Solution report for Planet Technology

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Transcript of Solution report for Planet Technology


Project planSupervisor: Ronald Bartels

Group: Niharika Neervani (Leader) 100042073 Mobile: 0470419413

Gelareh HosseinPour Niri 100100052

Batish Sama 100048262

Long Trieu 100010287

Kush Luthra 6627412

Suresh Kumari 4985559

ICT80003 – professional project – Solution document



Executive SummaryThis report introduces the comprehensive process of carrying out the project of “Developing a

prototype CRM using Microsoft Dynamics for Planet Technology Group”. The project starts

from identifying requirements, objectives and other constraints to formulate a descriptive

scope statement. Supplementally, a brief background research of Customer Relationship

Management system was carried out to bolster understanding before getting into the

configuration phase. Next, System Requirement Specification documents was elaborated based

on requirement elicitation conducted through an interview with the CEO before construction

corresponding models (e.g. Process flows and data flows diagram). Besides, some of the risks

emerged from the project have been identified so that a mitigation plan can be built. Finally, all

project deliverables are encapsulated and presented in the last section of this document,


Microsoft Dynamics CRM prototype configuration

Sample testing data

User manuals

Email marketing integration

Table of Contents

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Executive Summary....................................................................................................................... 2

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................3

1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................5

1.1. Background.........................................................................................................................5

1.2. Key personnel..................................................................................................................... 6

1.2.1. Planet Technology Group.............................................................................................6

1.2.2. Swinburne University...................................................................................................7

1.3. Objectives........................................................................................................................... 8

1.4. Scope.................................................................................................................................. 9

2. Microsoft Dynamics CRM.........................................................................................................11

2.1. Background to CRM..........................................................................................................11

2.2. Some dominant CRM vendors in the market....................................................................12

2.3. Why Microsoft Dynamics CRM..........................................................................................15

3. System Requirement Specification (SRS).................................................................................16

3.1. Functional requirements...................................................................................................16

3.2. Non-functional requirements...........................................................................................20

4. Requirements modelling..........................................................................................................22

4.1. Process flow diagram........................................................................................................22

4.2. Data flow diagram.............................................................................................................24

4.3. Entity relationship diagram...............................................................................................25

5. Project management............................................................................................................... 26

5.1. Project time management................................................................................................26

5.2. Project risk management..................................................................................................27

6. Project deliverables................................................................................................................. 29

6.1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM prototype configuration...........................................................29

6.1.1. Primary entities..........................................................................................................29

6.1.2. Sales entities..............................................................................................................29

6.1.3. Marketing entities......................................................................................................30

6.1.4. Supporting entities.....................................................................................................30

6.1.5. Business processes.....................................................................................................30

6.2. Sample testing data.......................................................................................................... 31

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6.3. User manuals.................................................................................................................... 32

6.4. Email marketing integration..............................................................................................32

7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 32

References................................................................................................................................... 33

1. IntroductionThis document provides a descriptive overview of the project carried out in Planet Technology

Group (Planet Tel) to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to

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automate business processes while aligning with the long-term strategy. This document aims at

different levels of management within Planet Tel such as C-level executives (e.g. CTO), IT

manager, Marketing manager and Sales manager.

This document will assist the development of the project by the following means:

Establish an agreed-upon scope statement to support scoping the project and prevent

potential scope creep.

Specify the critical success factors and acceptance criteria of the system so the team will

have a good vision over what is expected of them as well as what the management

should do to facilitate the project.

Provide an accurate estimation of the time and budget (in terms of hour) needed to

complete the project in order for the team to keep good track of the project progress.

Specify in detail the deliverables of each milestone along with activities and resources

required for producing the deliverables.

Identify and assess the risks inherent in the project then suggest mitigation strategy and

contingency plan.

1.1. BackgroundPlanet Technology Group (Planet Tel) was founded in 2009 and it quickly grew into one of the

fastest growing telecommunication service provider in Australia. The company is specialised in

providing whole-of-business solutions such as voice, broadband and cloud services. The

business philosophy of Planet Tel is understanding the challenges and objectives of clients in

order to deliver high-performance IT solutions and reliable customer service. Customers of

Planet Tel are big corporates which vary from hotels and resorts to airlines, such as Starwood,

Malaysia Airlines and China Airlines.

The current business processes in Planet Tel are complex, inefficient and ineffective, which put

a heavy burden on the operation of the firm. Particularly, almost all the business processes are

carried out on a manual basis (i.e. Excel based) while the sales and marketing staff spend most

of their time fixing documents, consolidating data and handle the customer interaction

manually. Customers of Planet Tel are mostly corporate and wholesale customers, therefore it

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is even more critical to maintain the customer relationship and ensure their satisfaction. The

current outdated business processes are not capable of maintaining the progressively bigger

volume of customers due to the lack of computerised communication and report.

Consequently, there is an increasing need for a system in place that is capable of automating

the sales, marketing and support processes, internal and external communication, report

handing, documentation of current processes as well as accounting and billing. In this regard,

Planet Tel will be able to enhance the experience of customer in the sense that more means of

communication (e.g. social media, live chat, SMS and fax) will help increase the effectiveness of

customer interaction. Marketing activities can be carried out collaboratively through various

channels while campaign customisation is achievable through data mining and machine

learning (CRM Objectives 2005). Overall, the CRM system will help eliminate redundancies and

work duplications amongst departments (especially Sales between Marketing), which ultimately

will increase the customer satisfaction towards Planet Tel’s services.

1.2. Key personnel1.2.1. Planet Technology Group

The key stakeholders of this project include:

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Technology Officer

Sales team

Marketing team

IT department

1.2.2. Swinburne University

Name Role Contact Responsibilities

Ronald Bartels


Supervise the project Mentor the project team Monitor the weekly progress Give feedback on weekly

progress Counsel the project team liaise with clients where


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Niharika Neervani

Team leader

Group responsibility: Convene and chair meetings Allocate tasks and

responsibilities Monitor the project schedule Consolidate the submissions Communicate with clients

Project responsibility: Business process analysis and

modellingGelareh HosseinPour


Group responsibility: Maintain a repository for

project documentation Document meeting minutes

Project responsibility: Business process analysis and

modellingLong Trieu Member 100010287@studen responsibility: Carry out tasks assigned by

team leader Proof-read and finalise report

Project responsibility: Business process analysis and

modellingBatish Sama Member 100048262@studen responsibility: Carry out tasks assigned by

team leaderProject responsibility: Microsoft Dynamics CRM

configurationKush Luthra Member 6627412@student.s responsibility: Carry out tasks assigned by

team leaderProject responsibility: Microsoft Dynamics CRM

configurationSureh Kumari Member 4985559@student.s responsibility: Carry out tasks assigned by

team leaderProject responsibility: Microsoft Dynamics CRM


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1.3. ObjectivesCustomer experience enhancement

The implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM system will facilitate the interaction with

customers via various new channels such as social media monitoring, real-time chat, Outlook

integration and fax. The improved interaction with customer will enhance the ability to respond

to their need in a timely manner, which in turn will boost customer satisfaction towards Planet

Tel’s service.

Multiple-channel marketing

Marketing team is able to carry out advertising and other promotions on a collaborative

manner through a diverse range of channels. Furthermore, the campaign customisation is

achievable thanks to integrated data mining feature, which provides actionable insights into the

tedious data.

Elimination of inefficiencies and work duplications

The advent of the new CRM system will significantly reduce the work duplication and

inefficiencies between employees thanks to the centralised and synchronised storage of

customer data. Additionally, the current sales and marketing data is stored within

spreadsheets, which might have multiple versions of the truth. Subsequently, this will affect the

decision making process, which depends on the quality and integrity of data.

1.4. ScopeProject Title: Planet Tel CRM implementationDate: August 30 2016Prepared by: Long Trieu, Project Team Member, Summary and Justification: Peter Mahon-Daly, CTO of Planet Technology Group requested this project to assist Planet Technology Group in meeting its strategic goals. The integrated Customer Relationship Management System based on Microsoft Dynamics will facilitate the firm’s business processes, and ultimately lead to more efficient working effort, more productive staff members and more satisfied customers. Furthermore, it will also increase profitability by reducing internal operation costs thanks to the synchronisation of the IT infrastructure and the ease of access to information across all

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departments. The budget for this project is projected as 12.5 hours * 6 members * 10 weeks = 750 hours.Product Characteristics and Requirements:

Account management: Maintain customer information in account records (i.e. information of companies Planet Tel is dealing with). For instance, contact information, company information, category, type of relationship, and address information is included in an account.

Contact management: Information about the people whom Planet Tel staff interacts with, is stored in the contact records. A single account can encompass multiple contacts. Contacts include anyone Planet Tel staff works with at the company, people in charge of paying invoices, people responsible for making purchasing decisions, or support technicians.

Sales management: Leads and Opportunities are the key features of sales management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Qualify, develop, propose and close are the four stages for a new lead. Products and quotes can be added as part of detailed proposal.

Marketing management: Email marketing, quick campaign, marketing campaign (i.e. manage email subscription, compose and send offers).

Case management: Handle customer’s enquiries and feedback.Summary of Project Deliverables: Customer Relationship Management systems configured and customised through Microsoft DynamicsProject management-related deliverables: Project Plan, System Requirements Specification, Process Flow Model, Data Flow Diagram, Use Case Diagram and Description.Product-related deliverables: Account Management Module, Contact Management Module, Sales Management Module and Marketing Management ModuleProject Success Criteria:

The CRM system must be intuitive and user-friendly so that the employees will be able to handle their tasks effectively through appropriate training.

Planet Tel employees should be able to intuitively perform the business processes using the new interface, and the business processes must be aligned with the business strategy.

Data stored by the new system should be seamlessly available to all relevant user groups (e.g. customer contact data should be available to sales, marketing and account while sales data should be available to executive management for decision making purpose).

The interface shall be completed within ten weeks (i.e. equivalent to 750 hours).Out of scope:Wholesale sales management and the rest of marketing functions are beyond the scope of

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this project due to time constraints.

2. Microsoft Dynamics CRM2.1. Background to CRMIn an increasingly competitive market, organisations are striving to increase profitability, reduce

cost and retain customers. Customer retainment is a contemporary issue that every

organisation is concerned about since customers tend to be increasingly rigorous in making

purchase. Customer relationship management (CRM) emerges as set of practices, strategies

and technologies that organisation adopt to manage customer interaction through the life cycle

so as to improve the relationship with customers, increase customer retention and improve

sales. The collection of customers’ data across all channels (e.g. website, phone, email and

social network) of an organisation is done via CRM systems, which in turn use the collected data

to support customer-facing staff in their daily tasks (Rouse 2014). Typically, a CRM solution

provides three main features:

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Data consolidation: customer data from various sources is stored in a centralised

database, which is available to all business users.

Customer interaction record: customers’ call, email, feedback or inquiries are archived

the system and can be accessed by relevant business users

Automation of business processes: such as qualify a lead; transform an opportunity

into an account.

Four biggest vendors that are currently dominating the market are SAP, Microsoft, Oracle and

Salesforce. They are offering CRM solutions to all kinds of organisations from big corporate to

SMEs. The following table summarise three main types of CRM solution offered by most


Solution type Description

On-premise solution

On-premise CRM give the responsibility of managing the software, maintaining the database and ensuring the security to the company itself. Particularly, organisations have to purchase the license upfront and the CRM software will locate at the server of the organisation. This type of solution is suitable for huge corporations with complex CRM needs since it has to be configured specifically to suit the business requirements and to work with the legacy systems.

Cloud-based solution Some SMEs seek cloud-based CRM (i.e. CRM on-demand) as a cheaper alternative to the fixed solution. This type of software is hosted on an external server whereby employees can access at any time via a web browser. This type of CRM is suitable for small enterprises that have relatively simple need for CRM software as well as cannot afford a great deal for license since they can purchase the software through monthly subscription. However, the biggest concern about this type of CRM is the loss of control over data, which

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is the most precious resource of an organisation since data is stored externally.

Open source solution

The source code of this type of CRM is made available to public, thus any organisation with some expertise in IT can configure it to suit their specific needs at little or no cost. SugarCRM is one of the most popular open source solutions.

2.2. Some dominant CRM vendors in the marketOracle CRM On Demand

Oracle’s CRM solution offers organisations with extensive capabilities of driving sales,

marketing, service effectiveness and loyalty. It also delivers cross-channel experience to

customer, in combination with Oracle’s Commerce solutions. Essentially, organisations of all

sizes and types can use Oracle CRM On Demand to:

Get smarter

Get more productive

Get the best value

According to Oracle (2016), its CRM solution provides organisations with an extensive set of

tools that optimises the entire sales process as well as increases productivity and sale results.

Besides, it also delivers crucial information to those who involve in the process including travel

salesforce, in-house sales, partners and management. Oracle CRM On Demand is embedded

with real-time reporting along with effective historical analytics that provides management with

actionable insights to the current business in order to make better solutions. Sales and

prospects information can be quickly accessed through Outlook, web browser or on mobile


Moreover, the marketing feature of Oracle CRM On Demand offers organisations a complete

set of capabilities to automate the marketing process, which includes designing inbound and

outbound campaigns, lead management and nurturing, and measuring marketing return on

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invest. More importantly, Oracle CRM On Demand marketing can be fully integrated with CRM,

which presents various utility such as built-in email and web marketing, easy-to-use

automation, and built-in analytics.

(Oracle CRM on demand 2016)


SAP CRM delivers personalised and seamless customer experiences through SAP Hybris

solutions powered by SAP HANA. In-memory and big data technologies are used to drive digital

transformation as well as to smoothly integrate sales, marketing, commerce, and customer


Particularly, SAP Hybris Cloud For Sales gives organisations easy access to real-time analytics,

social selling tools and customer information at any time. Using SAP Hybris Cloud For Sales,

organisations can take advantage of the cutting-edge capabilities such as Account Management

Intelligence, Mobility, Opportunity Management and Insights, Real-Time Analytics, Predictive

Analytics for Next Generation Customer Engagement, Email and Notes Integration, Sales

Performance Management, Cloud-based Platform in order excel in the market and gain

competitive advantage over their rivals.

On the other hand, SAP Hybris Marketing enable organisations to deliver individualised one-to-

one marketing to mass audience. It helps to obtain not only customer history, but also the

current tendency as well as motivation. With advanced analytics, organisations can discover

customer’s hidden trends and opportunities so as to remarket and target specific audiences in

their campaigns thanks to the understanding their online behaviour. With the aid of SAP Hybris

Marketing, organisations can monitor the performance of all marketing activities in order to

optimally plan resources and drive customer advocacy.

(Explore the SAP portfolio 2016)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a versatile and integrated customer relationship management

solution that offers a full set of capabilities in conjunction with integration Office 365, Power BI,

Yammer, Skype, Lync, and many other social conferencing systems that employees, business

partners, and customers already used.

In particular, the Sales functions provides a comprehensive and intuitive solution that allows

salespeople to be more productive and deliver excellent customer experience. Thanks to the

essential insights and guidance, salespeople can work more efficiently by collaborating with

colleagues or build a trusted relationship with customers through personalised engagements.

Some of the sales functions offered by Microsoft Dynamics CRM include opportunity

management, social selling, planning and management, content collaboration, mobiles sales

and sales intelligence.

On the other hand, the Marketing function is an integrated solution for marketing operation,

planning and execution across all channels—email, SMS, digital, social, and traditional. It

enables organisations to plan, execute and measure campaigns from start to finish in order to

bring organisation’s marketing vision to life. Organisations can engage with customers more

intimately across channels, build sales pipeline, and demonstrate the impact of marketing

investments made in real time. Marketing resource management, multichannel campaigns, lead

management and scoring, sales and marketing collaboration, social marketing, and marketing

intelligence are among the core capabilities of marketing.

Among all of the above CRM solutions, this paper’s main focus will be on Microsoft Dynamics

CRM because the main project of this research component is the configuration of a CRM


This paper will mainly focus on Microsoft Dynamics CRM because it is a relatively affordable

solution for all types of business, especially SMEs. However, being less expensive than its

counterparts does not necessarily mean it is not powerful. In fact, Microsoft Dynamics CRM is

better than rest thanks to the seamless integration with other Microsoft applications, which

have already been used by most organisations.

(Microsoft Dynamics 2016)

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2.3. Why Microsoft Dynamics CRMThe reason for Planet Tel to choose Microsoft Dynamics CRM is that it is a gold partner of

Microsoft and the firm is currently owning a 2015 licensed environment. Furthermore,

Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides organisations with powerful capabilities, and its distinctive

features bridge all the common business challenges and technologies pitfalls an affordable

price. Finally, the flexible architecture of Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows for an easy

customisation so that Planet Tel can tailor the system towards their specific business needs.

3. System Requirement Specification (SRS)3.1. Functional requirementsAccount Management

Customer’s contact is stored in spreadsheets, which means that it is difficult to maintain and

lacks uniformity. Planet Tel can utilise the account management feature of Microsoft Dynamics

CRM, which is one of the key concepts of business-to-business customer relationship

management. The account entity is essential in identifying and managing customers, selling

products as well as providing outstanding services to them. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM,

account represents a company or individual that the business unit has a relationship with.

Contact information, company information, category, type of relationship, and address

information is included in an account.

Contact Management

Planet Tel is using spreadsheets and directories for contacting and tracking their customers,

which is widening the gap between the business and customers. Therefore, Planet Tel wants to

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integrate the Contact Management feature of Microsoft Dynamics CRM into their business for

better management of stakeholders’ contacts.

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, a contact represents an individual whom a business unit has a

relationship with. It could be a customer, a supplier, or a colleague. A contact can be a stand-

alone entity. Professional, personal, family information, and multiple addresses are included in

this entity.

Sales Management

Planet Tel is generating and managing leads through business cards, phone directory, and

personal contacts. The sales process handles a new sale by first qualifying the customer, then

developing an opportunity. A sales representative sends an offer to the prospective customer,

and waits for the offer to be accepted and an order. The sales representative may need to

follow up on the offer before it is accepted. Once the customer places an order by signing a

contract, the deal is closed. Details of the sale are lodged in the Planet Tel’s provisioning system

which is used to delivered the ordered services and initiate billing. A scanned copy of the order

is retained in the provisioning system for future reference.

This process has a number of shortcomings. Firstly, sales management have only limited

visibility of the sales pipeline which makes it difficult to forecast sales numbers. (Managers use

the value of current offers to estimate the value of future sales.) Secondly, it is easy for

individual prospective customers to be overlooked which means that offers (and follow ups)

can be late or missed altogether. Finally, the process is inefficient and relies on the memory and

organisational abilities of each sales representative.

Planet Tel can take advantage of the sales management feature provided by Microsoft

Dynamics CRM–a complete and intuitive solution. This feature helps salespeople be more

productive and focus on delivering amazing customer experience.

A lead is an entity identified as someone interested in the products and services offered by the

company. This information is provided by the salesperson by phone and through email

communication, which is available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Open, Qualified and Disqualified

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are the possible states of a lead. Once a lead is qualified it may be converted to an account, a

contact or an opportunity. Contact and account information, customer requests, activities,

notes and attachments are the items associated with a lead.

The potential sale to new customer is represented by the opportunity entity. It can help Planet

Technology to forecast future business demands and sales revenues. Salespeople can use

opportunities to keep track of the sales engagements. Estimated revenue, estimated close date,

rating of the opportunity, at what stage the opportunity is, potential customer’s name and

salesperson’s name can be tracked. Activities related to the potential sale, such as telephone

calls, email messages and tasks can also be monitored.

Marketing Management

Planet Tel is currently not able to integrate the resources of marketing operations such as

planning, executions and analytics across the channels. The firm is stepping forward to

integrate emails into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a marketing solution that allows them to track

the messages sent, as a part of their marketing effort.

In Dynamics CRM, emails sent can be tracked as a part of marketing activities, which is used for

various analytical purposes later. Email messages can be sent to a vast number of recipients.

The subscription-centre links, sender information, landing page links features can be included in

the marketing emails. The marketing list is required for addressing marketing emails. The sent

emails are then transferred to the bulk of Dynamics Marketing messaging server, that evaluates

the content of sent emails, manages sent emails and track results.

Quick campaign

Planet Tel is currently using Biz Mail chimp for their marketing purposes and to be able to

capture more market in by advertise their products using multiple channels. The firm is

stepping forward to use quick campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a one aspect of their

marketing solution that allows them reach out to customers more efficiently. In Dynamics CRM,

quick campaigns can be created and distributed to multiple audience or can cater a specific

client as well. It will allow Planet Tel to communicate or to market their products via multiple

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communication channels for example, phone, email, fax, letter etc. The campaign can be

initiated by the owner of the campaign. The owner can be assigned while creating the quick

campaign and the activity can also be set as automatically performed such as sending email

messages. For example, if you are creating a phone call activity for all the sales representatives,

you can select the phone call activity, and then select The owners of the records that are

included in the quick campaign. Each sales representative can then see the activity and take

action on it. However, if you are creating a large number of email activities that CRM will

perform automatically, you can assign the email activity to yourself instead of the record


Marketing campaign

Marketing Campaign in Microsoft Dynamics has been designed for planning, tracking and

analysing the campaign with using multiple ways and features in dynamics which includes:

Campaign Management, Campaign Automation and Behavioural Analysis.

In Campaign management it is possible to plan analyse and track the marketing

campaign and make sure whether the campaign is following the organisational goals or


Campaign Automation gives the user a chance to create rules based on flowchart tools

in order to automating the campaign.

Behavioural Analysis helps dynamics user to be engaged to the campaign, events, offers

and emails. People could track and analyse how many of the emails have received and

how many of them have been opened or deleted by the people.

There are many options in the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Campaign which could be used

and applied for the marketing purpose. Proving Marketing List facilitate reaching to specific

group of audience with collecting them into the groups. Moreover, Campaign Performance

enable Dynamics users to compare and analyse different campaigns and their performance


Email Marketing is one of the most popular marketing approaches in the organisations which

gives the opportunity connecting to large number of people. With using Marketing Campaign

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could manage the email marketing very wisely. It is possible to target the audiences with

grouping them into the different teams, designing email templates and send it to them. All the

emails are easily trackable by the Dynamics CRM.

Case management

Cases in Microsoft Dynamics CRM keep track of requests and issues of Planet Technology

customers. It is designed to track the process from the initial intake of an incident, tracking the

details throughout the remediation process, and through final resolution.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM cases are most commonly used in help desk scenarios, in which a

customer has an issue with a product or service; the activities to resolve the issue need to be

tracked in an organised manner from when the issue was first reported to a resolution of the

issue. The case entity provides a standard interface and has the fields most commonly used to

track incidents. However, it can also be customised to fit Planet Technology business processes.

When a customer contacts needs, support with a request, a question or a problem, you can

quickly check if there is an existing case or open a new case and start tracking the issue. You can

also escalate, reassign cases to CRM users or teams. For more powerful automation and

collaboration, cases can also be added to queues if you don’t have enough information or time

to work on it. Utilizing queues can result in more efficient case distribution and resolution.

Before providing support to customers, you can also check the customer’s entitlements.

Entitlements are just like contracts that tell you what kind of support a customer is eligible for.

You can see if the support terms are based on the number of hours or cases, support channel,

or based on the product or service that the customer has purchased.

3.2. Non-functional requirementsSecurity

Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses a security model to protect the data integrity and privacy in


It provides a multi-tiered licensing model for users.

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It allows admin to grant users access that allows only the levels of information required

to do their jobs.

Categorise users and teams by security role and restrict access based on those roles.

Microsoft provides customers with flexible management tools that help protect sensitive data

and support compliance with government privacy and security guidelines in order to protect

the data stored on the cloud.


It specifies the ability of system’s expansion by adding resources like CPU, memory, servers etc.

Vertical scalability could be achieved by adding an additional CPU or memory storage which

would allow Planet Tel to support more users and multiple transactions. On the other hand,

horizontal scalability could be achieved by installing an additional server which can lower the

response time.


Microsoft recommends using the latest version and service pack for all required components,

such as Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer and

Microsoft Exchange Server. In some cases, there might be a delay between the availability of a

component update and support for the update in CRM applications. However, you should

always apply the latest update for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to fully support the latest version

of a required component. Compatibility information can be found on:


Integrating data or migrating data between applications can be performed on a Dynamics CRM

using only the supported methods. Modification of data of any sorts ex: insert, delete etc.

directly in the database is not supported due to the architectural structure. Supported methods


Use do CRM web service

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Use of SQL statement queries. (only available with CRM online)


Microsoft Dynamics creates at least two CRM specific databases on SQL Server. A default

master and msdb SQL server database for database services and the default report server SQL

Server databases for Reporting Services. The frequency of backups could be set by the


4. Requirements modelling4.1. Process flow diagramProcess flow diagram shows the step-by-step process of handling a sale from contacting

customer to creating a service order with the provision team.

Sale process

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Offer proposal

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4.2. Data flow diagramData flow diagram (DFD) is used to graphically present the flow of data through the Planet Tel

system in order to aid in the modelling of its process aspects.

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4.3. Entity relationship diagram

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5. Project management5.1. Project time managementThe total time taken for this project is 60 days. The following Gantt chart demonstrates the resources and time taken for completing the project.

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Figure 5.1 – Project Gantt chart

Figure 5.2 – Project Gantt chart (cont.)

5.2. Project risk managementThe below table summarises the risks and respective mitigation strategies are explained in the following part

Rank Name /Description





H Scope creep/ scope creep risk would occur if H H M01

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the scope of the project is not defined and documented properly, as well as not signed off from the client.


Inappropriate managerial and technical skills/If planet technology employees are incompetent or do not have skills to perform the tasks, then this risk would occur.

H H M02


Team Risk/If the team is not communicating the ideas properly, and if there is an inadequate coordination among the team members, then it might raise to team risk.

H H M03


Technology Risk/This risk would occur if the platform chosen (Microsoft Dynamics CRM) is not appropriate to the organisation, if the features configured by this project does not solve the problem of Planet Technology. It could also occur if the feature configured becomes obsolete in the future.

H H M04


Benefits Realisation Risk/This risk would occur if the organisation did not consider the realistic benefits they achieve from the project.

M M M05

MBusiness Risk/This risk would occur if the project fails. M M M06

MSchedule Risk/This risk will occur if there is delay in the project timeline as agreed. M M M07

M01: In order to mitigate this risk, the team should ensure to write an accurate project scope

statement and fully approved by the Planet Technology stakeholders. Additionally, the

requirements of the project should also be documented properly and signed off from the client.

M02: This risk could be mitigated by Planet Technology by having right people for using the

Microsoft Dynamics CRM project. These people should have the right skills to understand the

user manual guides provided while using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment.

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M03: Through proper coordination amongst the team members, and ensuring that everyone

shares ideas during the team meetings will reduce this risk, and provide the quality product.

M04: To mitigate this risk, organisation should clearly understand the scope and the

requirements of the project before signing off in order to make sure the business strategy is

aligned with the scope of the project. In order to ensure whether the features are solving the

organisation problem, pilot testing should be done.

M05: In order to mitigate this risk Planet Technology should take input from various

stakeholders about the benefits to the organisation from configuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM


M06: In order to mitigate this risk, Planet Technology should have a comprehensive and

thorough business plan.

M07: This risk can be mitigated by proper scheduling of the project activities. By distributing

tasks among team members and ensuring they are sticking to the deadlines as promised.

6. Project deliverables6.1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM prototype configurationUp to now, the project team has successfully configured the following entities and business

process in accordance with the business rules and processes of Planet Tel. Details about those

entities and business processes can be found in the User Manuals.

6.1.1. Primary entitiesLeads

Leads are for potential sales which Planet Tel generates from numerous sources. It could be

bought from mailing lists, typed in manually from business cards as well as generated from

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marketing campaign or inquiries from website. Lead is a temporary entity, and as the sales

process progresses, a lead is converted into an Account, Contact, or Opportunity.

Accounts and Contacts

Account entity stores the data of companies whom Planet Tel is doing business with while data

about specific people will be stored in Contact entity.


Activity is an entity used to track all types of customer interactions and communication by

Planet Tel sales and marketing team. Employees can take notes, send email, make phone calls

and set up appointments. Those activities need to be record for follow-up and tracking so that

the flow of process will be smoother.

6.1.2. Sales entitiesOpportunities

Opportunity is the core record in the sales process, and represents a potential sale for a specific

customer. If all progress smoothly, after Planet Tel nurtures a lead until the right time, sales

team will be able to promote it to an opportunity, which is another name for a deal they getting

ready to close.

6.1.3. Marketing entitiesCampaigns

Campaign stores data about conducting serial marketing activities such as sending emails to a

mailing list or setting up a Facebook marketing for a newly-launched service.

Quick campaigns

A quick campaign is a single activity which is distributed to Leads, Contact or Account. These

activities can be assigned to customers, individual or to teams.

6.1.4. Supporting entitiesCases

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Cases (i.e. tickets or incidents) are issues or questions of clients that stem from phone calls,

email or inquiries on website. Cases have all the information a customer service representative

needs to know when resolving a case such as priority, origin and how much service the client is

entitled to.

6.1.5. Business processesThree business processes has been successfully mapped into Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Lead to Opportunity Sales Process

As the name suggests, this process is owned by the sales people and is used to convert a lead

into opportunity after completing qualifying it. The process consists of three stages:

1. Qualify lead: identify decision maker

2. Develop quote: gather customer requirements, quote a solution and get the current bill

3. Propose quote: develop proposal and present proposal

At the end of this process, the lead will be closed as either “qualified” or “disqualified”

Opportunities sales process

This process is also a primary sales process, which aims at handling an opportunity, which could

be win or lose. The process consists of four stages:

1. Qualify: identify contact, identify account, estimate budget and capture summary

2. Develop: identify customer need, propose solution, identify stakeholders and identify


3. Propose: identify sales team, develop proposal, conduct internal review and present


4. Close: complete proposal, present proposal, confirm decision date, send thank-out

letter and file de-brief.

At the end of this process, the opportunity will be closed as either “win” or “lose”, but it can

still be opened again if needed in the future.

Case resolving process

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This process is used to handle a case, which contains three steps

1. Identify: find customer, find contact and find case

2. Research: find similar case, assign to others

3. Resolve: resolve case

At the end of this process, the case will be closed as resolved, but it can be reopened again

should customer has further queries.

6.2. Sample testing dataA sample data set has been created to support testing and training purposes. The data set was

created in accordance with the Planet Tel business where all the instances of leads,

opportunities and cases are named after empirical business problems. The data set is also

diverse in variety in order to show all aspects of the business.

6.3. User manualsA complete user manuals set has been created for management review so that Planet Tel can

consider to start using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. User manuals include a thorough instruction

of how to qualify a leads, transfer an opportunity, handle a case, or create a quick marketing


6.4. Email marketing integrationSimilarly, a complete set of user manuals has been created for email marketing which includes

an extensive guidance on how to install outlook client, configure outlook integration, work on

email template and mail mergers.

7. ConclusionThe project concluded with the delivery of a user-friendly prototype of Microsoft Dynamics that

Planet Tel can start experiencing on in conjunction with the sample data set and user manuals.

However, further work needs to be done in order to fully integrate and configure the prototype

towards the exact needs of Planet Tel because this is only the first prototype. Finally, Planet Tel

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needs to make it an iterative process of reviewing the business rules and configuring the

interface before it can effectively replace the current pen-and-paper system.

ReferencesMicrosoft Dynamics 2016, Microsoft, viewed 30 September 2016,


Oracle CRM on demand 2016, Oracle, viewed 30 September 2016,


Explore the SAP portfolio 2016, SAP, viewed 30 September 2016,


Boguhn, B 2011, CRM Security Concerns, Compare Business Products, viewed 30 September

2016, <>.

Nineteen business benefits of CRM 2016, Preact CRM, viewed 30 September 2016,


Nisula, A 2008, Final thesis report - Adding value to the customer through customer relationship

management, Tampereen University of Applied Sciences, Tampere.

Ruston, P 2012, ‘AX Success: Managing a Successful Microsoft Dynamics AX Implementation’,

Ruston Group, viewed 16th Sep 2016, <


ICT80003 – professional project – Solution document