SolarWall Case Study - Cicame Energy Inc (solar air heating system)

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of SolarWall Case Study - Cicame Energy Inc (solar air heating system)

7/30/2019 SolarWall Case Study - Cicame Energy Inc (solar air heating system) 1/1

SolarWall® systems are patent protected. SolarWall® is a registered trademark of Conserval Engineering, Inc.

EuropeSolarWall Europe Sarl.66 Avenue des Champs Elysees75008 Paris, FranceE: 

U.S.A.Conserval Systems Inc.4242 Ridge Lea Rd, Suite 28, Buffalo NY 14226P: 716-835-4903 F: 716-835-4904E: 

CanadaConserval Engineering Inc.200 Wildcat Road, Toronto, ON M3J 2N5P: 416-661-7057 F: 416-661-7146E: 

Cicame Énergie Inc.



Cicame Énergie Inc. is a major supplier of connectors andaccessories for power transmission lines. This industrialcompany was founded around 50 years ago, and oper-ates in 17 countries and employs over 2000 people world-wide. In 2012, Cicame Énergie examined ways to reducetheir high heating costs at a new 100,000ft2 facility inSaint-Hubert. The SolarWall ®  system was chosen be-cause it offered multiple benefits from a single energysystem; including lower heating costs and a tremendousimprovement in air quality.


The 4,850 ft2 (450 m2) black SolarWall ®  system wasinstalled on the south-west wall and sized to preheat30,000 CFM of air. The system will operate 24 hours aday, 7 days a week delivering a minimum of 5% of thefresh air requirements. On a sunny day the system will bedelivering up to 100% of the daytime fresh air require-ments.

Inside the building a network of SolarWall ®  fabric ductsdistribute the solar heated air throughout the facility.


The SolarWall ®  system is projected to displace over35,000 m3 of natural gas a year, and offset over 74 tons ofCO2 emissions annually. In addition to savings directlyrelated to solar heating, the system will also solve a majorsource of energy loss in the building; air stratification. Thecombination of a 26ft high building with negative pressurecaused an over 10°C difference between the floor and theceiling (air stratification). The SolarWall system will signifi-

cantly reduce their heating bills by lowering this stratifica-tion to roughly 1°C. Finally, this ventilation enhancementimmediately and significantly improved the air quality inthe factory, making the working environment healthier andmore comfortable for employees. The Cicame ÉnergieSolarWall ®  system qualified for a capital incentive fromGazMetro, the local natural gas utility.

Improving indoor air quality: SolarWall ® system at Cicame Énergie Inc. in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada 

Left, The view from inside the Cicame Énergie building: Solar Wall  ® fabric ducting distributes the solar heated air, improving 

indoor air quality and remedying stratified ceiling heat 

“With the SolarWall® system, we project to annually displace over 35,000 m 3 of natural gas, offset over 74 

tons of CO 2 emissions and thus significantly save on our heating bills. In addition to the benefits directly related to solar heating, a ventilation enhancement has immediatelyand significantly improved air quality in the factory provid- 

ing our employees a healthier working environment.” -Cicame Énergie Inc.