Social media demographics 512

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Transcript of Social media demographics 512

Social Demographics: Who’s Using Today’s Biggest Networks [INFOGRAPHIC]

March 09, 2012 by Alissa Skelton 28

More than 66% of adults are connected to one or

more social media platforms, but who exactly are these


The infographic below, created by Online MBA, breaks down

the demographics, including education level, income, age

and gender of social media users, along with other

miscellaneous facts.

Some sites’ users are more demographically alike than

others. One thing is the same for most social sites —

college students, or those who have completed some

college, represent the majority on social media sites like

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Digg and Reddit. Among

Facebook users, 57% have completed some college, and

24% have earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Although, people 45 and older make up 46% of Facebook users.

Social media sites are also seeing a gender split — women use social media more than men. More women are on Facebook and Twitter. About 57% of Facebook and

59% of Twitter users are women.

Women gravitate toward Pinterest and young, techie men hang out on Google+. Pinterest has the heaviest gender imbalance — 82% of users are women, who pin

crafts, gift ideas, hobbies, interior design and fashion. On the other spectrum, Google+ is dominated by men (71%) and early adopters, engineers and developers.

About 50% of Google+ users are 24 or younger.

LinkedIn reports an even ratio of men and women — 49% over age 45 — who use the site to connect with other business professionals.

Most people use social media to stay in touch with friends and family, and more are doing so while on the go. About 200 million Facebook users check their Timelines

from their mobile devices every day.

Check out the infographic below to see all the statistics.


1. autodaddict Follow

Did someone make a colour pallette faux pas or are 46% of facebook users and 50% of G+ users over 45? 0-24 yrs old only 14% of FB?

March 09, 2012 Reply 0 Flag this comment

Alissa Skelton Follow

There are no color faux pas according to these stats. The graphic and the stats show 50% of Google+ users are 0-24 and 11% are over 45.

Infographic courtesy of Online MBA.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, RapidEye.

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