Software Engineering course project presentation: Snakes & Ladders by aQua.

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Software Engineering course project presentation: Snakes & Ladders by aQua.



Development Process Software Requirements Specification (SRS). Software Development Plan (SDP) & Wireframe. Agile Methodology:• Scrum Backlog & Reports.• Team-of-4: 1 Product Owner, 2 Devs, 1 Scrum Master.• Bi-Weekly Meetings /w Client.• Three Iterations.


Development Process Iterations:

I. Implementation of Data Model & MVC foundation.II. Full implementation of Business Logic & Unit Testing.III. Full implementation of Gameplay & User Interface.


Technology Used Programming Languages: Java 8. Other Languages: CSS, FXML. IDE: Eclipse Neon.2 /w e(fx)clipse 2.4.0 Version Control: Subversion (SVN) via Subversive. UI Platform: JavaFX 8 /w Gluon SceneBuilder 8.3.0 Unit Testing: Junit 5. Photo Editing: Autodesk Pixlr Editor Web app


Technology Used Audio Editing: FL Studio 12. Communication: Whatsapp, Skype, Teamviewer. Backup & Storage: Google Drive. Productivity & Collaboration: Trello. Wireframing: Balsamiq Mockups 3. Documentation: MS Word, MS Excel.


Design Patterns Used Main Architecture: Model-View-Controller (MVC). Creational Patterns:

Singletons, singletons everywhere! Factory. (@branch) Builder. (@board hides random generation algorithm) Fluent Interface.


Design Patterns Used Structural Patterns:

Adapter. (@questionWrapper) Behavioral Patterns:

“Strategy”. (@controllerLogic / viewLogic) “Iterator”. (@circularArrayList)


Challenges Overcome Tight Schedule = NO SLEEP. Getting Used To Trello & Not Conflicting. Issues With Executable Jar & Resources. Having To Pivot Days Before a Deadline. Task Hand Outs According To Members’ Strengths. Rethink Stuff Based On 3rd Party Needs. Lack of Free Graphical Assets or UX Background.


Lessons Learned Back everything up! Check deployment all the time! More documentation = Less headaches. Focus on the task at hand, even if it’s not as fun.. Unit Testing is actually not that scary. Stay positive, and motivate the others. Dare. Don’t be a sheep.


The Team

Product Owner Developer Developer Scrum MasterIgal Klebanov Tom Menaker Roman Shikhry Liza Sorokina

