Social Media and Growth Hacking for Startups

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social Media and Growth Hacking for Startups


Social Media Marketing& Growth hacking

For Startups


Social Media For Startups

1 - What is Social Media ?2 - Why use Social Media ? 3 - Is Social Media the future or just BS ? 4 - Startups and social media 5 - Simple social media plan for early traction6 - Finding & building relationships with news journalists (Real life examples) 7 - 20min per day social media management 8 - Growth hacking for startups


1 - What is Social Media ?- Its Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & LinkedIn - Media for social interaction- Real time communication - Digital interaction between people- Platforms for engagement and networking


2 – Why use Social Media ?


2 – Why use Social Media ?THEN



3 - Is Social Media the future ?


3 - Is Social Media the future ?Quick Social media Survey


3 - Is Social Media the future ? Why do people use SM anyways ?

Social Media Is Making Us Lazy ……Do you think this TREND will stop ?


4 – Startups & Social MediaWhy should startups use SM?

- That’s where people are (Our potential users) - Already talking about the problems we want to solve- 2 way communication (TV / Radio is 1 way) - Real time communication


4 – Startups & Social Media The Ultimate Challenge


4 – Startups & Social Media The Solution – Do what you do in REAL LIFE


BUT HOW …………………….. ?


5 - How to create a Social Media Plan ?

WHAT – is your business about ?

WHO – is your target audience ?

WHERE – is your target audience on social media ?

HOW - to connect / engage with the target audience ? OR (What to post / tweet / share)


BEST Practices for Early Traction

- START - BE CONSISTENT (magic) - USE VISUALS (Photos & Videos) - START with 1 or 2 channels - BUILD TRUST - Follow 80/20 rule - Focus on THEM- Be human - Talk about benefits (not features)

- BUILD RELATIONSHIPS (esp. with news journalists)- Practice social listening - Help first & then ask


Content Ideas For Startups (What to post)

- Share your WHY- Talk about your team- Show off your product / MVP - Post about relevant events - Share your milestones - Talk about the community - Share industry news


6 - Finding + building relationships with relevant news journalists

1 – Local events • “RUN” into them and exchange business card • Only pitch after they remember your name/startup

2 – Set up Google Alerts • See who is talking about your niche • Get daily updates & comment on their articles

3 – Use Twitter lists • Add journalists & baggers in a twitter list • Engage on consistent basis

Example 1 – Local + Personal relationships

Example 2 – Google alert WIN

Step 1 – Google alerts on right keywrodsStep 2 – Email the blogger / JournalistStep 3 -


7 - 20min per day social media management

1 - Update social media channels (5min) • Use FREE tools like Hootsuite Or Buffer

2 - Listen + engage with relevant conversations (5min)• Likes, Shares, RT & Comments

3 - Build relationships with news journalists (10min)• Reply + ReTweet • Comment on their relevant articles


8 – Simple Growth Hacks for startups

Growth + Hacking

Growing Increasing Going up

Being tactical Tracking Experimenting

Growth hacking = Planned experiments with specific goal


Homework before Growth Hacking

1 – Make sure you install analytics (Google Analytics)2 – Have a “coming soon page”3 – Email capture box (list building) 4 – Mobile friendly 5 – Branding 6 – Contacts us OR Email us page


Growth Hack Experiment (Lets get press coverage)

Steps Details

Hypothesis If we submit our startup to RIGHT blogs, they will cover us

Platform(s) Startup publications + blogs

Resource Myself

How long 2 week

How to measure Press article

Pass / Fail 2 articles

Process Submit our URL to startup blogs + publications- Startup list - Beta list - has 100s of directories


Dark Truths About Social Media

- Pay to play - FREE ONLY to start - Requires hard work & time - No short cuts

Social media is NOT optional


Home Work - Lets Start TODAY!!!- Embrace social media - Create at least 1 or 2 social media channels - Create a simple content plan - Integrate social media into your startup- Start sharing / posting / tweeting - Believe & tell others that you are the BEST !!!


Ali Mirza