Socio-Economic Problems Presentation

Post on 07-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Socio-Economic Problems Presentation

Members of our Presentation

Hubah MougheesAlizay AskariSehrish MushtaqFatima Umar


Economics is the social science that analyzes the:oProductionoDistribution andoconsumption of goods and services.Economics aims to explain how economies work and how economic agents interact. Economic analysis is applied throughout society, in business, finance and government, but also in crime,[3] education,[4] the family, health, law, politics, religion,[5] social institutions, war,[6] and science.[7]


A problem-free society, desire of every individual

Defining social and economic problems

Why they are a menace (danger)?

•Parents want to provide the newborn with the best of everything.

•Little human infant grows up to be an adult ready to face the challenges of the world.

In no time, he realizes that this world abound with countless problems- social, economic


A problem-free society, desire of every individual

Defining social and economic problems

Why they are a menace (danger)?

Socio-economic problems

are divided into 2 parts

• Social Problems

• Economical Problems

Social Problems

PovertyIlliteracyCorruptionUnemploymentChild LabourHealth Problem

Economical Problems

Power crises War on terrorismDeclining exportTumbling stock-marketLack of tourismLoss in business



Sac racy of lack of basic necessities is called Poverty. A large chunk of population lives below poverty line. They live in miserable conditions. Poverty itself gives rise to various other social problems. The poverty has increased roughly from 30% to 40% during

the inflation rate. Although, inflation dropped to 8.9 per cent in October 2009

(the lowest level in the preceding 26 months), it bounced back to 10.5 per cent in the next month.


Inability to read and write is called illiteracy.

Illiteracy Rate in Pakistan








2000 2003 2006 2009

1 Month6 MonthYear

Literacy is defined as persons aged 15 or above who can "read" and "write“Pakistan Literacy rate — 49.9% 

Literacy is defined as persons aged 15 or above who can "read" and "write". According to this definition, Pakistanis officially reported to have 50% literacy rate. Which means half of its population is illiterate. With such family backgrounds, inflation, poverty and child labor this rate is expected to increase in future.

Literacy rate



Corruption is the prime reason behind the economical unstableness.

Corruption has spread into the world and has ruined the economy.

Pakistan has been ranked at 42nd number among the most corrupt nations of the world.



Unemployment is a major social problem caused by poor economical system.

Lack of funds followed by unorganized system and lack of new projects are causing unemployment worldwide.

There are many reasons of unemployment like influx of machinery that has replaced manpower.

Pakistan Unemployment rate

Child Labour

The circulation of money is restrained to rich people only causing the poor to become more poor.

In past, some countries refused to import those goods from Pakistan in whose making children were employed.

Due to growing inflation (rise) and poverty, parents are bound to send their children to work to light their stoves.

Over 3,000 children enter the labour market each monthThere are an estimated 6 million working children

Child Labour under the influence of his master

•Power crises and war on terrorism• Tumbling stock market• Unprecedented Inflation• Declining exports•War on terrorism

Economic problems

Power Crises

Power Crises

Power crises are affecting the economy of the world very badly.

The power crisis is followed by decline in production and at the end the economy of the countries is affected badly.

We are running short of fuel worldwide. All the countries are affected by the power crises.

War on Terrorism

War on Terrorism

War against terrorism is another very important reason behind the economical problem.

War is affecting the world’s economy and is causing problems like shortage of fuel, lack of funds, increase in health problem etc.

War benefits none, someone is hurt badly and someone is destroyed completely.

Declining export



2000 2003 2006 2009

1st month6th month12th month

Declining export

Lack of power followed by decline in production is the main cause of declining export which is a major economical problem worldwide.

In Pakistan, core inflation soared to 18.85% in first quarter of year 2009

The production cannot even fulfill the demands and hue to decline in export and lack of trouble, the world economy is suffering great problems.



As per the initial damage assessments of UN agencies and NDMA an estimated crop area of 1.38 million acres has been completely washed away. Over 1.2 million homes have been destroyed, rendering over 7.5 million people displaced. The floods have resulted in the largest number migration since partition.

Briefing the cabinet, the prime minister said the country has suffered Rs350 to Rs500 billion or $4-6 billion worth of damage to infrastructure, livestock and crops.

Tumbling Stock market

The stock-market is suffering a decline worldwide.

Lack of investment and poor economical condition of the people and government is another cause of decline in stock-market worldwide.

In 2009, many times Karachi Stock Exchange has plunged to its lowest point in the history of Pakistan.

Tumbling Stock market

Information regarding Pakistan

Area (Sq. Kms.) 796,096Population 132,352Male 68,874Female 63,478Population Density 166.3Urban Proportion 32.50Average Annual Growth Rate 2.69Literacy Ratio 43.92Male 54.81Female 32.02Labour Force 31.98

GDP of Pakistan

The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is the amount of goods and services produced in a year, in a country. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. 

GNP of Pakistan

Gross National Product (GNP) is the market value of all goods and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the residents of a country.


In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time


Improved law and order situation Poverty alleviation Stern accountability Building new dams to curb energy crises



