Social Recruitment

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Social Recruitment




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Because social media serves to amplify real

life, recruiters will continue to find success

in amplifying their messages using the

technology. The most successful will also

understand that they need to become part of

the community from which they are sourcing

to be respected as a trusted resource for

employment opportunities and other topics

such as career education.

Social media usage among recruiters and hiring

managers will increase as stories of success

escalate. But those who don’t understand

that social media is more than technology

will wonder why they can’t find success when

others around them do.

I hope corporate and personal community

building will become a trend in 2014. I know it

works as I’ve assisted several companies and

many individuals in building their personal,

authentic value-first community. They are

finding amazing success as they broaden the

conversation and provide more value.

My book, being released mid 2014, called

“Feel of Success,” describes the process and

shares case studies to help people understand

how and, more importantly, why to do just that.

LinkedIn is still “all the rage” and will continue

to be. But I believe recruiters need to know

where their audience hangs out on other

platforms as well. You need to know all the

platforms that your community visits and tap

into the stream to find, identify and attract

the best talent.

I recommend recruiters who really want to

drink from the fountain engage on Twitter

and on Google+. (Click to tweet)

Why Google+? Because that platform is for

people with passion. I recommend Facebook

as a referral community builder, and also as a social CRM tool to consolidate

your social inboxes. Triberr is a great service for

bloggers. I recommend GaggleAmp if you have

a job feed, especially if you’re at a mid-to-large

size company, and Instagram and Tumblr to

share success stories. These two platforms will

especially capture the interest of Millennials.

Lori RuffCEOIntegrated Alliances

You need to know all the platforms that your community visits and tap into the stream to find, identify and attract the best talent.



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Social media will continue to profoundly impact

how candidates are sourced, engaged, and

hired. LinkedIn has just developed a mobile

app for candidates and one for recruiters.

Everything is shifting to this space, from how

jobs are advertised to how candidates apply.

There’s no doubt that social media use among

recruiters will increase. LinkedIn has just

launched a mobile version of the flagship

product, LinkedIn Recruiter Mobile. It’s well

designed, easy to use and robust. In fact,

there’s a nice link to engage hiring managers,

too. Other companies in this space are building

their new products from the ground up to be

mobile-ready, and existing products are being

converted to mobile.

One unconventional recruiting technique is

to engage candidates in online conversations

about opportunities in general rather than

having candidates apply directly to a specific


Belonging to and engaging in online groups

is an essential part of networking.

(Click to tweet)

Becoming a go-to resource in these groups will

pay huge dividends in the future.

Think with a “talent scarcity” mindset first and

work on attracting people into opportunities

versus weeding them out. Engage people in

thought-provoking discussions.

Lou AdlerPresidentThe Adler Group

One unconventional recruiting technique is to engage candidates in online conversations about opportunities in general rather than having candidates apply directly to a specific position.



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There’s more information at our fingertips than

ever before. Much of that info is other peoples’

personal information. This is kind of terrifying,

but also super great for reaching out to passive

candidates, especially Millennials due to their

love of telling the whole world about every

coffee they drink, mud run they finish, or cute

cat they see!

No social network out there provides

recruiters with more access than Facebook.

(Click to tweet)

Thanks to their Social Graph, and new features

like Facebook Skills, that prompt users to

share their professional and personal details,

targeting specific candidates like Millennials

with Facebook Ads just keeps getting easier.

Candidates want to search for and apply for

jobs from their mobile device. Recruiting

Millennials is the biggest new trend for 2014

because they spend more time accessing their

social networks from mobile devices than a

desktop. If you want to go where the talent

is, you have to go mobile. For the love of

talent pools, top talent, and all things good in

the world of HR, please make your recruiting

mobile in 2014!

It’s easy to play down the importance of

employer branding, or pretend it’s just a fad

that social media gurus are trying to sell, but

the truth is, the candidate experience begins

with your employer brand. The first thing most

job-seekers do before applying is Google the

company they are applying to. What they find

is the first impression you’ll make on them.

Make that impression count!

Use Facebook, and other social networks,

to build an employer brand that will make

candidates excited to apply for your jobs.

Millennials value flexibility in their work, so

that’s an area worth highlighting, as well as

employee profiles, and any interesting perks

that your company offers.

If you want to successfully recruit Millennials,

you’ll need to use targeted social media, make

your recruiting mobile, focus on the candidate

experience, and build social proof with your

employer brand.

For more information on communicating with

Millenials, check out the Identified On Air

episode on The Young and Hireable: Recruiting

Gen-Y Candidates.

Ryan St. GermaineCEOJobcast

If you want to go where the talent is, you have to go mobile.



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In 2014, there should be a greater emphasis

on content as a recruiting tool. Google has

been tailoring its algorithm for some time to

respond favorably to social signals. Whenever

someone tweets, Likes, shares or comments on

a form of content, that information is validated

in Google’s eyes and rewarded with a higher


According to recent stats from Zag Interactive,

unless you are in the top five position in search

results, your site will most likely go unnoticed.

How is that possible? Well, when you consider

that 75 percent of search engine users never

scroll past the first page, it’s easy to imagine.

Also, according to Comscore, two out of three

searches of any kind, job searches included,

begin on Google. If people start their job

search on Google, shouldn’t you be there?

While Google is a great place to position

yourself with active job seekers, passive

job seekers require a different strategy that

focuses on trying to get them to come to you.

To accomplish that, you need content

that is useful, engaging, relevant and worthy

of being shared to the people you want

to recruit. (Click to tweet)

The more you are able to produce such

information, the more likely it will be that

people validate the material with Likes, +1s,

and more. Of course, the more that happens,

the more search engines will take note and

influence passive candidates to learn more

about your company.

Jim StroudDirector of Sourcing and Social StrategyBernard Hodes Group

While Google is a great place to position yourself with active job seekers, passive job seekers require a different strategy that focuses on trying to get them to come to you.



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All too often I hear recruiters say how

enthusiastic they are about using social media

channels, but still find it difficult to maintain,

while keeping up the standards and essential

activities of their long-established recruitment


What many recruiters usually don’t realize is

that social media is already a big part of what

they do and will continue to grow in 2014.

This, in turn, means that they are currently

struggling to juggle their communications with

clients and candidates through these networks,

and at the same time, record that activity on

their in-house recruitment software.

Recognizing how integral social media

channels currently are to your daily work as a

recruiter is key to smoothing out the kinks and

embedding it in a way that causes less hassle,

and pays dividends. In too many cases, we feel

that social media is what we do on the side,

almost as if we are being somehow unfaithful

to the traditional methods of recruitment.

Forget for a moment the different platforms,

and recognize that all these channels are simply

new ways to find candidates, to communicate

with them, and vitally, to record that activity in

a way which was never possible before.

Emails, applications, tweets, DMs, InMail,

Follows, Connections and Likes are all

interactions which can form the line which

flows through every recruitment assignment,

stretching from the placement and start date,

right back to even before the job order was

taken. An immense amount of work goes into

most assignments, much of which the client

never sees, and the candidate is never aware

of. Recruiters themselves are often oblivious to

the lengths they have gone to fill each vacancy.

It certainly feels like hard work, but it’s usually

difficult to quantify, never mind to analyze in

real-time which paths are working, and which

are not.

The ability to record activities and

interactions made through social media

alongside your established methods is

crucial to ensuring that you know for a

fact that you are getting a return on your

investment. (Click to tweet)

The difference between recruiters who think

social media works, and those who know it

works, is the essential data to trace successful

placements through the full recruitment cycle.

Stephen O’DonnellFounderThe National Online Recruitment Awards and PC Evaluate

Recognizing how integral social media channels currently are to your daily work as a recruiter is key to smoothing out the kinks and embedding it in a way that causes less hassle, and pays dividends.



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First of all the term ‘social media’ needs to

either be re-defined or partitioned. Social

media can be used as a medium to connect

with other people and build both personal and

professional networks. When it comes to sites

like LinkedIn Recruiter and Identified Recruit,

these tools should not be thought of as simply

social media destinations. Instead, they are

résumé/profile databases that are searchable

using Boolean search strings.

One trend is the appearance of aggregator

sites that compile a searchable database

of candidates by searching the web for

candidates that have a visible phone number or

email address.

Another continuing trend will be sourcers

and recruiters finding new ways to search for

passive candidates using various strategies

such as finding hidden directories and sifting

through Google searches.

Identified Recruit is really unique in that

it offers the best of both worlds. It is

a semantic Boolean-driven searchable

database of profiles that offers access to a

billion passive candidates! (Click to tweet)

Who knows about tomorrow, but today

semantic searching alone is not going to

replace the need for Boolean; instead, they

can complement each other. Going into 2014,

the bulk of “found” candidates will come

from a combination of LinkedIn Recruiter and

Identified Recruit.

John Childs Founder Childs Boolean Training

Social media can be used as a medium to connect with other people and build both personal and professional networks.



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Social media provides not only an active

community from which to recruit, but it can

also be used as a candidate referral driver, as

well as a background check and pre-interview

screening tool.

With social media, it’s more about building

long-term relationships with candidates rather

than an immediate source-to-hire strategy. This

means building your own company LinkedIn or

talent community that you own and control —

this is a game changer in the space. Social

media allows recruiters and employers to drive

candidate sourcing and engagement versus

waiting for a job seeker to apply to begin that


While LinkedIn remains a great source of

candidates, it is flooded with recruiters. (Click to tweet)

Job seekers, especially in sought-after

categories like engineering, are choosing

not to engage on LinkedIn because of how

aggressively they are being pursued on this


LinkedIn will begin to decline in use because

it is so saturated. So, companies must also

begin to diversify and experiment with other


There are new resources, services and

strategies that can provide more success and

at a lower cost per hire.

I’d like to see recruiters spend more time on

content marketing and providing resources and

information for specific audiences in the form

of downloadable content like ebooks, blogs

and videos. Social media is more than just

being present. It’s about contributing to the


Forums, blogs and sites specific to

communities that recruiters are targeting will

continue to be key. These vary on positions.

For example, my blog caters to the HR and

recruiting community. Recruiters can leverage

my blog to build relationships with targeted job

seekers that are experienced in social media.

Instagram and Snapchat are other great

resources that can be used creatively to brand,

source and build relationships with job seekers.

Jessica Miller-MerrellPresident and CEOXceptional HR

LinkedIn will begin to decline in use because it is so saturated. There are new resources, services and strategies that can provide more success and at a lower cost per hire.



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Social media is more than just Facebook,

LinkedIn, and Twitter. Though these sites are

all used successfully for recruiting, don’t forget

that there are many other sites that make up

the world of social media, like Pinterest, Tumblr,

Google+, and more.

Simply posting a position description and

requirements, regardless of the online

vehicle, is neither appealing nor intriguing. (Click to tweet)

Learn to sell the dream and the sizzle. Passive

job seekers can be recruited if they see an

opportunity that entices them to a point where

they are intrigued to want to learn more.

Recruiting should be an ongoing effort. Work

on filling current needs, while always planting

seeds to fill future needs. Social media is

fabulously fertile soil that can be used to plant

and grow those seeds. It’s said that 16 percent

of the workforce is actively seeking a job at any

given time. Social media can give companies

an edge in building their brand, sharing their

culture, and developing long-term relationships

with passive job seekers.

If you’re not using social media to recruit, your

competition is, and it’s not wise to allow them

to gain such a huge competitive edge. Social

media is here to stay. Make it a part of your

overall recruitment strategy.

Jessica Levinson Owner and PresidentEnchanted Careers

Social media can give companies an edge in building their brand, sharing their culture, and developing long-term relationships with passive job seekers.



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The practice of social recruiting is still fairly

new in the industry but we already see value in

companies using social media to engage with


By maintaining a presence on social media

sites, companies can expand their networks

of qualified applicants, keep candidates

engaged with their brands, and ultimately

streamline the hiring process.

(Click to tweet)

The use of social media among recruiters

and hiring managers will continue to

increase in 2014 and beyond. Recruiters and

hiring managers are an extension of their

organization’s marketing department and it’s

just as important for HR pros to be branding

their organizations as it is for marketers.

Recruiters and hiring managers need to get

their brand and jobs in front of people and

more importantly, be where the people are

as social media continues to become more


Talent communities are what we see as the

future for recruitment. In fact,

holds a patent in social recruiting and the

building of talent communities. We want to

help this evolve the way recruiting is done now

and in the future. With many people competing

for the same positions, companies want to hire

candidates that stand out or show an affiliation

to their brand off the bat. By interacting with

candidates, even if the company isn’t hiring,

organizations can cultivate relationships

with potential employees through talent

communities so when they are ready to hire,

they already have an engaged pool of talent to

choose from.

There are many emerging social media

technologies that people are using to get

noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.

While they aren’t all being heavily used, the

use of social media is certainly spicing up the

recruitment space. For example, we’ve seen

candidates that are using Pinterest, Instagram,

Vine, and Snapchat to get noticed. With so

many social media platforms, it is hard to say

what will spring up next, but we can always

count on the creativity of the candidates.

Rich MilgramFounder and, The Career Network

By interacting with candidates, organizations can cultivate relationships with potential employees so when they are ready to hire, they already have an engaged pool of talent to choose from.



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2014 will see a tipping point occur where most

well-informed recruiters will realize that social

media recruiting is just one of many tools that

they should use as part of their recruiting


Every few years, recruiters are convinced by

self-interested consultants and vendors that

another silver bullet has miraculously appeared

that will solve every recruiting woe. Inevitably,

those recruiters throw too much of their time

and budgetary resources into that tool only to

find disappointment.

True social media recruiting does not include

posting jobs to social media sites such as

Facebook or LinkedIn.

I hope that in 2014 most recruiters understand

and act consistently with the reality that

efficiency for the sake of efficiency is a

fool’s game. Though it saves money and

fills requisitions, it does not result in hiring

candidates that can positively transform an

organization. The best candidates do not come

at the lowest possible price nor at the lowest

possible effort. They can be expensive and

time consuming, yet are worth every penny

and hour invested.

While social media is a valuable tool, it

should not be the only tool. (Click to tweet)

Recruiters need to make sure that they are

dedicating time and money into their social

recruiting strategies and tactics to make

sure that they are effective at sourcing the

appropriate candidates and top talent.

Steven RothbergPresident,

True social media recruiting does not include simply posting jobs to social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn.



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Social media is having a huge impact on

recruitment but your strategy will depend on

which social media site you are using to source.

Social networks can be a great way of

identifying, engaging and ultimately hiring

candidates, but only if the right candidates are

actually available there in the first place. This

is the challenge for many recruiters: actually

finding where their target audiences are on

social media. Too many recruiters continue

to source on too few social networks, limiting

themselves to networks like Facebook and


For social recruiting to be a fully integrated

part of a recruitment strategy, recruiters and

companies are going to have to come out of

their comfort zones and be prepared to adopt

new techniques and try new networks.

While recruiters are getting used to posting

more jobs on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook,

it will take a little longer for them to fully

embrace engaging with candidates on these


As social media has become more mainstream,

it will become more of a regular part of

sourcing, candidate attraction, engagement

and hiring.

Recruiters need to take more of a role in

building their own recruitment brands, both

professional and personal, for 2014.

They need to push themselves out there as

industry experts and use content marketing

as the vehicle for this. (Click to tweet)

Whether they write their own specialist blog,

share relevant content on targeted social

networks or actively participate in industry

communities, they have to be thinking about

how they are perceived by candidates. This

content provides social proof and trust,

something that many candidates are not yet

confident in when it comes to recruiters.

Andy HeadworthFounderSirona Consulting

As social media has become more mainstream, it will become more of a regular part of sourcing, candidate attraction, engagement and hiring.



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There are many ways LinkedIn can be better

utilized as a recruitment search and marketing

source going into 2014. (Click to tweet)

Most recruiters still just think of it as a place to

source and research candidates. Candidates,

in turn, barely know how to use it, not realizing

they can be actively marketing themselves

to the recruiters and businesses interested in

hiring them.

Beyond LinkedIn’s great advanced search

features, it has other communications and

engagement features such as Introductions,

InMails, Who’s Viewed my Profile, Groups,

People You May Know and Contacts. Many

LinkedIn members, however, simply don’t know

about or use these features. Taking advantage

of these valuable tools to reach out to and

engage others is an opportunity not to be

missed by recruiters and candidates.

As social recruiting trends shift toward

content marketing, influencer positioning and

social CRM systems in 2014, it would serve

the recruiter well to invest their time and

resources in these very aspects through media

sharing, updates, LinkedIn Today, and LinkedIn


Whether posting a white paper, mentioning a

success story in an update, sharing relevant

content from LinkedIn Today or managing your

network in Contacts by keeping notes, tagging

and setting reminders, LinkedIn is a hot, hot

place to be and not to be ignored in 2014!

Viveka von RosenFounderLinkedIntoBusiness

LinkedIn is a hot, hot place to be and not to be ignored in 2014!



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In 2014, social media will greatly impact the

way candidates are sourced and engaged.

Employers need to get more creative with

sourcing candidates earlier in the hiring

process as they infiltrate the passive candidate

pool. They will also be required to engage them

continuously until they’re ready for a position.

Social media use among recruiters will continue

to increase in 2014 as competition for talent

increases and as recruiters are forced to dip

into the same talent pools. With social media

and talent pools, employers can build a

“bench” of candidates sitting on the “sidelines”

as opportunities open.

Social networks and sites that recruiters should

keep an eye on in 2014 are Facebook, LinkedIn,

Instagram, Twitter, SlideShare, Vine and


The growth of Instagram provides recruiting

with an opportunity to share what a work

environment is like through pictures and to

help attract candidates based on workplace


Twitter is for engaging followers,

not dumping current job postings.

(Click to tweet)

Misusing Twitter by simply broadcasting jobs is

a trend recruiters should avoid. It immediately

diminishes the value of the person tweeting

and the company they represent because they

no longer are perceived as a contributor of

great content.

The big thing recruiters and managers need

to keep in mind as they continue to add new

networks, tools and processes in 2014, is to be

transparent with the recruiting process.

If you’re sourcing a candidate from Twitter,

be clear about what steps the candidate can

expect. If the process is different for each

social media platform, the employer needs

to distinguish this. Not setting expectations

can be one of the biggest reasons for losing

a candidate during the recruitment process.

Christopher YoungCEOAsync Interview

The big thing recruiters and managers need to keep in mind as they continue to add new networks, tools and processes in 2014, is to be transparent with the recruiting process.



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Social media is now an accepted part of our

lives and it is being embedded in all that we

do. For companies, this means that there is

a growing pool of people who are online,

accessible and contactable. In 2014, the use

of social media in recruitment will continue

to grow. The benefits of successful social

recruitment include reduced costs, improved

calibre of hire, and increased employee

referrals. The latter also improves staff

retention rates, an added bonus.

Companies who are still resistant to social

media in 2014 will need to begin embracing it

without fear. It’s time for them to realize that

their clients and future recruits are present

on social media and are already talking about


Recruiters need to step beyond LinkedIn,

spreading their net to include the social

networks where their potential recruits actually

hangout. Go beyond the big four — LinkedIn,

Facebook, Twitter and Google+ — and start

two-way conversations on niche sites.

Figures released this week show that LinkedIn’s

growth is slowing. Many users are tired of

receiving messages that show that the recruiter

has not even taken the time to read the profile

or personalize the message. This is especially

evident amongst technical professionals but

nonetheless is a common gripe. It may be easy

to find candidates on LinkedIn, but are they

hearing your message?

To successfully source on social media sites,

don’t be lazy, be respectful. Personalize

your messages to show that you have read a

person’s profile, and don’t assume that they

want to hear from you.

To successfully share your jobs on social

media, avoid broadcasting. (Click to tweet)

Instead, attract applicants through your

expertise and understanding of your industry

by sharing insights and articles. Only

occasionally should you include your job


Social channels now give you an opportunity

to show off your employees and environment.

Make the most of free tools like Instagram, Vine

or YouTube to promote your employer brand

and give candidates the insight they crave.

Katrina Collier Speaker, Trainer, Writer on Social Recruitment

Winning Impression

Companies who are still resistant to social media in 2014 will need to begin embracing it without fear.



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Social media continues to differentiate and

specialize. (Click to tweet)

On the professional side, industry verticals

continue to spawn social applications that let

users showcase work, collaborate with others

and further their personal brand — for example,

Github for programmers and Dribble for

designers. This trend will support recruiters to

the degree that they adequately interpret this

information to identify and engage the most

promising candidates.

Recruiter use of social media sites whose user

penetration has plateaued is likely to remain

the same or slightly increase. However, as

social media fragments and new services gain

users, they will feel an increased need to use

third party tools that gather, analyze and unify

this information into useful conclusions about

who to contact and hire.

Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are

gaining wide adoption and will likely become

one of the predominant ways for people to

gain new marketable skills in the coming years.

My hope is that recruiters and hiring managers

will begin to consider these qualifications

more widely and for the recruiting industry to

produce tools that assess how these courses

impact job placement and performance for

those who take them.

Roberto ThaisRecruiting Expert, Software EngineerHireArt

Massive Open Online Courses are gaining wide adoption and will likely become one of the predominant ways for people to gain new marketable skills in the coming years.



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Social media will continue to play an

ever-important role for talent attraction,

engagement and retention. People want to

work for companies that have a visibly great

culture, transparency, civic values, and more.

Social media enables a company to convey a

message in a cost-efficient way. Social media

is also very useful for sourcing more targeted

candidates due to the various social profile

aggregators such as Identified, TalentBin

and Entelo, allowing for a speedier and more

efficient candidate pooling process.

The use of social media will only continue to

increase. Social media and social recognition

engage companies to become more innovative.

Infusing business process with social

networking is a powerful way to increase

engagement, effectiveness, and efficiency

across the entire organization.

Technology and social networking change the

dynamics of the hiring process remarkably,

enabling an accelerated and highly targeted

approach that promises to yield not only

significant cost and time savings, but a greater

talent pool that will drive more informed and

successful hiring decisions.

Infographics can and should be used more

often to convey company culture and job

descriptions. Mobile recruiting will gain more

and more importance as well.

Eventually, personal branding and curating

of your brand will become more important

than having a résumé. (Click to tweet)

Companies should empower all employees to

be “brand warriors” or “brand ambassadors”

using social media so that they are the ones

conveying the message about their company,

and not just the marketing, HR and PR

departments. All of these departments should

work in tandem.

With social media, employers have access

to a broader talent pool. Recruiters and HR

managers can conduct targeted searches

that return candidates with very specific skill

sets. Richer information sources lead to more

knowledgeable sourcing and hiring decisions.

Mutual connections that leverage trust-based

relationships contribute to speed and efficiency

in the sourcing and hiring process.

Social recruiting will only become more

sophisticated, so it is increasingly important

for today’s workforce to create a professional

online presence, expand the conversation,

grow their sphere of access and attract new

career opportunities.

Suzy ToniniCo-founder, Social Media, Sourcing and CI LeadCareeradex

Infusing business process with social networking is a powerful way to increase engagement, effectiveness, and efficiency across the entire organization.



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Here are a couple helpful tips that I have

learned throughout my international travels on

finding talent in other countries.

While in South Korea, I started a Facebook

group by accident (don’t ask!) where

expatriates and foreigners shared their

experiences and advice with other foreigners.

What was most interesting was that people

were posting positions they had heard of, or

information on places to search for certain

jobs. These types of boards are extremely

beneficial for recruiters who are learning

about a new market, as expats have a better

understanding of where domestic talent gets

their information and finds employment.

You may find out that mainstream social

networking tools are hardly being used

or not at all in certain countries. (Click to tweet)

For example, many Koreans I spoke to prefer

the internet search engines Daum and Naver

over Google since these are what they are

accustomed to using.

Whether it be posting in a LinkedIn group

or contacting an expat on some of the expat

websites, it takes a minimal amount of effort

to get some inside tips and direction in an

unfamiliar market.

One of the most common pieces of recruitment

advice heard today is that you have to build

and market your company’s brand. This is even

more crucial in an international setting as it

may be the first time your company is entering

the market or you may be competing with

domestic brands.

For 2014, companies need to be creative in

showing a company’s culture through pictures

and videos to impress potential applicants. This

is especially helpful if you are competing in a

new market where local talent can be unsure of

joining an unknown company.

Kimberly HillerInternational HR Consultant, WriterKimberly Hiller, PHR

Whether it be posting in a LinkedIn group or contacting an expat on some of the expat websites, it takes a minimal amount of effort to get some inside tips and direction in an unfamiliar market.



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There’s been fairly widespread adoption

amongst all sized organizations in the use of

the social web to identify, source and recruit

candidates and to share information, increase

communication and engage employees.

Companies have found ways to aggregate

and analyze the data from social media in the

recruiting process, but are they doing the same

thing within their own companies?

The next challenge for talent management

practitioners will be to replicate their social

recruiting initiatives with employees —

their internal candidates. HR and talent

management teams must begin to effectively

leverage the power of their internal networks

to gauge employees’ innovative abilities

and collaborative skills with an eye towards

retention of the talented individuals they’ve

worked so hard to recruit.

Although existing HR technology solutions

allow employees to build personalized talent

profiles and employers to identify and track

the activities of their high-potential employees,

something is often missing.

The next leap in social recruiting will

be internal social recruiting in which

organizational leaders and HR and talent

management pros identify ways to measure

and quantify activity on their internal

networks in conjunction with continued

interaction with the employee’s own

presence on their social networks.

(Click to tweet)

Some employers, often on the advice of the

HR department, are reluctant to engage with

current employees on social media sites.

That mindset is gradually evolving as more

employees are brought into organizations

through social means.

If an organization gets to know and love a

candidate by interacting with them through

social media, it certainly makes sense

to maintain that level of understanding,

interaction and engagement once they’ve been

onboarded. After all, companies are not merely

competing for other people’s talent — they’re

competing to retain their own talent.

Robin SchoolingHR Consultant, Speaker, People Connector, HR Blogger, SHRM volunteer leaderHR Schoolhouse

If an organization gets to know and love a candidate by interacting with them through social media, it certainly makes sense to maintain that level of understanding, interaction and engagement once they’ve been onboarded.



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In 2014, there will be a huge growth in

contextual engagement. What this means is

that while a majority of recruiters will continue

to shout out through their social megaphones,

the smart ones will be listening and engaging

on a personal level with their valuable


Recruiters that solely post career opportunities

through social media and think that they are

“doing” social recruitment are making a huge


The rules of recruiting have changed for

recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates.

Candidates no longer simply actively search

and apply for new jobs. Increasingly, both

recruiters and candidates will share job

openings on their own social web, trusting the

response of people they know.

To be a socially savvy recruiter means to

be engaged and alert in all the relevant

social channels, pages, groups, hangouts,

communities and trending hashtags.

(Click to tweet)

Bruce Martin Founder Ginger Juice

Recruiters that solely post career opportunities through social media and think that they are “doing” social recruitment are making a huge mistake.



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As a career coach and professional

résumé writer with a practice focused on

IT leaders, I look at social media sourcing

and engagement rather differently than my

colleagues in the recruiting world.

My goal is to help my clients use social media

to enhance their brand. If recruiters have a

sense of the strategies that stellar candidates

are using, these recruiters can streamline their

own search and ensure that they connect with

top talent — saving time and increasing the

number of placements.

LinkedIn is a major platform for both job

seekers and recruiters. Unfortunately,

too many candidates don’t use LinkedIn

effectively. The LinkedIn profile should also be

a unique document that discusses the main

achievements in the résumé, but goes beyond

the résumé to give a 360 degree view of the

candidate’s character.

Just posting a profile simply isn’t enough to get

attention on LinkedIn.

Candidates and recruiters need to be

active on the site, especially in groups, to

demonstrate subject matter expertise, and

to build genuine networking connections. (Click to tweet)

Recruiters need to take this approach as well.

Rather than simply doing a cold connect on

LinkedIn, engaging in a real conversation on an

important topic demonstrates that the recruiter

is willing to take the time to source the best

candidates and has the real technical expertise

to qualify those candidates.

In addition, social media helps recruiters look

beyond the résumé — to see more about the

candidate’s interests and personality — and

that’s invaluable in determining cultural fit.

J.M. AuronIT Executive Résumé WriterQuantum Tech Résumés

If recruiters have a sense of the strategies that stellar candidates are using, these recruiters can streamline their own search and ensure that they connect with top talent.ésumé



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In 2014, social media use among sourcers and

recruiters will continue to increase because

social media is definitely the new way to

communicate. The beauty of social media is the

ability to connect with your followers.

Recruiters need to resist the urge to turn

their newsfeed into a spam bot machine

that “hashtags the tar” out of a job title. (Click to tweet)

Take time to understand the best ways to

engage with people on social media and use

it as a special medium to discuss key positions

that need to be filled.

One of the beautiful things about social media

is that companies now have a very robust and

rich way to build out their employer brand.

For example, instead of a press release about

a charity event, a company can post YouTube

videos and Facebook comments, while

employees can talk about the great volunteer

effort on their personal Facebook pages or

post commentary to the company page.

This type of social media activity can provide

increased visibility into a company and gives

candidates a better understanding of company


Franz Gilbert International HR Practitioner, Author and Speaker on HR Innovation and Analytics

One of the beautiful things about social media is that companies now have a very robust and rich way to build out their employer brand.



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In 2014, social media will become an essential

part of a candidate’s job search and help them

make important job decisions.

Even before a candidate applies for a job,

he or she will be able to use social media

to crowdsource information about that

job: who the hiring manager is, who the

teammates are, the work experience of

previous employees, the coaching style of

the hiring manager, and more.

(Click to tweet)

Social media will have a profound impact on

networking and how candidates establish

connections with people within companies

they are applying to. Increasingly, candidates

will have someone within the company as their

employee referral because social media makes

it so easy, and because it is becoming evident

that having a referral gives a candidate a real

advantage. A quarter of all large U.S. employers

will get 50 percent of their hires from employee

and alumni referrals by year end 2014.

Social media will facilitate growing communities

of freelance and contract workers that

sourcers and hiring managers can tap into.

Jobs requiring flexible workers anywhere from

one hour up to several days or a month will be

handled more efficiently between the hiring

individual and candidate using social media.

A crowdsourced performance ranking will

provide transparent visibility to highlight top

talent. Similar to a union hall, if an employer

needs 150 people to work for three hours on a

given day, it can all be managed without factors

like third party recruiters or part-time agencies

for a small fee. There are several existing

models such as Work Market and Vetted, and

there will be more of these companies in 2014.

“Work from anywhere, anytime” will no longer

be seen as a cliché in 2014 as social media and

crowdsourcing networks become useful tools

for hiring managers, recruiters, and candidates


Gerry CrispinPrincipal & Co-FounderCareerXroads

A quarter of all large U.S. employers will get 50 percent of their hires from employee and alumni referrals by year end 2014.