Social media introduction final

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Social media introduction final

Exploiting the social

media revolution

Katie King

Managing Director, Zoodikers

• Managing Director, Zoodikers. 23 years in PR

• PR for ISS, FMA etc

• Social media column in FMJ

• Former Director Text 100

• Commentator BBC TV & radio

• Social media trainer, moderator & conference speaker

(Workplace Futures; KPMG/FMA conference)

• Strategy & training for agencies, SMEs, Universities,

voluntary groups, Saatchi, Harrods, Kingfisher, o2…


• The social revolution

• Alignment with your goals

• Developing a compelling content strategy

• How to prepare for crisis scenarios

• Measuring the effectiveness of social media campaigns

• Protecting yourself with a social media policy

Our agenda


A Social Revolution

• Traditional organisations ‘owned’ their brands

• New comms are word-of-mouth led. Social media gives

more power to people. They own the brand.

• The brand is what people perceive it to be, and now, say it


• They are passionate enough to create blogs, videos, and

images, or to comment on them – often in their own time

• Sources of info are fragmenting. You now have access to

thousands of blogs and social networks

Impact on brands

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| Social Media Legals

Social Media in Professional Services

• More than 2.7 million people now follow FTSE 100 corporate Twitter

accounts - a rise of 131% since 2011

• 27.4 million fans of FTSE 100 corporate Facebook pages - a 98% rise

• 82 million views of corporate videos- an increase of 105%

Latest FM social media research

The most successful organisations…

• Had a comprehensive strategy

• Highlighted all social platforms in use (via website,

corporate literature, business cards, etc)

• Posted a wide range of content, not just text – videos,

pictures, infographics

• Listened as much as they spoke

‘Every facet of the NHS is represented on social media. Senior Department of Health officials, nurses, junior doctors, radiologists, patient groups, NHS librarians, mental health practitioners and more are all on Twitter. - ‘Only chief executives who are social media literate will be able to ask the right questions of their directors and staff when discussing the results of social media use and monitoring.’

NHS Advice for CEOs

Dean Royles, NHS Employment Organisation

A New Way of Working

Allows participants to develop their own views and opinions, through discussion and participation.

•Social Media lacks the time and place restrictions of traditional meetings

•Allows discussion and development over a longer period of time -nobody is ‘put on the spot’.

•Information and discussions can be more casually distributed to relieve administrative pressure

NHS Advice for CEOs

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| Social Media Legals

12 core developments

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| Social Media Legals

1. StrategyA board level issue

• As a listening tool – e.g. for market research on customers,


• For customer service, to handle enquiries

• To engage audiences, 2-way, e.g. on Facebook

• To influence press, customers, partners

• To recruit staff

• To drive traffic to the website and sell more

Cross departmental roles

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| Social Media Legals

2. BrandThe internet has forced transparency.

Brands no longer control the media, consumers do.

Authenticity is essential.

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| Social Media Legals

3. ExperienceFocus on improving customer service.

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4. DataData needs to be turned into insight & action to be a source of customer, competitive & marketing advantage.

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5. DigitalDigital thinking should be embedded into marketing strategies as a matter of course.

Digital Content Strategy

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6. PersonalisationPersonalisation offers the greatest opportunity to transform what customers currently get.

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| Social Media Legals

7. TechnologyTechnology is an Enabler.You need to be comfortable and adept at procuring & using technology to your best advantage.

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| Social Media Legals

8. ContentContent marketing & focus on owned and earned media represents a fundamental shift in marketing. This is more than a fad.

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| Social Media Legals

9. CreativeWe need creativity just as much as we need technology.We need storytelling just as much as we need data.

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| Social Media Legals

10. Multi-screenMobile revolution is only just beginning. TVs, books, in-store kiosks and billboards are all screens.

The vending machine was triggered by students tweeting a specific hashtag which on receiving the tweet, the vending machine would dispense a sweet treat along with information on Mars career opportunities.

Mars hashtag vending

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| Social Media Legals

11. SocialIt’s about changing business culture, the ways we work and the ways we engage with our colleagues and customers.

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| Social Media Legals

It’s about creating businesses with ‘Social’ in their DNA.

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| Social Media Legals

12. CommercialNeed to optimise the customer journey along its entire path, including the sales funnel and post-sale.

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| Social Media Legals

Relevance not hype:

alignment with your goals

Alignment with business strategy

Your audiences Business objectives

Marketing objectives

Perceptions to create in 3, 6, 9


Messages to convey



PR & social media


Clients Twitter/FB/LinkedIn

Online PR



Prospects LinkedIn Groups

Case studies

Social media


New staff Webinars


Social media

Partners/Influencers News stories

Social media

Content curation

Content curation process

Case study example

Big FM Conversation

Big FM Conversation

Case Study - Director Magazine

We recently secured an interview with HR Director, Ged Horn, and Apprentice, Steve Tassie, in the June Edition of Director Magazine.

The piece was secured as a result of intense lobbying in response to an upcoming feature that we had identified.

The feature required Ged and Steve to attend a photo shoot and interview in London, accompanied by one of the Zoodikers team.

Director Magazine’s ABC figure is 50,694.

In terms of AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent), a piece of this size would normally cost from £10,000*.



Staying on the right side of law

• Guidelines see fewer people being charged in England and

Wales for offensive messages on social networks

• The Director of Public Prosecutions said people should face a

trial only if their comments on Twitter, Facebook or elsewhere

go beyond being offensive

• He said the guidance combats threats and internet trolls

without having a "chilling effect" on free speech

• The guidance means some people could avoid trial if they are

sorry for criminal comments posted while drunk


• Why social media is important

• How social media will be integrated with your offline work

• How staff will be responsible for what they write online

• How using social media will help to encourage a sense of


• How using social media will bring value to the people

you’re talking to that they wouldn’t have got offline

• Respecting copyright

• Protecting confidential information

• Finding a balance between your social media and other


Need for a clear policy

Crisis planning

Crisis Communications

• Mistakes must not happen in the world of Social Media, especially for large businesses.

• Social Media can quickly escalate mistakes, opinions and events into a PR disaster.

• The public’s views and comments are opinionated, individual, and out of the businesses control.

How can I solve the Crisis?

• Do not ignore it

• Ensure proper training

• Address the Crisis

• Receive feedback and adapt appropriately

• Minimize fallout

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| Social Media Legals

Measuring Effectiveness

Social ROI; Beyond Marketing

• Reputation• Risk Reduction• Client Retention• Efficiency• Business Intelligence• Differentiation• Brand Association• PR & Exposure• Immediate Revenue• Long-term Revenue• Supplier Capacity Building• Perception Shifting• Environmental Impact

• Innovation• Client Education• Sales Staff Capacity Building• Support Staff Capacity Building• Network Growth• Political Influence• Opportunity Creation• Job Satisfaction• Family Satisfaction• Trust Building• Economic Development• Community Capacity Building

Platforms and Metrics


• Number of actively generated Tweets

• Number of Retweets

• Number of Followers

• Total audience reached

• Tone of posts

• Sentiment

• Key messages

• URL links


Social Media Influences SEO

• Search engines are now

incorporating social media data in to

their search results.

• Both Bing and Google recently

stated that their search results are

positively affected by social signals,

such as tweets, Facebook Likes,

and +1s.

• Sites with lots of links to relevant

content climb higher in organic

search results.

• About a quarter of Tweets and

Facebook posts contain links to


Search Engine Impact

• Ranking of actively generated posts in

search returns

• Assess ranking of negative articles in

search returns

• Pre and post activity keyword search

returns analysed

• Work with SEO agency/online marketing

department• Online PR/social media campaigning will not be the

only influence on search returns

• Note the Google PageRank of coverage


Thank you@katieeking