Soft Skills - Gaining Power

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Soft Skills - Gaining Power

Soft Skills

Ing. Evel Meckarov, PMP®Masaryk University, 2014

English Autonomously 1.3

Basics of Power

Two universal principles – Social Intelligence & Value Generation

Value Generation

Master the basics

Mastery – Robert Greene

Generate Value through Mastery

Value Generation Principles

Stick to the norms until you become good

Find the right mentor

Focus on the results, not the solutions or methods


Dancing through life and enjoying the moment


Apprenticeship & Mastery

Just solve the damn thing - I don’t care how

Why bother??

Social Intelligence

Seeing through the matrix

Feelings & Intuition

Intuition = The ability to analyze and build relationships between feelings & analytical constructs

Feelings = Information that can’t be translated into conscious analytical constructs

Seeing through the Matrix – A=B!

Mapping the social power flows

Make no assumptions!

48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene

The secrets of the powerful


Win through your Actions, Never through Argument

When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest

Enter Action with Boldness

There are no rules

Be who you really are and rewrite the rules

Explore your uniqueness

Get a creative hobby that inspires you

Keep your brain & feelings active and evolving

Don’t be afraid to shine

The sky is the limit!