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Transcript of SoalEssayPLPG

  • 8/2/2019 SoalEssayPLPG



    determined some indicators and sets the instructional objective of speaking competencies forGrade X students, in her first week. She referred to the first basic competencies of speaking

    found in Grade X that says Student should be able to express meaning in transactionalconversation which include several language functions such as introducing, inviting, accepting

    and declining invitation". But she was still wondering how to put her ideas in words for theindicators and objectives.


    IndicatorsA. Cognitive

    1)Identifying the expression of introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitationin interpersonal conversation carefully.

    2)Filling in missing gaps in the form interpersonal conversations that involve theintroducing, inviting carefully.

    3)Saying the expression of introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitation withthe correct pronunciation, stress and intonation accurately.

    4)Using the expressions of introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitation in asemi guided speaking task in the form of pair work confidently, politely and honestly.

    B. Psychomotor1)Saying the expression of introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitation with

    the correct pronunciation, stress and intonation accurately.

    2)Performing a semi guided speaking task in the form of pair work confidently, politelyand honestly.

    C. Affective1)Developing the characters of : a) cooperative, b) critical thinking, c) respecting

    different opinions, d) confident, e) polite, f) honest, g) careful and h) caring in thedesigned speaking activities and tasks

    2)Developing some others characters that are generated from the selected input text,such as a) discipline, b) active, c) creative, d) critical thinking, e) being willing to take

    risk for learning, and f) obeying rules (Obedient)3)Developing communicate competence to survive in social interaction that involves: a)

    introducing, b) inviting, c) accepting, d) declining invitation and e) communicating in

    polite manner.

    Learning ObjectivesA. Cognitive

    1)Being given some stimulating questions, the students are capable of brainstormingcertain expressions of introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitation.

    2)Being given a spoken input text in the form interpersonal conversational, the studentsare able to complete the missing gaps that contain the expression introducing, inviting,

    accepting and declining invitation carefully.3)Being given a model by the teacher, the students are able to say the expression of

    introducing, inviting, accepting and declining invitation with the correct

    pronunciation, stress and intonation accurately.4)Being given cue cards, the students are capable of using the expression of introducing,

    inviting, accepting and declining invitation in a semi-guided speaking activity in the

    form of pair work confidently, politely and honestly.

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    B. AffectiveCharacters DevelopmentHaving been engaged in a learning oriented process, the students are able to integrate and

    develop such positive character as cooperative, critical thinking, respecting different

    opinion, confident, polite, honest and caring.

    Communicative CompetenceHaving been engaged in a learning oriented, the students are able to integrate and develop

    such strategic competence for communicating in daily interaction as: a) introducing, , b)

    inviting, c) accepting, d)declining invitation, e) communicating in polite manner.

    e wanted to

    determine what materials she was going to use for teaching students Grade X. She referred to the

    basic competences of list. That says "Students should be able to respond the meaning in

    interpersonal and transactional conversation which include several language functional such as:

    introducing, saying good bye, inviting, accepting and declining invitation" But she was still

    wondering how to put her ideas in words for materials she was going specify.

    Answer :

    Learning Material

    The typical expression of introducing, saying good bye, inviting, accepting and declining

    invitation interpersonally as follows:


    Hi ? My name is May I introduce my self? Nice to meet you.

    2)Saying good bye See you next time. Sorry, I must be off

    3)Inviting Would you mind to come to my birthday party? Do you mind if you come to my house tonight? Are you free this afternoon?

    4)Accepting Sure. Im free this afternoon. Id love to. What time should I come?

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    Ok. Ill be there. Great. Thank for inviting me.

    5)Declining invitation Id love to. But I have to accompany my mother go to the market Sorry. I have something to do this afternoon. May be next time.

    Mrs. Tuti was an inexperienced English teacher of Junior High School. She wanted to teach

    Recount Text. In her class, there are 38 students. In this condition, she was still wondering how

    to put her ideas in words for materials and then she was going to make her class effectively and

    all students can be active. (If it would be possible to make a group).

    Answer :

    The teacher ask the student work in a pair, then listen and write the simple recount text rode by

    the teacher. There are 38 students, it must be 19 groups. After that, the students in a pair write

    what they listen to complete their work.

    The students in a pair make conclusion (Think logically) about action verbs, structure and

    communication function that employs in Recount text guided by the teacher.

    The student individually answer the question based on the recount text he/she heard in written


    Mr. Amir was an inexperienced English teacher of Junior High School. He wanted to teach

    introduction and he wanted give feedback to the students. But he was still wonder how to teach

    and manage the class because there are 40 students in his class.

    Answer :

    The teacher is able to make a group of two students. Then the teacher gives a group two kinds of

    card. The card contains the missing word related to introduction materials that the students must

    fill orally (Speaking skill) in front of the class. They come in front of the class in a group with

    their cards.

    Gap Information Cards:

    A : Hi. Good morning!


    A: What is your name?


    A : Hi.How is things?

    B :. How are you?

    A: What is your name?

    B : And What is your

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    Mrs. Susi was an inexperienced English teacher of Senior High School. She wanted to

    determine what materials (Speaking skill) she was going to use for teaching students Grade X.

    She referred to the basic competences of list. That says "Students should be able to respond the

    meaning in interpersonal and transactional conversation which include several language

    functional such as: asking for and giving opinion. But she was still wondering how to put her

    ideas in words for materials she was going specify in 4 Steps (BKOF, MOT, JCOT and ICOT)

    Answer :

    Learning Materials

    The typical expression of introducing, saying good bye, inviting, accepting and declining

    invitation interpersonally as follows:

    Asking for someones opinions

    What do you think of? Whats your opinion of...........? What about? etc

    Giving some opinions

    I think.. In my opinion Believe.etc

    Responding interpersonally

    Really? Do you? Are you joking? Etc

    Teaching-learning Method/Techniques

    - Task-based Instruction within the framework of CLT- The four-stage technique consisting of:

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    a) BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field)b) MOT (Modeling of Text)c) JCOT (Joint Construction of Text)d) ICOT (Independent Construction of Text)

    Teaching-Learning Activities

    1. Opening Activitiesa) Greetingb) Calling the rollc) Preparing the students to start the classd) Reviewing the previous lessone) Linking the previous lesson to the new onef) Informing the learning objectives and the scope of the lesson

    2. Main ActivitiesA. Building Knowledge of Field

    a)Working in pairs, the students exchange their answer on some provided questionsabout being good students.

    b)The Teacher elicits the students ideas concerning the characters of good or badstudents.

    c)Based on the class brainstorming, the teacher generates the list of characteristicsof good or bad students and reconstructs some relevant vocabulary from it.

    B. Modeling of Texta)The students listen to an interpersonal conversation spoken by two teachers who

    are talking about two their students.

    b)After listening to the conversation, they have to answer the provided questions.c)The conversation is played twice and on the second time the students have to

    complete the missing gaps on the conversation.

    d)Guided by the teacher, the students identify some expressions of asking for andgiving opinions that they heard on the conversation.

    e)The students and the teacher then discuss the meanings of the expressions.f) Serving as a model, the teacher conduct a communicative drill on the expressions

    identified from the conversation with the correct pronunciation, stress and

    intonation. The students repeat what the teacher says.


    Joint Construction of Texta)Working in pairs, the students take turns asking for and giving opinions on the

    ideas written on their cue cards.

    b)Working with the whole class, the students mingle to do a survey game.D. Independent Construction of Text

    a)Working in pairs, the students make a list of their own personal qualities of beinggood students and then they have to tell their partner about it

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    3. Closing Activitiesa) The teacher provides overall feedback for the students speaking performances.b) Together with the students, the teacher summarizes the lesson.c) The teacher motivates the students to keep learning and practicing their English.d) The teacher assigns homework.e) The teacher says good bye.