Social Media 2.0

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Social Media 2.0

The Power of Social Media for Educators 2.0

Dave Shortreed Greater Victoria SD 61

Greater Victoria School District 61 @mr_shortreed


#sd61learn !


Where good ideas come from?

How are they improved/refined?


• sharing stories/ideas

• raising awareness

• opening conversation

• bringing people together

Social media can be used for most for:

Industry of Relationships

Social media as a connector to ENHANCE face to face



Turn to your neighbour:

1. Who are your trusted advisors?

2. How often to you connect with them?

3. How did you meet them?



Making the district smaller Sharing leadership

The Networked Teacher

Digital Citizenship

What comes up when you google your name?

Are you defining it?

Social Media in Education

• Facebook for information to parents

• Twitter for Professional Learning Network for educators

• Instagram/Snapchat for sharing stories between students

Twitter as a Professional Learning Network

• for developing professional learning networks

• for collaborating

• for sharing stories/resources

• for problem solving

• educational leadership

• modelling digital citizenship

• personalized headlines

Crowd SourcingNot one voice or one ‘expert’, but a filter to see and consider many voices on a topic

Personalized Learning Network, with headlines filtered by you

tailor to many topics - technology, self-regulation, numeracy, Literacy, Aboriginal education, social Responsibility, active learning, self regulation, Social Emotional learning, student inquiry, project based learning, innovative practice, anxiety in education, etc

My Trusted Advisors in EdTech

Dr. Valerie Irvine, @_valeriei

George Couros, @gcouros

Dr. Alec Couros, @courosa

Chris Wejr, @Chriswejr

~10 schools on Twitter

~40 P/VP’s

~120 educators interacting on #sd61learn


Twitter trends in GVSD

Building momentum as a district resource

Twitter is not

• to follow famous people

• the news, an unfiltered mess of a waste of time

• see what people are eating

• sunsets/sunrises


Turn to your neighbour: !

What innovative teaching practice do you see in your school? !

What headlines would you be interested in?

“Education will change from the ground up…teachers as professionals doing great work and sharing it via social media” - Elisa Carlson @EMSCarlson #sd36learn

#bccurric, #bced, #bclearns

Twitter 101

“Twitter can be used as a professional space to collaborate, share, and broadcast information”


!Make an account right now if you don’t have one and

help each other

Tips for setting up a professional account

1. Use school district email address

2. Choose a professional username (ie- not @cooldude61)

3. Profile photo - crack the egg!

4. Description - how would you introduce yourself? #sd61learn position, school, mandate

5. Location - Victoria, BC

Time to Explore

10 Minutes

• Log into Twitter

• Re-evaluated your account

• chat to your neighbour about challenges moving forward with Twitter

Focusses your audience

Tailors your conversation

Focusses on a topic

Filters information and location


#bccurric, #pbl, #sd61learn, #sd61slm, #bced, #bclearns, #anxietyined

Want to create a hashtag? Search, then start tweeting

ELG/PBL Grant Meeting sessions

Why hashtag?





People who you want to credit

Connect with


• RT = Retweet- confirmed someones ideas and passed it to your followers

• MT= modified Tweet - slight change to the Tweet

RT and MT

Photos/LinksPhotos can tell a story - use a mobile device to attach photos easily


Links- go to

Time to Explore

10 Minutes

1. Look at #sd61learn. Search for others

2. #bccurric, #bclearns, #bced, #anxietyined, #srl61

3. What are you headlines?

Getting Started

• You can always delete a tweet

• Uncheck email notifications

• Check out my list for people to follow

• Ok to watch till you feel comfortable, but lead by example

• Any other advice?

Tips1. Balance Professional with Personal- how much would you share with

your class?

2. Think about who you follow - it is what you can control and they represent you

3. Don’t follow only like-minded people

4. Be careful with negativity

5. Follow #hashtags and @people instead of your feed

attend multiple conference presentations online simultaneously

no need to take notes at conferences - visit #bcssafall2013 for example

PlatformsiPhone and iPad- Mobile Twitter app

Computer - HootSuite/ Tweetdeck (saves columns)


1. Sharing innovative strategies and news from your schools!

2. Educational articles that influence your thinking!3. Thoughts and quotes!4. Questions that will help you or your organization!5. Support others educators

What you should tweet about

For Further Reading

For relevant presentations, policies, educational articles

Tweet Me!

Time to Explore20 Minutes

1. Take a look at my lists to start to build your local PLN

@johngaiptman, @PatrickHDuncan , @mr_shortreed, @janineroy3

2. Look for authors/experts around the world like @dylanwiliam, @courosa, @gcouros

3. Teachers/admin on #sd61learn like @trev_mackenzie or @brad_cunningham or @VPGrizzly

Ticket out the door


• What are you excited about?

• What did you learn today?

• Or tweet to #sd61learn

Thank you!