Solving Visual Merchandising

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Solving Visual Merchandising

Solving Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising is a major concern for high street stores,

who rely on their window displays to draw customers into

the shop and advertise any special products or deals that

they may have.

Visual Merchandising

• It is a great way to communicate the ethos or reputation of

a store very quickly, and a well thought out window display

can entice customers with a range of images, layouts and


Effective Reputation Management

It can also continue throughout a store, perhaps with a main

theme running throughout the interior to create a

streamlined appearance that encourages customers to move

through the displays

Store Wide Visuals

Point of sale stands can be a great way to create a unified

image within any store, and help to point customers'

attention to special offers or new products.

Unifying The Brand

Visual merchandising is such as important method of attracting

customers that it should be given a great deal of thought

before a design is created.

Customer Magnets

Many companies undertake market research in order to

determine what kind of Visual merchandising would be most

effective in their stores and window displays. It is then

necessary to find a company that can create bespoke visual

merchandising solutions to bring ideas to life!

Research Tricks

Banners can be very quick and easy to install, and can be hung

straight down from the ceiling or stretched across walls.

Banners with generic patterns, images or slogans (such as

'SALE' or 'NEW STOCK ADDED') can be stored away easily and

reused over and over again for practical and cost-effective

visual merchandising.

Visual Merchandising: Banners

These can be in the form of wallpaper, fabric or canvas prints,

and can dramatically change the look of a store from season

to season. Large portions of wall can be decorated with

logos or seasonal images, and as with banners these can be

easily interchanged to transform a store or window display.

Professional printing is a good way to make a large and

striking wall covering, and a good quality print can look

incredibly professional.

Visual Merchandising: Wall Graphics

These can be used to divide up space if you need to create

sections within your store, such as work areas for staff or

more private areas for discussions with clients and

customers. Screens or structures could feature a company

logo or slogan, or even specific information and images

relating to seasonal offers or products.

Visual Merchandising: Display

A generic image or slogan could be used permanently in store

or be used over and over again, giving a versatile

merchandising solution. Many printers and media companies

will be able to offer completely bespoke designs and

solutions for freestanding screens and structures - they can

look the most professional and effective when they are

merged into an existing scheme or store layout.

Visual Merchandising: Promotion

Discuss the particulars of any existing store fixtures, and work

out how to incorporate a screen around them effectively.

Bespoke Visual merchandising solutions look very

professional, and can be a great way to mark your store out

from the rest.

Visual Merchandising: Approach