Social networks

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Social networks

Social Networks


Title : Social Network

Social network websites (SNS), such as or, enableindividuals to represent their social networks in a computer-mediated context. While theexact value and meaning of the social connections represented in online social networksis variable (Donath, 2004), there are distinct connections between the social networksrepresented in a computer-mediated context and the real world (Lampe, 2006). In thefollowing analysis, types of information disclosed in social network websites areanalyzed. Three indices of social network information – identity information, presenceinformation and preference information – are developed, and the relationships betweenthe disclosure of information type and information volume are explored. While all threeindices have significant explanatory power, identity information has the strongest effecton information sharing volume, while preference information has the greatest explanatorypower


Of the many narratives exploring use and outcomes of social network websites, perhapsthe most common explores the public sharing of personal identity information. Over thepast four years, social network websites (SNS) have achieved strong market penetrationwith a wide range of participants (Lenhart, 2007). While broad age ranges arerepresented in these sites, such as and, youth sharingbehaviors remain one of the main points of concern as we examine and attempt tounderstand the popularity of social network websites.Social network sites are inherently identity-centric. On a social network website, theindividual serves as the core “social object,” around which the site orients. Commonactivities, such as the addition of friends, the posting of messages to the wall, or thepublishing of photos can all be thought of as “identity transactions.” These identitytransactions, generally carried out in public, shape the representation of the individual’sidentity as presented in the particular social network website. In essence, the shaping ofthe individual

identity is directly tied to outcomes from use of the site.

Object : A social network service focuses on the building and verifying of online social networks for communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others, and which necessitates the use of software. Most services are primarily web based and provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such as messaging, queries, Advices and file uploading.

Existing System:

Existing System is having Message Sending, Invite the friends, Communities and PhotoAlubums. But this system didn’t having file attachment feature. This the drawback of the existing system.

Proposed System :

In the proposed system Message sending, Invite the friends,Communities,PhotoAlbums and also file attachments(which is the drawback in the existing system) are the main features.

Business Applications :

Social networks connect people at low cost; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and Small businesses looking to expand their contract base. These networks often act as a customer relationship management tool for companies selling products and services. Companies can also use social networks for advertising in the form of banners and text ads. Since businesses operate blobally,social networks can make it easier to keep in touch with contacts around

the world.

Social networks for social good :

Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for social good. Such models may be highly successful for connecting otherwise fragmented industries and small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with interested and passionate users.

The newly designed system mainly aims at the following tasks:-* Automate the communication between the friends.* Edit the profile as well as photos.* User Invite the friends, receivers receive this invitation and also having the options like “yes’, ‘No’. If receiver clicks on the option ‘yes’ then sender is add into community. Else no.* Show Communities (All his invited friends) list with profiles.* Upload photo albums. And file Attachments(Upload the his profile in word document)


This web application cum automation system has been developed to be implemented as a follow up system for current existing system. This project would automate the operations of the social networking and would retain the present functionality available in the current system. The specific purpose of this system is to gather and process information about different projects. And get the status from corresponding users in the community.

Features:1. Messages: This application provides the

message passing between friends through online. So communication facility is easy through this application.2. Edit Profile : End users will modify and upload the photos3. Invite the friends: End users send the invitation request to his/her friends. After login the corresponding user he will see the invitation request and two text boxes (Yes, No).If user clicks on the “Yes” then that user is added into community else otherwise that user is just ignored.4. Communities: In the communities section all the friends of end users will show with photos and names. If end user clicks on a particular photo then it will show the details of that particular user.5. File Attachments: This module is an added advantage of this application. Because in this module dynamically create one folder and upload the personal documents to that folder. This folder is having personal documents of a particular user.


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