Society of Young Voice Artists of the Philippines

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Society of Young Voice Artists of the Philippines

DiscoveringYour PassionPocholo “The VoiceMaster”Gonzales

Follow Your Dreams

What Do You Love?

8 Powerful Ways to Rediscover Your Passion

1. Spend more time alone.

2. Heighten your awareness.

3. Reflect.

4. Write down your revelations.

5. Experiment with your choices.

6. Bring clarity to your passion.

7. Affirm.

8. Get your feet wet.

Brief review of all the steps in a concise way to help you on your journey:

• Get to know yourself.• Be one with your positive feelings• Be aware of what is showing up for you.• Acknowledge these as gifts.• Express gratitude.• Replace fear with faith.• Listen to your intuition.• Free yourself of expectations and surrender to

your divine guidance.• Take action using your

unleashed passion while continuing to dream.

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This is where most people stumble and get stuck. • they either have no idea what their passion

is or they scream that they have too many.

• .... Too Many Passions? • .... What if I am on the Wrong Track? • .... Pulling It All Together


• Write down your responses to the following:

1.) In what areas are you an expert– or at least highly skilled – that other people value?

2.) What have you achieved/accomplished/proud of?

• .... Do you envy anyone? Why? • .... Whose life would you like to have?

Why? • .... Leaving aside whether you agree with

cloning, what if you were presented with a baby clone of you – what would you encourage him/her to pursue?

.... Who do you admire? Why?

• .... What would you do to make the world a better place for you, your friends and family, and for others?

• .... What do you want your passion to give to you?

.... Ask your three most trusted friends to answer the following questions:• o What do you think I am good at? • o What do you think are my top 5 natural

talents? • o What do you think my passion could be? • o How am I getting in my own way and


• .... How do you want to be remembered? Not how you ‘think’ you will be remembered, but how you would design the epitaph or emblem of your life –

your ideal life?

• “Dreams are like stars… you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”