Solar Motors

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Solar Motors

Victor Tsilides

My idea was to make a environmentally friendly car that is going to be sun-powered.

What makes it unique it is that: It doesn’t pollute the environment You don’t have to refill it at the gas station every time so

you save money It doesn’t make any noise Long lasting batteries so it will rarely run out of power

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My customers will be adults that have a driving license and it will be available all around the world. It is best that the buyers live in a country that doesn’t rain and snow most of the times

It will be sold online or at the car shop that will be in the centre of the city. The product will be advertised online, with posters and on TV

I decided to name my business ‘SolarMotors’.I think its pretty unique, easy to pronounce and also easy to memorize.

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For the startup costs I will need €800.000.000The things that I will need to get started are: A factory Solar panels,motors,tires,car parts etc. A car shop Money to pay the advertises on TV, online and the


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Cost per producttotal expenses /# of products that can be made€300 000/30 = €10 000 per product


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Sale Price of Item €25 000

Cost per Item - €10 000

Profit €15 000