for the

    marriage: they will meet in the afternoon at Friar Laurences cell and get married.

    Act 2 sc.5 Juliet is impatiently waiting for news: the Nurse left at nine and now, at midday, she

    hasnt come back yet. She cannot imagine what might have happened and she thinks that

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    the Nurse is definitely getting old. At last the Nurse arrives but, instead of telling at

    once the news Juliet is waiting for, she starts wasting time and speaking about her

    backache, then headache and so on. Finally she tells Juliet what she is expected to do.

    Can you give a reason why the Nurse delays the news?

    Act 2 sc.6 Romeo is at Friar Laurences cell.Can you explain the meaning of Friar Laurences short sermon? (ll. 9-15)

    Act 3 sc. 1 Benvolio and Mercutio are in a public place in Verona and talking about who of the two is

    the bigger hothead. Tybalt arrives and Mercutio provokes him deliberately

    misunderstanding his words. But Tybalt is looking for Romeo: he is still angry after

    Romeos appearance at the party. When Romeo appears, Tybalt insults him but, instead of

    reacting, Romeo just says he loves him the name Capulet is dear to him. Mercutio feels

    offended by Romeos submission and draws his sword to defend his friends honour.

    Romeo tries to stop them but Tybalt wounds Mercutio. At first nobody realizes how

    serious the wound is, as a matter of fact Romeo says Courage , man, the hurt cannot be

    much but Mercutio dies cursing the two rival families

    A plague oer both your houses/ They have made worms meat of me

    Can you explain why Romeo speaks of love instead of fighting with Tybalt?

    Romeo then fights with Tybalt and kills him. Benvolio makes him run away before the

    Prince may condemn him, Romeo defines himself O, I am fortunes fool and leaves. Then

    the Prince arrives and wants to know what has happened and who has begun the fight.

    Benvolio tells him everything but Lady Capulet who has arrived with her husband and also

    the Montagues doesnt believe him He is a kinsman to the Montagues/ Affection makes

    him false. Mercutio was a kinsman to the Prince who, thinking thatMercy but murders, pardoning those that kill condemns Romeo to exile.

    Why does the Prince think that mercy, in this case, might cause more murders?

    Consider that Juliet is waiting for Romeo for their first night together: what do you think

    her reaction will be when she learns what has happened?

    Write a short paragraph where you explain why this scene may be considered the turning

    point in the action of the play

    Act 3 sc. 2 Juliet is alone and waiting for night to come and bring her her Romeo.

    Find out how many times Juliet speaks the word night and consider the images

    ( pictures in your mind) which are being created

    The Nurse arrives with the bad news. In her reply, Juliet uses a lot of oximorons

    phrases which contain opposite qualities. Find out at least three and explain them

    The Nurse replies giving her opinion on men. Which is it?

    Juliet doesnt let the Nurse say something against Romeo and asks her to go and find him

    and give him a ring.

    Act 3 sc.3 Friar Laurence tells Romeo about the princes decision. Romeo is in despair and says he

    would have preferred death since There is no world without Verona walls/ But

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    purgatory, torture, hell itself. Friar Laurence tries to console him but Romeo doesnt

    want to listen Then the nurse arrives and Romeo is anxious to know what Juliet thinks of

    him. When he draws a dagger meaning to stab himself, the Friar says of him

    Unseemingly woman in a seeming man/And ill-beseeming beast in seeming both

    Can you explain?

    The Friar tells Romeo to go and meet Juliet but not to be late in the morning because hewill have to leave Verona and reach Mantua.

    Act 3 sc 4. Lord Capulet decides that Juliet will marry Paris in three days and sends his wife to

    inform Juliet about it.

    Act 3 sc 5. Romeo and Juliet have spent the night together and now they have to part. The nurse

    arrives to inform them that Juliets mother is coming. Romeo leaves. Juliet learns of

    her parents plan and refuses, but her father gets furious, her mother doesnt want to

    help her and the Nurse advises her to do what her father wants her to. Juliet decides

    to go and ask Friar Laurence for advice

    Do you think Lord Capulet is somehow responsible for Juliets death?

    Act 4 sc 1 Paris is talking to Friar Laurence and telling him about the marriage. Juliet arrives and

    after some short exchanges Paris leaves. Juliet asks the Friar for help. He

    understands that she prefers to die instead of marrying Paris and so he thinks that

    she might be strong enough for a really daring plan: he gives her a potion that will make

    her look like dead for forty-two hours. In the meantime he will send a letter to Romeo

    to inform him and ask him to come to Verona, to take Juliet after she awakes, then

    leave together for Mantua.What do you think of Friar Laurences plan? Write a paragraph about it

    Act 4 sc 2 Juliet goes back home and pretends to have changed her mind. Lord Capulet decides to

    have the marriage celebrated a day before

    Act 4 sc 3 Juliet succeeds in being alone I her room and in a long soliloquy. At first she is a little

    bit afraid of being alone and would like the Nurse to come back, but then she

    understands she must be alone. Can you find out what frightens her?

    Eventually she drinks the potions and falls asleep.

    Do you think Juliet is brave or silly to accept such a dangerous plan?

    Act 4 sc 4 At the Capuletseverybody is working to get things ready for the wedding. Lord

    Capulet sends the Nurse for Juliet

    Act 4 sc 5 The Nurse thinks Juliet is dead and calls for help. Everybody is in despair. Friar

    Laurence and Paris arrive and they too express their woe. Friar Laurence tries to

    console them reminding them that Juliet is now in heaven. Everything that is ready

    for the wedding, will now be used for the funeral. In the last part of the scene one of

    the servants quarrels with the musicians who are not going to play a song for him.

    Act 5 sc 1 A servant brings Romeo the news of Juliets death. Romeo is upset and decides to die

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    as well. He goes to an apothecary and buys some poison.

    Here you find a long description of the apothecary and his shop. Whats the use of it?

    The apothecary doesnt want to sell him the poison because in Mantua this is a crime,

    but he accepts the money Romeo offers him and gives him what he asks for. Romeothinks gold worse poison to mens souls ..

    What do you think will happen now? Do you think there is anything which might preventbad things from happening?

    Act 5 sc 2 Friar Laurence learns that his letter has never reached Romeo, since his messenger

    was not allowed to enter Mantua because of fear of infection from the plague. The

    Friar decides to go to Juliet before she awakes and to send another letter to Romeo.

    He doesnt know that Romeo is already on his way to Verona.

    Act 5 sc3 Paris is at Juliets grave.

    Read what he says and compare to what Romeo will say a little bit later

    When he realizes somebody else is coming, Paris steps back. Romeo enters and tells his

    servant to leave hem alone. Paris recognizes him and faces him. They fight and Romeo

    kills him even though he doesnt know at present who the man is. When he finds out he

    decides to bury him in Juliets grave. Then Romeo sees Juliet and is amazed at her

    beauty. He asks Tybalt for forgiveness and expresses all his grief for Juliets death.

    Eventually he drinks the poison whose effect is quite quick. Friar Laurence arrives and

    Sees the bodies of Paris and Romeo. Juliet awakes and asks for Romeo. Friar Laurence

    proposes her to join a nunnery. Juliet asks him to go and then she sees the cup of

    poison in Romeos hand and understands what has happened. In despair she stabsherself with Romeos dagger. Some watchmen enter who see all the corpses and send

    for help. First the Capulets then Lord Montague arrive. The prince too is there and asks

    for silence because he wants to understand what has happened. Friar Laurence is ready

    to give explanation.

    The Prince comments Capulet, Montague/ See what a scourge is laid upon your hate

    The two men are ready to make peace.

    A glooming peace this morning with it brings

    The sun for sorrow will not show his head.


    For never was a story of more woe

    Than this of Juliet and her Romeo
