Solar Energy -Why to invest in solar power project

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Solar Energy -Why to invest in solar power project


Why to invest in solar power project?


Most readily available source of energy.

Lessens Green house effect.

Gaining Trend across the world.

Happy returns : 15% ROI.

Benefits Of PV solar over other Renewtech

Very low running costs ,which no other technology offers.

Much Predictable in comparison with wind , hydro and biomass.

Energy payback 2-5 years.

Modular ,scalable as against wind and biomass


Silent Power generation ,Eco friendly.

Can be used in Isolated Deserts .

Life span of Pv is 20-30 years.

Unlike Biomass Solar energy generates no byproduct or wastage.

No fuel required except Natural Sunlight.

Load proximity ensures extremly low loses.

Utilizes unused rooftop space even for larger installations.

Why to Invest In solar

As a Whole United states has a terrific Solar resources.

New Mexico and Arizona are red hot with solar potential, and California, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Colorado are also highly favorable for PV development.

Boosting investment through Sunshot Grand challange Summit and Solar America Initiative.

Tremendous Growth in US solar industry is paving way for more cleaner energy future.


Federal , state and Local government offers incredible financial incentives to encourage investment in US solar Industry.

A 30% investment tax credit (ITC) on solar system cost by federal government.

PV solar is maintenace free with less manpower requirement.

Low gestation period: Multi MV projects can be installed in months.


An ideal option for companies to avail 80% accelerated depreciation for tax saving.

An affordable alternative for lowering the cost of production .

An estimated ROI of 15%.


Mike S Robinsson ( CEO&President )

Website :

Address: 7040 Hawaii Kai Drive Suite 26183 Honolulu HI. 96825

Phone No: 808-343-5402

Fax: 877-866-1906

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