Social networking sites

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facebook and twitter in detailed

Transcript of Social networking sites

A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people

The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places means to connect with friends .

social networking methods were developed by the end of the 1990s, and many sites began to develop more advanced


Early social networking websites:

1995 -

focused on ties between former schoolmates

1997 –

focused on indirect ties

History, cont’d

Modern social networking websites:

• 2002 – Friendster

• now mostly used in Asia

• 2003 – Myspace

• bought by News Corporation (parent company of Fox) in 2005

• most popular social networking site in 2006

• 2004 - Facebook (founded by Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard as

• largest and fastest growing site in the world

• membership initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Ivy League; later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over

• 2005 - Bebo

• stands for “blog early, blog often”

History, cont’d

History, cont’d

2006-Twitter  Creation, in March 2006, and its launch in July 2006. known as a “SMS OF INTERNET”.

Founded by Jack Dorsey



 Facebook (stylized facebook) is a social network service and website launched in February 2004.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students.

As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users

Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile

Facebook was originally for Harvard students then expanded to other colleges then to anyone over the age of 18, and now currently to anyone 13 years of age or older

“Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”

If Facebook were a country, it would be the fifth-largest country in the world, after China, India, the U.S., and Indonesia

Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is the world’s youngest billionaire.

An average user has about 130 friends. 50% of the users log everyday

Facebook is open in up to 70 different languages 70% of the facebook users live outside of the US.

The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older, More than 2.5 billion pictures are uploaded to facebook on each month

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and also make new friends. You can meet people with your same interest or hobbies, and even connect with people in your same field of study or job.

Facebook allows you to share information and photos, you can blog about a topic of interest, and you can also connect to other applications like, Twitter.

Facebook allows people to connect, to learn from each other, to discuss issues, viewpoints and share advice. You can also join groups having similar likes and dislikes.


Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey along with his co founders evan williams and biz stone

•Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets.

•Twitter Was Developed By Jack Dorsey On March 21st 2006.

•Tweets are text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers

•Twitter is ranked as one of the ten-most-visited websites worldwide.

•Twitter helps linking up with a community of people who share your interests.

•Live event reporting: finding out what people are talking away from conferences, debates, sporting events, etc., in real time


•With twitter you can be hyper connected with your friends and always know what they are doing

•Quick Human Answers: Ask folks on your friends list which digital camera to buy for under 5,000 rupee, and you will get a stream of responses in a short time

•Faster news spread: twitter lead the media in breaking news about us airways flight crashing in New York Hudson river. Twitter users broke the news of the incident around 15minutes before media alerted the viewers

Top Social Networking Sites in IndiaJuly 2010 vs. July 2009Total India – Age 15+, Home & Work Locations*Source: comScore Media Metrix

India Total Unique Visitors (000)

Jul-2009 Jul-2010 % Change

Total Internet : Total Audience 35,028 39,562 13

Social Networking 23,255 33,158 43 7,472 20,873 179

Orkut 17,069 19,871 16 4,292 4,432 3

Yahoo! Pulse N/A 3,507 N/A 984 3,341 239 N/A 3,267 N/A 1,767 3,206 81 1,562 2,960 89

Yahoo! Buzz 542 1,807 233 407 1,550 281

Ranking in india:

Social Networking Sites and Modern Age Revolution:

•social networking sites became the most favorite podium for public to show their anger and initiate their fight.

•The social-networking site based revolution was taken to another level during summer 2010 when people widely posted their views on Facebook and Twitter in favor and against of Kashmir Agitation – a burning issue in South Asia

•This Egyptian revolt is considered the crowning moment for social networking sites, as leading friendship website Facebook is credited as the primary war front against dictator Hosni Mubarak

•Recently in 2011 social networks played an important role in toppling Egypt’s Mubarak

•Facebook had created 32,000 groups and 14,000 pages dedicated to Egyptian Revolution, helped them achieve what, they were craving for decades. No wonder, an Egyptian named his newly-born baby girl 'Facebook!'

•Twitter and Facebook have also helped the whole world with the  broad, speedy and easy communication method.

•The ousting of President Hosni Mubarak on February 11, 2011 made most Egypt glad.

•Facebook and Twitter gladly got credit for the ecstatic Egyptian protesters  over the Internet- inspired revolution.

Social networking advantages:

•You can promote your site or business for free: If we have a business or site we can promote it by creating a business profile on some of this networks.

•Keep in touch:Social networking provides a great way for you to stay in touch with people who may have moved away

•Brings business and oppurtunities: The more people you meet and interact with, the more business opportunities you are likely to come across.

• you can load images, business logo, etc. into your profile it will be visible for all friends and users who visit our profile which increases sales also by putting topics on groups related to the business

Social networking will help you get in touch with classmates and childhood friends. Discovering all these individuals without the help of social networking websites will be time consuming and difficult.

You can obtain comments about anything that you need to have the opinions of others on. Social networking facilitates this exchange of ideas.

Social networking allows people to get feedback about their job, the project they are currently involved in or the blog posting that they recently wrote.

The Disadvantages Of Social Networking Sites: 

•The most glaring disadvantage of social networking sites is the risk of identity theft and fraud. The personal information of users can be used by dubious people for illegal activities

•Information like the e-mail address, name, location, and age can be used to commit online crimes.

•Also, many people pretend to be someone else and prepare their online profiles with false information, so as to dupe unsuspecting users. So, if you do not know the person face to face then it will be very hard for you to find the real identity.

•If you are careful when giving out information and networking on social sites than you will most likely be safe and have a great time connecting with others.