Some or Any Exercices

Post on 17-May-2017

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Transcript of Some or Any Exercices


Complete the sentences with some or any:

1. There's .................... chocolate in the cupboard.2. Do you have .................... brothers or sisters?3. Did you make .................... mistakes?4. Would you like .................... cake?5. I am going to buy .................... fruit and vegetables.6. I would like .................... white paper, please.7. do you have .................... envelopes for these papers?8. I always find .................... money in the street.9. Do you have ..................... of his records?

10. Do you know .................... of her friends?11. I don't have ..................... sisters but I have one brother.12. She hadn't .................... money, so I left her .................... .13. We don't have .................... coffee today but we have tea.14. I have to send .................... letters as soon as possible.15. Can you make us .................... lunch?16. Do you usually have .................... problems with your neighbours?17. I don't know .................... good restaurants in our town.18. Do you have .................... more questions?19. He can't help us. He hasn't .................... free time.20. She doesn't like .................... of his friends. Not one.21. The teacher always give us .................... homework.

Write the sentences using some or any in the negative or positive form1. W e Have – cigarette ( -)2. I want – coffee ( + )3. There are - books on the desk ( + )4. I don't want - more whisky. ( - )5. Neil has - bad news for us ( +)6. I understand only - of the words here ( + )7. I don't know - card games ( - )8. There aren't - people in the street ( -)9. Give me - more milk.( + )

10. Is there - wine in that smaller bottle? ( +)11. I need - money. ( + )


1. I have got some work to do. Have I got any work to do?2. There are some potatoes on the table.3. You can have some wine.4. I can see some stars.5. Carol has got some nice pictures.6. There is some water in the bottle.


1. We haven't got any good friends. We have got some good friends.2. They can't give us any help.3. There isn't any sunshine.4. She hasn't any money.5. There isn't any bad news.

E6/ DOPLŇTE DO NÁSLEDUJÍCÍCH VĚT VÝRAZY some, something, someone, somebody, somewhere, somehow, sometimes

1. Would you like .................... lunch?2. He lives .................... in the north of England.3. .................... is waiting for you outside.4. I need ..................... money to buy a newspaper.5. Come here. I want to tell you .................... .6. .................... I walk to school but usually I go by bus.7. He is coming .................... tomorrow but we don't know exactly when.8. I can't find my keys. I know they're .................... in the room.9. He says ................... which I can't understand.

10. Can you lend me .................... money?11. I know .................... who works with your sister.12. .................... in the future I want to learn a new language.13. I want to give her .................... for her birthday.14. It won’t be easy but we will do it .................... .15. .................... we visit friends for Christmas but this year we're staying at home.16. .................... friends of mine don’t like action films.17. I would like to spend my holidays .................... where it is warm.18. Pr. Parker has bought .................... nice for his wife.


1. I don't see - people I know.2. A single or double room? - room will do.3. Can I have - more tea, please?4. I remember having read that story in - magazine.5. When would you like me to come? Come - day you like.6. - people believe Santa Claus still exists.7. She put her handbag down - and now she can't find it.8. - fool has put salt on my coffee.9. What record can I play? Oh, just take - record.

10. Which sweet would you like? I don't want - sweet.11. She wanted - stamps but there were not - in the machine.12. I can't see my glasses - .13. Has he - idea who could have borrowed your bike?14. Is there - here who speaks Italian?15. I would like to buy - new clothes, but I haven't - money.16. Come and have dinner with us if you aren't doing - thing tonight.17. Would you like - to drink? There's - very good juice in the fridge.18. - who believes what Ralph says is a fool.19. Are there - letters for me?20. There is - gin in the cupboard but there aren't - glasses.21. Will you have - pudding or - fruit?


1. It is - distance to Hyde Park.2. We have time to play with you just now.3. Which of those singles do you like? - of them.4. There is - business like show-business.5. That's - of your business.6. I looked for some butter but there was - left.7. - admission for children.8. A little money is better than - at all.9. We had - bread. They had - left.

10. I don't believe you. I'm - fool.11. - of my friends smokes.


1. "What did you say?" " ........................ "2. "Would you like to come?" " ......................... , thanks. "3. "Do you ever go to the theatre?" " ...................... ...................... "4. "Where are you going at the weekend?" " ......................... "5. "How much money have you?" " ............................ "6. "Who are you waiting for?" " ............................ "7. "How often do you play badminton?" "......................... "8. "How many brothers and sisters have you?" " ........................... "9. "What will you buy him?" " ............................ "

10. "Where did he go this evening?” “ ............................. “


1. I have no inspiration. Can you think of - ?2. If - can speak German, she can.3. I wish could lend me a hand.4. I want to buy - for my friends.5. - has left a lighter here.6. My watch must be - in the classroom.7. I can't find - .8. - can speak all languages.9. What is wrong? - , I'm only tired.

10. There must be - , who knows the answer.11. I can't find my wallet, it must be - in this house.12. Of course, when I get old there’ll be - who will be able to beat me.13. She is always lying in the sun. She says she has - to do.14. Did he do it again? Well, - is perfect.15. Did - phone this morning? Oh no, - phoned.16. I don't know - more pleasant than skiing.17. I don’t know - as strong as myself.18. I'm looking for my spectacles. I can't find them - .19. - must have left his newspaper here!


1. Ne, to je něco jiného.2. Pozvu někoho jiného.3. Nejezděme do Itálie. Jeďme někam jinam.4. Udělají to nějak jinak.5. Přijde někdy jindy.6. Tady teď bydlí někdo jiný.7. Je to všechno, nebo mi o tom řekneš ještě něco jiného?8. Půjdeme domů, nebo chceš jít ještě někam jinam?9. Tak to je osm lidí. A chceš pozvat ještě někoho jiného?

10. Můžeš přijít někdy jindy, nebo jenom v sobotu odpoledne?11. Jdu do obchodu. Budeme potřebovat něco k jídlu.12. Přinesu další židli a budeš mít kde sedět.13. Konečně si mají jejich děti kde hrát.14. Nemáme si s kým povídat.15. Potřebuje někoho, o koho se může starat.16. Máš k tomu co říci?17. Má dnes v noci kde spát?18. Má o čem psát?19. Mají co pít?20. Máš čím psát ?


1. Petr nic neřekl.2. Minulý rok nikam nejeli.3. Marie o tom nic neví.4. Ona není nikde v budově.5. Nejezdíš nikam bez auta.6. Neznám nikoho, kdo mluví dánsky.7. Byl tak překvapený, že nemohl nic říci.8. Tuto knížku neprodávají nikde v Praze.9. Nemyslím, že někdo přijde.

10. Nemáme co dělat.11. Sandra nemá koho milovat.12. Nemají kam jít.13. Neměla co říci.14. Neměli kde sedět.15. Pán X. nikdy nikomu nepomáhá.16. Nikdy ničemu nerozumím.17. Nikdy nikomu o sobě nic neřekneš.18. On nikdy nikam nechodí.19. Nikdy nikomu nic nedávají.20. Nikdy si nepamatuješ nic, co říkám.21. On jí nikdy nikam nebere.22. Proč jí nikdy nikam nebere?23. Maminka nikdy nikomu neukazuje, že se zlobí.24. Proč maminka nikdy nikomu neukáže, že se zlobí?25. V televizi není nikdy nic dobrého .26. Proč není v televizi nikdy nic dobrého?27. Paula nikdy nikam nechodí bez něj.28. Proč Paula nikdy nikam nechodí bez něj?29. V tom domě nikdy není co jíst.30. Proč v tom domě nikdy není co jíst?31. Nikdy nemají koho pozvat.32. Proč nikdy nemají koho pozvat?33. V tomto městě nikdy nikde nemůžeme najít dobrou restauraci.34. Proč v tomto městě nikdy nikde nemůžeme najít dobrou restauraci?35. Ona jim nikdy nemá co dát.36. Proč jim nikdy nemá co dát?37. Nikdy nikoho nepotřebuje.38. Nikdy nikomu nic neřekne.39. “Tohle nikdy neříkej!”40. S tou zkouškou jsem neměl žádné problémy.