Social Web for Early Elementary

Post on 18-May-2015

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Created for use at the Lorain Early Reading First Summer Institute.

Transcript of Social Web for Early Elementary

The Social Web for Early Elementary

Jeremy Brueck

e-Read Ohio Web Services Manager, University of Akron, OH

President, Brueck Educational Innovations

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

The Millennial Student

Digital Natives

Always Connected

Immediate Access


Engagement and Experience

Social – Enjoy teamwork


Previous generations raised reading books

The Millennial Student

Books reinforce a linear style of thinking and reasoning

The Millennial Student

Millennial thought process has evolved around the web

The Millennial Student

Millennials have developed a “hypertext” style of thinking

The Millennial Student

Shift Happens…

Used with permission from Dr. Alec Couros, University of Regina,

High level of interaction, online and in person

Teaching the Millennial Student

Engaged in the learning process, not just passive receptors of learning

Teaching the Millennial Student

Photo Credit: class dismissed by Robert S. Donovan on Flickr.

Use technology to increase customization, convenience and collaboration

Teaching the Millennial Student

Photo Credits: Logo 2.0 part I & Logo 2.0 part II by Stabilo Boss on Flickr.

Teaching the Millennial Student

Photo Credits: Logo 2.0 part I & Logo 2.0 part II by Stabilo Boss on Flickr.

A look at literacy

Traditional Literacies Paper Pencil Book Newspaper Magazine

Photo Credits: child reading by apdk on Flickr.

A NEW look at literacyTraditional Literacies

Paper Pencil Book Newspaper Magazine

New Literacies e-Mail Web & HTML editors Web logs (blogs) Wikis e-Books Video editing Text messaging Instant Messaging Photo and Video Sharing Screencasting Podcasting Virtual Worlds

Photo Credits: OLPC ebook by misterbisson on Flickr.

What are New Literacies?

Using information & communication technologies to:

identify important questions locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of

that information synthesize information to answer

those questions communicate the answers to others

Young people will continue to socially engage in a variety of new literacies

Why integrate New Literacies?

To make school literacy more engaging & more meaningful to life in a digital world

Why integrate New Literacies?

Educators MUST understand the shifts in practices and pedagogy

that have taken place and consider how these shifts should inform our

teaching of reading and writing.

Why integrate New Literacies?