Social Media & Your UX Portfolio

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Social Media & Your UX Portfolio

Social Media & Your UX Portfolio

By Roma Wilson, who’s a Junior UX Designer looking for opportunities to work on UX related projects.

Contact InformationTwitter: @blueswilson

LinkedIn: Roma WilsonEmail:

You’ve put in a tremendous amount of work into building your portfolio site

How do get your portfolio out into the digital world?

How can you attract potential employers/clients?

Now what?

Well, you can utilize social media to help attract people to your portfolio.

Why use Social Media?

Social media is a fun tool to help you,

Share your portfolio work

Build your network

Look for opportunities

Discuss UX topics you’re passionate about

Getting Started

If you aren’t sure which sites to use, here are three to start with:


Have an industry or company you want to network in? LinkedIn is a great place to start

You can join professional groups and expand your online network

And become a thought leader by contributing to discussions and publishing articles

LinkedIn & Your Portfolio

On your profile page you can add a link to your portfolio site

LinkedIn also allows you to add portfolio pieces in the job description section

Using LinkedIn

Fill out your entire profile

Write a detailed description that touches on,

Your background

What you do

What you want to do next

Using LinkedIn pt.2

Start growing your network by adding friends & colleagues

Pick a profile photo that relates to what you want to do

**Do not use a selfie for your profile photo**


Meetup can help you find and network with other professionals

You can find and join UX Design groups such as UXDT

You can join groups related to the industry you want to get involved in as a UX Designer

Using Meetup

Fill out your entire profile page

Include links to your LinkedIn & Twitter profile, and your portfolio

Use the same photo that’s on your linkedIn profile

Look for UX related groups in your area to join


Use Twitter to keep in contact with the professionals you’ve meet while networking

You can link to your portfolio site and share some of what you’ve worked on

You can share personal aspects about yourself like your hobbies

Using Twitter

You only have 140 characters so make them count!

Put the link to your portfolio site in your description

Use the same profile photo that you use for LinkedIn and Meetup

NDA’sInformation is sensitive, and NDAs do govern what you can and can’t post

The best thing to do is work with your employer/clients to determine what you can/can’t share

Maybe your posts can benefit your employer/clients in some way

Most important: if in doubt, don’t post it out

Final thoughts

It does take time and effort to build your audience

Social media is about building relationship not sales

Enjoy the experience and have fun!