Social Media & Swine Flu

Post on 24-May-2015

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Social Media & Swine Flu, a small effort to share the role of social media in prevention of Swine Flu (N1H1). The only humble request is to share the presentation & be more informed. Together we can. We will

Transcript of Social Media & Swine Flu

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Now what?

Don’t Panic

No Need. Seriously

Just few precautions.

Boost your immune system

keep hydrated, Drink Water

Be physically active

Avoid Alcohol

Get enough sleep

Avoid crowded Areas

Avoid Touching

Keep the Mask On

Cover it

Keep away from sick people

Keep them Home

Keep informed

Keep the Faith

You should remember this

Mother Nature, show your Magic

Time for a Social Act

If you Like it. GO Green

Together We Can. We Will.