Social media for Postgraduate Researchers

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social media for Postgraduate Researchers

Social Media for

@DrGaryKerrPostgraduate Researchers

Main Idea

Social media is not a technology, it is a digital ecosystem and so, to understand its value, we have to

take on board what happens within the ecosystem, but, even better, become part of it.

If you’re not overwhelmed, then you haven’t been paying attention!

But this doesn’t really tell us what social media is…

Time to correct some misunderstandings

Social Media has changed society!What do the Queen, the Pope, and the CIA have in common?

Social Media also signifies a shift in how people undertake their work and how they relate to one another

“Ignoring social media is like

ignoring email in the 1990’s”


Where do you fall on the adoption curve?

The rise of social media aligns with a number of other trajectories evident within society and these are far more powerful explanations for why such radical change is occuring

•Concerns about our publishing infrastructure•The future of the university•Failings of the media•Rise of mobile culture•The rise of the prosumer• Importance of research impact

•More connected•More manageable workload•More awareness of change•More creative working life•New ways of discovering colleagues

What’s in it for me?Professional & Personal

Social media is about creating institutional change

It’s also about building relationships

And it’s about future-proofing academia in a digital era

But it might not be easy!

It’s not all ‘Me, Me, Me’

But it is important to figure out the value of each social media platform!

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