Sneak Peak Your Customers’ Choices with Google Analytics

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Google Analytics is a good way to know the tastes and choices of ecommerce store products.

Transcript of Sneak Peak Your Customers’ Choices with Google Analytics

Sneak Peak Your Customers’ Choices with Google Analytics

eCommerce Software for Indian SME’s

With your web store in place and the need to make business grow, competition is a clear ringing in the head. You know, the only way to win more is by defeating more. But what are your strategies? This is not Sparta, so you can’t just barge onto one particular brand and burn them to rubble. No that is way too Hollywood even for the internet. To progress you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve that upon clever implementation guarantee you a better chance at excelling at your venture.

Google Analytics is one such excellent tool for monitoring the performance of your website, and yet only a handful of entrepreneurs are using it. The Analytics of Google is fully equipped with state-of-the-art tools and features that can greatly improve the effectiveness of your online marketing. The data that you shall obtain will help you pinpoint the weaknesses and strengths of your marketing campaign, thereby giving you the chance to make some necessary changes to better fit your web store and your online campaign to the right audiences.

They are two important points of references while analysing your e-store. First, recognizing who your users are and what they like. And second, you have to make sure to pamper these customers and keep them happy. And that involves putting up good content and items on your site that make your customers fall in love with your site. And Google Analytics has everything to help us do exactly this.

Who are your viewers?

You can’t sell candy to people in their late 30s just as you can’t sell motivational books and CDs to the teens. It is important to understand who your potential customers are. Without having the right approach towards the right prospective buyers you cannot hope to succeed. Google Analytics provides some handy standard reporting options which help making clear as to who constitute our site’s major views.

The Audience Tab is one of the main features of Analytics. It shows you a number of useful things about the people who are viewing your content, including their geographic location, what language they speak, how often they visit and what computers and browsers they use to get there.

Recognize Your Viewership Progress:

As you build your fan base you will start to see patterns in your readership. For example, you might find there are certain days of the week when you receive more visitors or spot spikes in traffic after sending a newsletter or publishing a blog post. Experiment with such ideas and Google Analytics gives you the perfect trial lab for verifying your ideas, to see what works and what doesn’t.

Check Reactions:

Further you can track the average number of page views, visit duration and bounce rate, (by bounce rate we mean the percentage of people who land on a page on your site but don’t click on any other links before leaving.) This is rather helpful to learn the reactions of your users towards the website. Just pay attention to small details and you can make 2 and 2 as 4 without a single worry.

For instance:

A high bounce rate and low number of page views indicates that your audience isn’t bothering to delve deeper into your site after landing on an initial piece of content. To improve this you might want to rethink your page layout, including clear navigation options that encourage people to explore further. Embedding links in your content that lead people to other pages within your website is also another good way to boost engagement.

Build Upon User Type:

The Visitor Demographics section tells you about what your audience constitutes. This can be really useful when dealing with the customers. Instead of focussing your work on people who do not visit your store you can give your actual visitors the stuff that they would like. For example, if you deal with spices that have gargantuan buyers from North India you can focus more on products consumed by the people in North India rather than selling them spices of other cuisines.

What To Write?

What To Write?

Its rather important to recognize and understand what is that stuff that your potential customers like. Once you can synchronize your style with their choice, you can nail any number of customers with sure shot ease.

The Site Content Report is one of the most important sections in Google Analytics when it comes to understanding what your audience is interested in and why they are coming to your site. It shows you your most popular pages, broken down by number of views, length of visit and bounce rate, and allows you to see where people are entering and exiting your site.

Know what they love:

This is particularly important when it comes to deciding which topics work best for your readers. Like I claimed earlier, knowing your users’ choice is like hacking straight into the users’ brains and giving them exactly what they want, exactly how they want it. Recognizing content like this is worth revisiting and working into new articles.

Strategize your Pages:

You might also notice patterns in the bounce rate and average time people are spending on certain blog posts. A high bounce rate or low visit duration for a page might indicate that your content wasn’t what people were expecting, maybe a blog post had a misleading title or your readers didn’t find it interesting or well written and consequently exited the site. This information is incredibly important feedback that you should be using to guide your content strategy.

Know the Keywords:

By activating Site Search Tracking you can capture the search terms that your visitors are using. If your site has an internal search function, analytics can tell you can learn some of the most commonly used keywords and search items. Not only is this helpful when it comes to getting a feel for what people want and planning your future content, but it can also help identify problems with the layout and navigation structure of your pages. For example if you find a lot of people are searching for the term ‘Facebook Link’, it indicates that they have been unable to find an obvious link to your Facebook site whilst exploring your site, so you might want to think about perhaps adding it to the main navigation bar, a lot more visible this time.

What Pages Are More Loved:

By activating the In Page Analytics view and moving your mouse around the page you can see the number of clicks your links are receiving, find out which areas of your page are getting the most interaction and get an idea about how your page is appearing in your viewers’ browsers.

This information can be really useful when it comes to optimising the layout of your page. Are your viewers seeing the content you want them to see? Are they bothering to scroll down to the bottom of a page? Are your calls to action obvious enough?

All things worth considering if you want to boost your audience engagement are so easily at one spot. If you are missing this out; well don’t. Google Analytics is everything you secretly want to know as a seller. So go ahead and give it a shot and there is no way its going to let you down!

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