Social Media - Understanding Its Use

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Social Media - Understanding Its Use

S o c i a l M e d i a

Understanding its use

• “You are in the findability department.

• The marketing department is dead.”

• - •

• - Todd Defren

Not too long ago...

marketing was a one-way street where companies talked at us. There was no common effective way to talk back, except perhaps through: boycotts, consumer reports,

Ralph, and letters to the company.

People were portrayed with broad brush strokes. Individual diversity wasn’t as accepted. A Company

addressed stereotypical demographic blocks within a more limited cultural and socio-economic comfort zone. Many were gullible, believing most anything presented

seriously, with experts or marketing flare.

These marketing methods are not gone. They still work for some, but they’re losing their effectiveness.


The consumer’s voice, that was always there but unconnected is now empowered through recent

technological improvements in communication. We are speaking up and out. Everything has evolved to enable us

to become more connected and expressive.

Things evolve ...

The prime goal of Online Social Media is to:build relationships by word-of-mouth online.

The number one reason people fail at social media is:

The foundation hasn’t been prepared which includes:

1. One has not articulated a clear way to differentiate oneself from those competing for attention.

2. This brand has not been developed and appropriated to all of the various ways it will appear.

3. One has not identified the expected outcome/process their

Social media is not ...

a stand alone process or outcome. It should be integrated as an extension of the (business or individual) personality. Yet, it shouldn’t be a vanity instrument. You wouldn’t burst

into a party like a vendor hawking your wares. Never engage your business with social media without being

ready to share something useful & meaningful.

Do you need a blog?

Not necessarily, but you do always need fresh content on a regular basis.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

• A blog is a website but not all websites are blogs• Blogs have content that is regularly updated

• Readers leave comments• Content is syndicated

• Content is broken down into posts

Attract Using Your B.I.O.

Brand: The few words that describe your business.In branding the experiences of your desired audience

determines your identity. Your brand is formed, in part, by integrating their positive experience with your

product into the marketing experience.

Attract Using Your B.I.O.

Individuality: What makes you inherently different from the rest of us? What makes you stand out? Who are you?

Outlook: Is your future relationship with your customer. It is what they will receive from you Through the process

and the end result.


Two typical types of transformations.

1) You convert a new acquaintance to a subscriber.

2) You convert a subscriber to a client/customer.


As your new contacts turn into subscribers,the “social proof” in numbers, (which is the rest of the

people at the party) will help confirm the relationship’s credibility.

Some of these successes can be leveraged into more social proof such as:

personal stories, testimonials, case studies, customer showcase, comments, recommendations.

Most effective are video interviews portraying satisfied individuals who’ve used your product/service.

Ways to Measure Social Media Success

Measure the quantity of visitors along with other site analytics

Measure the number of subscribers

Note: Subscribers are clients/customers in the initial stages of receiving your goods/services. As they check you out, they are gaining impressions of your content and

offerings (relationship). Time then transpires. The time between an initial contact and a purchase is worth noting and is called a sale cycle.

relationship + time = customer (client)

One’s transformation rate is easily measured by quantity of purchases.

Websites, Blogs, & SEO

The website is the window into the company.Three good reasons to have one:

1) Websites are expected

2) They are efficient (sustainable)

3) They transform viewers into customers

Three things a business site must accomplish:

According to a recent media study: Web users form first impressions of web pages in as little as

50 milliseconds (1/20th of a second)


Market Sell

What is really valuable?

Seven Elements of a Great Website:

1) Desirable - The design is attractive

2) Accessible - easily navigated, intuitive, and understandable

3) Credible - Content is needed

Use methods that appeal to various learning styles:a) blogs & articles

b) audio clips, podcastsc) visuals, multi-media

d) offerings - popular choices, samples, bargains, coupons

4) Searchable (SEO) viewable in all browsers, navigationally intuitive, appropriate/integrated meta data,

image data, W3C compliant....

5) Useable - Self maintenance options, easy, clear...

a) in touch with this ever-changing technologyb) change displays, re-stock, cater to seasonal trends, tag

products, offer sales just like a store,bargains, coupons

6) Sustainable - able to support the principles of sustainable design

7) Valuable - as a whole, the entire site is an enriching experience and earns attention

Visit: a complete checklist of important necessities.

SEO Tips:

1) Phrases in search field match page content

2) All about character combinations. Pretend you are different types of people searching for what you are


Exercise: Write a description of a kind of person you would most like to visit your site. Example: parent w/

school age children, single parent, entrepreneur

SEO Programming

Pretend you are the visitor. Target your search phrases. Use common phrases and common misspellings. Search

engines compare your content with these search phrases and words for the right match. This is how their algorithm

ranks your site.The SEO should go deep into your text content, image

alternate titles and tags, meta tags and especially outside links which give your site more credibility.

Use SEO plugins in order to embed this code into each page and its header and footer.

Why social media?

• It is where the people are. FB alone holds more than one billion monthly active users as of October 2012.

• Trust in top down advertising is eroding

• People are already talking so, just join the conversation

Position yourself as master of your own world and find communities to share with.

Our Community

academia activist groups

charities citizens' militia

civic groups clubs (sports, social, etc.) community foundations

community organizations consumer organizations

cooperatives cultural groups

environmental groups foundations

intermediary organizations for the voluntary/non-profit sector men's groups

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) non-profit organizations (NPOs)

policy institutions private voluntary organizations (PVOs)

professional associations religious organizations

support groups trade unions

voluntary associations women's groups

This is our human community.

This is our core social network.Social media online is just one method of communicating

and establishing relationships with them.

Artwork from


Facebook’s Four Areas

1) Profiles(not for businesses)

a) A good pictureb) Wall good for images and links to establish brand

c) Info box is for good connectionsd) Six friends ought to be business related

e) Photos: be relevantf) Notes: good place for links and blog leads

g) Use status updates as positive events

In Facebook a friend is just someone you know from the most shallow level to the deepest intimacy.

Building Friendship Base

• Number of “friends” do matter if you build relationships with them

• Add business card leads – search for them on FB and introduce yourself again

• Use forwarding domain to FB page using premium options

• State open door policy and expect reciprocal openness

Facebook Groups (like a forum)

• Messaging members of a group one can personally do and personalize it.

• Look for a group you would want to start before starting one

• Do not open a group around a brand or business (pages are for that)

• Build a group around an idea, thought, topic• Think about the problem you or your company wants to

solve as a basis for starting a group

Six tips to promote a group

1) Buy domain and use it to forward to FP group (fbg)2) Same link on FB profile

3) Put URL for FBG on email signatures4) Invite friends from other social networks to join

5) Put graphic button on sites you have or have others put them on theirs

6) Host giveaways & contests etc.

FB Pages (or fan pages)

• Are for ones business• Pages are more customizable

• They are indexed and searchable• One can put out mass messages like groups

FB Events

• Good way to promote (active content)• You get a full page

• Invite friends and have them invite theirs and collect RSVP’s

Use images and select friends carefully to promote brand

Types of Events:

• Local live events• Live events in other cities

• Performances’• Book signing

• Webinars• Virtual events

• Product launches• New store openings

• Nonprofit events (walks, benefits…)• Parties

• Educational classes• Meetings (formal and informal)

FB Appreciations

FB Connect

• Are widgets and are usually 3rd party programs• Living social is a good one

• Notes and videos are facebook add-onsTip: Search for more info

• for more info• It connects ones FB identity, friends and settings to any

website• They look to your website using FB ID and if they

comment on the blog or whatever, it will appear as a post on their profile.

Social Media Do’s

• Spend time creating an outstanding profile• Let your personality shine through

• Reach out in a professional and thoughtful manner• Build a loyal Facebook friendship base

• Leverage notes and status updates by providing value• Work on attracting people to your site (using real value, not

pushy links)• Have a friendly policy in place

• Build community around your topic or specialty• Be proactive in your network efforts• Share relevant pictures and videos

• Participate actively in groups


• Be pushy• Post your web link when writing on someone’s wall (it’s blatant

self-promotion and will usually be deleted)• Send or accept frivolous applications

• Use your business name as your profile name• Put up crude or thoughtless pictures or comments

• Expect social media to “work” for you. You have to work it.• Be patient (real relationships take time to build

• Friend blindly (always let people know why you are requesting a friendship)

Typical Maintenance:

• Approve or disapprove friend requests• Wish friends a happy birthday

• Update your status when something memorable happens like reading an article, then add link.

• Look at home page and comment on what seems appropriate• Reply to any messages in inbox

• Drop in the groups you belong to an see what is happening• From your own group invite new friends to join


• Post notes and videos• Pick some people you know to setup a one-on-one meeting

• Frequently examine your stats/analytics• Approach someone who doesn’t compete with you directly and

perhaps work out a joint venture. Some synergy.• Post videos or pictures of any speaking arrangements

• Scan network and see if there is anyone you can help to do something.

• Services like protect your online content

Site Integration

• Make it easy for anyone to share your sites information from wherever they are.

• Revolve all of your social media efforts around your website as if it is the center of your online universe.

• Use sharing icons Pinterest, Digg, Delicious, etc.

Have us integrate your email marketing system, your CMS website and mobile accessibility into one dynamic whole.



Press Releases


Contemporary websites pull content from social media portalsusing their APIs.

Donut Marketing™



Your Website



• make it easy for anyone to share your sites information from wherever they are.

• revolve all of your social media efforts around your website as if it is the hub.

• use sharing icons Pinterest, Digg, Delicious, etc.

• blog is the sincere personal side of yourself that gives your business a human handle.

Remember Traditional Media

Must Haves:

After establishing your product/service, brand, website, What next?

Get a CMS hybrid website from that is maintained by you.

a) photos that showcase your products/servicesb) Links to your social networks

c) A FB like buttond) seasonal discount coupons, time sensitive items

e) Promo videof) Professional description

g) links to your sites and ask in return (cross-linking)

Must Haves

• Social Networking• Email capture mechanism

• Blogging & Web Publishing• In-House and Independent Forums/Wikis

• Photo Sharing• Audio & Video Sharing (podcasts, video directory)

• Spoon feed the press, online activity calendars, search pages)• Linking (cross-linking and website URL registration

• Publicize Events (take pictures and videos edit and share)• Directories (Maine events, search engines)

• Make a great virtual portfolio that is graphically stunning)• Make maps in the map directories showing place. Upgrade map

to info balloon and more info links.

. . . because not everyone is created the same

Diversify Your Approach

Questions for Measuring Success

Does it feel like it is working?What is your bottom line?

How many leads do you have?Interpreting the site analytics, what do you conclude

about your visitor behavior?What is your sale cycle from initial contact to purchase?

What is the transformation rate?Is this work opening new questions about your viewers, business

and relationship connecting you?

Action Summary

We hope this information outlined in this presentation has been useful.

Keep being true to yourself and/or group as well as real with others.

Be patient, since this work takes time and a sustained amount of energy and commitment.

S o c i a l M e d i aUnderstanding its use

The End