Social Risk Defense for Pharma

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social Risk Defense for Pharma


Social Risk Defense for Pharmaceutical Firms

Compliance Assured | Brand Protection for Pharmaceutical Firms 2

What’s New for Pharma

Social Media Risk Factors for the Pharmaceutical Industry  Pharma  faces  unique  challenges  with  social  media.     • Posts about adverse drug events. Even just a single mention of adverse reactions to

drugs on social media can rapidly spread brand-damaging doubt in the public. Moreover, the FDA requires that any adverse event mention be reported to them within 24 hours.

• Negative commentary around drug launches. High-profile launches attract a great

deal of attention, with negative commentary a frequent feature. • Activist attention. Many pharmaceutical companies are targets for activist groups, who

may try to hijack brand pages and accounts or flood timelines with negative messages and imagery.

The Business Costs of Under-Managed Risk Due  to  the  risks,  most  Pharma  companies  underutilize  social  media,  greatly  limiting  the  potential  business  value  to  be  derived  from  these  channels.    • Even  with  conservative  usage,  the  compliance  risks  are  high  causing  many  lost  nights  of  

sleep  for  the  social  team.    • Since  constant  vigilance  is  a  must,  many  social  teams  waste  a  big  chunk  of  their  time  

performing  risk  management  and  monitoring  channels  rather  than  doing  the  real  

In  the  past,  regulatory  and  compliance  challenges  have  prevented  pharmaceutical  and  life  science  companies  from  using  the  full  power  of  social  media.  With  so  much  at  stake,  it  has  simply  been  too  hard,  too  risky,  or  both,  for  the  pharmaceutical  industry  to  participate  in  the  social  media  revolution.      No  longer.    With  more  powerful  social  risk  defense  services  than  have  ever  been  available  before,  Pharma  is  now  finally  able  to  join  the  social  conversation  and  reap  the  benefits.  This  document  will  show  you  exactly  how.    

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marketing,  customer  service,  and  engagement  work  on  social  that  moves  the  business  forward.  

• Smart  marketers  are  forced  to  make  the  “safe”  call  –  often  avoiding  new  channels  or  opportunities  altogether  -­‐  because  the  risks  of  missing  something  are  just  too  high.  

Meeting the Unique Requirements of Pharma Pharma  requires  a  higher  level  of  vigilance.    Regulatory  compliance  requires:   • 24/7  sweeping  of  every  owned  social  channel  in  every  language  and  in  every  country  you  

do  business  in  • A  guaranteed  notification  policy  that  works  in  minutes,  not  hours  • Human  analysis  to  ensure  accuracy,  and  not  waste  time  with  false  reports  • The  power  to  store,  search  and  analyze  historic  social  content  to  ensure  compliance    Crisp  has  a  ten-­‐year  history  of  providing  industry-­‐leading  levels  of  risk  protection.  

 We  are  so  confident  of  our  service’s  accuracy  and  speed,  we  offer  an  ironclad  guarantee:  100%  brand  risk  protection  within  15  minutes,  24/7.  Not  a  single  one  of  our  competitors  can  match  this  guarantee,  or  will  even  offer  to  try,  because  they  can’t.  

Crisp’s Proven Record with Pharma Crisp currently provides social risk defense for a global Top 5 prescription drug including: Spot and report mentions of adverse drug events. Crisp’s Pharma clients currently rely on our 15 minute notification capability to meet FDA reporting requirements. Identify brand attacks whenever they happen. Even when posts happen overnight, or on the weekend, Crisp is there. We recently caught a 6:00am brand attack on a Sunday morning, and reported it to the client for immediate action. Identify and remove counterfeiter ads and other spam. When counterfeiters posted a link to fake goods on our client’s Facebook page we removed it within 3 minutes. Be prepared for major events. Our teams support your social channels during high profile launches and events that are likely to be targeted by attackers. Roll out global and regional campaigns with confidence. Crisp currently monitors all the social media pages operated by different teams in different countries for a global Pharma brand, and reports directly to the risk and compliance team.

How We Deliver  Humans  monitors  are  accurate,  but  they  are  also,  well,  human,  so  compared  with  machines  they  are  slow  and  expensive.    Machines  are  fast  and  untiring,  but  they  lack  judgment.    

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Crisp  uses  both,  so  you  get  the  accuracy  of  highly  expert  human  analysis  with  the  unrelenting  speed  and  inexorable  diligence  of  powerful  technology.  The  result  is  a  service  that  sweeps  everything  –  every  channel,  every  language,  every  country,  day  and  night,  24/7  for  risk.      Any  noteworthy  or  inappropriate  content  –  based  on  parameters  you  define  –  is  reported  to  your  team  within  15  minutes.    Secure Social Media for the Pharmaceutical Industry  Once  they  are  freed  from  the  burden  of  tracking  risk,  your  team  can  concentrate  on  social’s  true  value:  marketing,  customer  service  and,  engagement.  Crisp  enables  you  to  use  social  channels  to  their  fullest  potential  with  confidence.      

• Stay  FDA  compliant.  Ensure  you  always  meet  standards  for  adverse  event  reporting  • Deal  with  negative  comments  fast.  We  identify  the  issues  that  need  your  urgent  

attention.  • Identify  and  remove  phishing  attacks,  trolls  and  spam.  We  spot  the  users  that  need  

to  be  blocked  or  taken  out.    Crisp FAQs  Does  Crisp  really  provide  24/7  social  risk  defense?  How?  Yes.  Crisp’s  powerful  technology  sweeps  every  channel  in  every  language  and  in  every  country  you  do  business  in.  Technology  doesn’t  need  food  or  sleep,  so  it  is  always  on  guard,  24/7,  helping  our  team  of  analysts  work  fast  and  effectively  around  the  clock.      Does  Crisp  really  notify  us  within  15  minutes?  How?  Crisp  maintains  a  network  of  highly  trained  human  analysts  all  over  the  world.  The  technology  prioritizes  content  for  our  team  of  human  analysts,  so  they  can  deal  with  the  riskiest  content  first.  When  any  notable  content  or  risk  is  identified,  our  team  will  handle  it  in  the  manner  you  designate:  by  flagging  and  removing  it,  and  contacting  you  as  appropriate.    Do  you  really  catch  everything?  Yes,  our  staff  and  technology  is  so  unfailing  and  well  trained,  we  really  do  catch  virtually  everything.    Are  there  a  lot  of  false-­‐positive  reports?    No,  there  are  not  a  lot  of  false  positives.  Crisp’s  analysts  are  trained  to  weed  out  false-­‐positives  based  on  parameters  YOU  specify.  Our  accuracy  rate  is  better  than  99%.    Does  Crisp  have  experience  in  highly  regulated  industries?  Yes,  Crisp  works  with  companies  in  both  the  financial  and  pharmaceutical  industries,  as  well  as  the  airlines,  which  are  some  of  the  most  highly  regulated  industries  in  the  world.  Indeed,  because  Crisp  was  originally  built  to  protect  kids  in  online  communities,  Crisp  has  maintained  the  most  exacting  safety  standards  right  from  the  start.      

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Isn’t  my  current  solution  good  enough?  That  depends.  If  you  don’t  want  to  miss  anything,  then  almost  certainly  not.  Only  Crisp’s  combination  of  powerful  human  analysis  and  technology  offers  the  kind  of  unfailing  risk  protection  demanded  by  Pharma.      Will  Crisp  fit  in  my  budget?  Yes.  Most  of  our  clients  are  actually  surprised  by  how  affordable  we  are.  And  because  we  bill  by  volume  of  comments,  many  are  amazed  to  discover  that  Crisp  offers  far  more  comprehensive  coverage  for  less  cost  than  agency  solutions.  Our  sales  team  will  be  happy  to  discuss  pricing  with  you.   About Crisp Crisp  was  founded  in  2005  by  Adam  Hildreth  whose  unwavering  commitment  to  weeding  out  bad  actors  and  dangerous  content  on  the  web  began  more  than  15  years  ago,  when  he  built  the  most  successful  social  network  for  kids  in  Europe.  Hildreth  was  researching  and  developing  foolproof  ways  to  sweep  online  communities  and  keep  them  safe  even  before  formal  standards  had  been  properly  established.  Crisp  is  now  a  recognized  pioneer  in  the  area  of  social  risk  defense,  creating  best-­‐in-­‐class  services  that  meet  the  most  rigorous  safety  and  regulatory  standards.      In  the  decade  since  launching  Crisp,  Hildreth  has  grown  it  into  the  only  social  risk  defense  service  powerful  enough  to  satisfy  the  regulatory  demands  of  financial,  airline  and  healthcare  clients,  and  Crisp’s  client  roster  includes  many  recognized  global  brands  from  the  Fortune  500.