Social Media- COMM 310 Presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social Media- COMM 310 Presentation

Social Media Aja Sanders

Alex KimChelsey Munkres

Emily KordysGregory Bretado

Olivia CallenShaunee Edwards

Does Social Media Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Society?

What is it?Tumblr is a popular microblogging platform designed for creative self-expression. It is considered a popular alternative to Facebook and other social media websites where users blog on a multitude of topics. It provides an easy-to-use interface and has the fastest multimedia publishing capabilities

of all blog services. Whether it may be a personal blog, a photographer’s portfolio, a fan page, or simply a page of reposted photos, any genre or style can easily find it’s place in this world of



1. The lack of monetization makes it less attractive to people who do creative and amazing things with other social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

2. Tumblr makes real communication even more difficult because there is no comment option that is easy to access. You will have to reblog the post and add a comment under or ask a question if a user allows it.

3. Every Tumblr page uses the servers that they offer. So if Tumblr goes down, your site does as well. There is also little flexibility with the customization and add ons to your page. Most Tumblr pages look about the same


1. The simplicity of the user interface and user experience (UI and UX) makes it very easy to use. Users can even customize the look of their page very easily by looking through various templates. It doesn’t require users to be tech savvy.

2. Privacy isn’t too big of an issue because users are able to opt in or out.

3. The platform is known to be very liberal and mainly used by a younger crowd. Users are free to post what they like meaning nudity, violence, religion, etcetera are shared freely.

4. Allows you to run multiple blogs under one account.

WHat is it?

Twitter is an online social media platform in which users are able to share 140 character messages with other registered users allowing them to share news, opinions and creative content within a

matter of seconds. Twitter also enables users to find content swiftly with the simple use of their hash tagging system. A hashtag is used in the manner to establish organization within the twitter realm

and allows for various users to connect with a simple hashtag “#”.


1. Twitter is fast, too fast even.2. You are limited to 140 character

posts3. Need permission to promote a

product consistently.4. Twitter is not ideal for visual

content.5. Twitter can be used to as a

source for cyberbullying.


1. Twitter is a source for quick news/info.

2. Twitter is established.3. User friendly.4. Twitter is fast.5. Every tweet made goes

directly to your followers feed/timeline.

How Powerful is twitter?2013 Super Bowl power outage

What is it?Youtube is a video sharing website that allows people to submit their videos with virtually no time limit and

few restrictions. As long as you have a camera, a phone, or some type of recording device, you have the power to share just about anything with anybody. This form of social media allows users to stay connected with the

world and broadcast to over 1 billion users around the globe. Youtube users can use their videos to both entertain and inform. Whether you’re dealing with politics, the hottest music/movies around, or the latest

game winning touchdown, youtube allows you to share it with friends, family, and the world.


1. People have the freedom to upload almost anything.

2. Youtube has very poor control over age restrictions. Anyone can make an account under any age and access all videos.

3. Advertisements. There are several videos on YouTube that require viewers to first see an advertisement before watching their video.

4. “Related Videos” is a feature on YouTube that is supposed to provide users with videos that are “related” to their views.

5. Users can share and often misuse videos for personal gain/benefit.


1. It’s free. There is no cost for access to millions of videos that are added daily to YouTube.

2. YouTube allows people to flag videos and content that they feel are not appropriate for YouTube users.

3. Youtube has a subscription feature that allows you to get updates about the things that you care about the most.

4. It allows videos in great lengths, youtube allows users to upload videos of great length.

5. Youtube has a handy subscription feature for favorites

YouTube’s Role in Today’s Society

What is it?

Facebook is a social media site that is designed to connect users with friends and family across the globe. Here, users can post statuses on a variety of topics and are able to “share” and “like” statuses

from other people. It is extremely easy to use and allows users to chat and send messages instantly. Whether you want to connect with sports players, friends, or family, Facebook allows you to do all of

that and get instant up to date news within seconds.


1. The fine print of “privacy settings”.2. Facebook likes to monitor preferences and personal

favorites, so that they can try to gear content more towards your interests. More specifically the advertisements that are solely based on an individual's previous search history that has been obtained by the “cookies” on that individual's computer.

3. Anybody can make an account for any reason. They tend to be created for malicious purposes. (i.e: Manti Te’o Girlfriend Hoax, kidnapping, rape, etc..)

4. Messanger is a way to get to know the information that has been uploaded/downloaded to/from the user's cell-phone all while they are spending 20 mins for 1.4 billion users per day. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of FB, stated that the average FB user in the United States uses Facebook average of about 40 minutes per day.


1. A FREE service for friends, family, colleagues, anyone you know or might know are all available on one site where it is easier to keep in touch with.

2. It allows you to “like” pages and get content directly to your feed. It keeps you very well connected to the issues that you are interested in. They also have a variety of page outlets.

3. Local and small businesses are able to promote their businesses.

4. Able to “share” statuses, photos, videos, etc. - one of the quickest ways to spread information

Do Facebook users have privacy? Manti Te’o Girlfriend Hoax

What is it?

Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image

into a memory to keep around forever. We're building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends' lives through pictures as they happen. imagine a

world more connected through photos.


1. Photos can only be shared from mobile devices.

2. There isn’t much space to describe companies outside of pictures.

3. Companies/Advertisers abusing the system/free advertisement to capitalize. Advertising is limited on

4. People posing as something they’re not.


1. Appeals very strongly to millennials.

2. It is created specifically for mobile devices.

3. The effective use of hashtags provide a targeted filtering tool which helps organisations connect with users actively looking or searching for a particular term.

4. Affordable advertisement

In Conclusion

Does the good outweigh the bad?

Are both Pros and Cons Equal?

These questions we leave up to you to decide...

Thank you For Listening