Smartmatic Solutions for Governments v1.0

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Transcript of Smartmatic Solutions for Governments v1.0

  • 7/27/2019 Smartmatic Solutions for Governments v1.0


    Solutions for Governm

  • 7/27/2019 Smartmatic Solutions for Governments v1.0


    Solutions for Governm

    WHO ARE WE ?A technology company focused on making governments moretransparent and efficient and the world a better place.

    Our electoral solutions make it easier for governments to letpeople decide their leaders in a secure and transparent way.Weve run more elections than anyone else.

    Our LeGIT team develops purpose-specific technology to helpgovernments achieve their goals. By developing smart citysystems, we also help make growing urban areas healthier, saferand better connected.

    Through important, large- scale projects in these areas, weve helped transform governments and societies in the UnitedStates, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.

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    Our mission

    Our values

    Our vision


    Moving civilisation forward with technology thathas a profound social impact.

    To create innovative technology for people to maketheir governments more transparent and efficient.

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    EXPERIENCEOver 2.2 billion ballots cast and counted.

    Technology and services provided to the United Nationsthrough the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP).

    Over 300 million voters helped in over 3,500 elections.

    Over 150,000 temporary local jobs created.

    Elections technology verified by organizations such as theCarter Center, the EU and the UNDP.

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    We help by creating and deployingtechnologyandservicesin the following key areas:


    Identity management

    Large eGovernment InfrastructureTechnology (LeGIT) + Smart Cities

    Public safety

    Intelligent transportation

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    The benefits ofautomatinganelectionwith us:


    Governments give their people the bestelections possible: more efficient , moresecure and more transparent.

    Results that are 100% accurate ,verifiable and auditable , thanks to voter-verified paper audit trails.

    Touch screens that capture voter intentperfectly no spoiled votes.

    Machines that ensure security by holdingvotes in multiple locations and behindadvanced encryption.

    Vote counting and transmission withouterror human or otherwise.

    Only company that can improve everysingle stage of an election. And no othercompany has run more elections.

    More than just hardware and software.We project manage the entire electoralprocess. We even hire and train allpersonal.

    Increased voter participation , as welladded legitimacy.

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    Good identity management benefits everyone.Individuals get better services and protectionfrom fraud. Governments can provide security,efficiency and economy.

    Our biometric devices have already achieved alot. Theyve allowed nations to register andauthenticate their voters. Theyve also preventedidentity theft.

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    Our Large eGovernment Infrastructure Technology (LeGIT) team helpsdevelop purpose-specific technology that doesnt exist today, to helpreengineer government processes and services. For example, emergencyresponse centres that save lives and fare management systems that savetime and money.

    We also provide all services to successfully deploy and implement thesetechnologies and to manage the changes they bring.


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    Customer:Belgium's Ministry of Interior, Brussels andFlanders governments

    Account:Voting machine and electoral services Time frame:2011 2027

    Population served:3 million voters (initial stage)


    Scope: Design of touch screen electronic voting machine

    with 17-inch high resolution screen Deployment on Flanders and Brussels-Capital Regions System created and customized specifically to

    support Belgian and European regulations Election technical support Poll workers and voters manifested a highly positive

    perception of the system in terms of simplicity andease of use

    Smartmatics first automated election in Europe

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    Customer: Superior Electoral Court of BrazilAccount:Maintenance services for electronic votingmachines and deployment and configuration of satellite devices

    Time frame:2012 - 2016

    Population served:138.5 million voters


    Scope: Deployment of satellite devices in more than 437,000

    polling stations in 5,568 municiplaities Recruitment and training of 14,000 professionals for

    technical support Functional testing, preventive maintenance and

    preparation for storage of the electronic votingmachines

    Data check, preparation, installation, and softwareupgrading of the voting machines

    Election services for South Americas largest country

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    Scope: System integrators for the 12 national elections since

    2004 Configured more than 39,000 voting machines just in

    the last election (2013) 40,000 biometric voter authentication devices Election returns transmission, consolidation and tallying Contracted over 77,000 people for each event Nationwide deployment using our Complex Management

    Methodology Over 400 million votes counted

    Customer:National Electoral Council (CNE) Account:Elections Time frame: 2004 to present Population served:19 million voters

    Observers:OAS, EU, IFES, Carter Center and morethan 500 independent observers The election system President Carter calls thebest in the world

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    Customer:Comission on Elections (COMELEC) Account:Elections Time frame: 2008 to presentPopulation served:50 million voters


    Scope: 3 elections (ARMM 2008, General Elections 2010,

    and Midterm Elections 2013) 82,200 voting machines Set-up and Management of the Canvassing Centre Transmission, canvassing and consolidation of

    electoral results Deployment in the Muslim region of the

    Philippines, facing very difficult terrain conditionsand two active guerrilla groups

    Recruiting and training of the staff in charge of theentire project

    Deployment using our Project ManagementMethodology

    The largest fully outsourced, automated election in history

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    Customer:Cook County and City of Chicago Account:Elections Time frame:2006 to present Population served:3.2 million voters


    Scope: Third largest US jurisdiction, after LA and NYC 7,000 electronic voting machines used in eight

    separate electoral processes Chicago is the only jurisdiction requiring encrypted

    transmission of results in the United States. Ourtechnology makes it possible

    Elections in one of the USAs largest jurisdictions

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    Customer:Electoral Council of Curacao Account:Elections Time frame:2007 2010Population served:112,541 voters


    Scope: Three separate electoral processes 500 electronic voting machines

    Election returns transmission, consolidation andtallying Deployment using our Complex Project Management

    Methodology Deployment and roll-back Personnel training Technical support

    Running elections in two languages

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    Customer:Secretariat of Governance (RENAPO) Account:National ID Program Time frame:2009 - 2012 Population to register:Mexicans. Age 5-17


    Scope: Provision of 2,200 enrolment terminals in the first

    stage Biometric enrolment software applications Integration with RENAPOs systems Deployment using our Complex Project

    Management Methodology Warehouse & assembly coordination Distribution in Mexico Federal District and key


    3-year technical support

    Technology and support to modernize a civil registry

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    Customer:United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) & Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ)

    Account:Voter registration Time frame:February 2010 October 2010 Population registered:13 million people Status:Completed


    Scope: Provision of 1,000 enrolment terminals 1,000 electrical power packs (generators and batteries) Biometric enrolment software applications Deployment using our Project Management

    Methodology Deployment in Lusaka Personnel training Support centre set-up and coordination for 6 months

    Improving an electoral register through the UNDP

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    Customer:National Electoral Court (CNE) Account:Biometric Voter Registration Time frame:July 2009 October 2009 Registration:72 days Population registered:5.2 million people


    Scope: 3,300 enrolment terminals Over 72,000 people registered per day Enrolment and identity management software AFIS (automated fingerprint identification system) Deployment using our Complex Project

    Management Methodology Nationwide deployment in challenging geography

    (high altitude) Recruiting and training personnel 3-year technical support

    The fastest biometric voter registrationin the world

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    Customer:Office National dIdentification (ONI) Account:Civil Registry and Identity Modernization Time frame:2012 present Population registered: Approximately 9.8 million people


    Scope: 700 registration units and biometric capture devices Deployment within Haiti and in foreign missions Setting up a National Data Centre to store &

    safeguard information (biographic and biometric) Creation of a data warehouse for optimal information

    management and analysis by the government Development of an e-learning platform to train ONI

    personnel Project management and technical support Capacity building and technology knowledge transfer

    Civil registry, building government capacity

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    Customer:Caracas Metropolitan Authority Account:Unified Security Control and CommandCentre (C&CC)

    Population:6 million inhabitants


    Scope: Command and Control Centre (CCC) set up Centralization of emergency calls Communication between the different security

    forces Technology implementation (water level sensors,

    GPS sets, over 200 video cameras, C&CC,telecommunications & data centre infrastructure)

    Training & technical support Deployed using our Complex Project Management


    A healthier, safer city is a smarter city

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    Customer:Cartagena City TransCaribe Account:Intelligent Transportation SystemConcession period:2011 2029 (18 years) Population served:1.2 million people Status:Pending roll-out


    Scope: Automated fare collection, fleet management and

    user information systems Deployment in Cartagena de Indias Smart cards point of sale: 540 Number of main stations: 17 Vehicles: 720 transport units Electronic ticketing system based on the use of

    contacless smart cards Number of cards in circulation: around 950,000 Projected total fares collected daily: US$ 550,000

    An efficient, safe and sustainabletransport system

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    This years Municipal Elections have had the least cost per voter since 1996,which was when the road to electronic voting was begun in the country The2012 Municipal Elections had a cost of R$ 395,270,694.00 (US$ 188,224,140)for the treasury, equivalent to R$ 2.81 (US$ 1.34) per voter. This figure is27% less than in 2010, when it reached R$ 3.86 (US$ 1.84) (...) The more the

    planning, the lower the cost | Crmen Lcia Antunes Rocha , Presidentof the Tribunal Supremo Eleitoral (TSE), O Estado de So Paulonewspaper, 2012.

    "Our observations suggested that this process was carried out smoothly,and the results transmitted rapidly, in the great majority of cases | Alistair MacDonald, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, 2010.

    In fact for most voters Election Day was a fairly simple and trouble-freeexperience The feedback from the polling places was that voters liked thenew system [from Smartmatic through its former subsidiary Sequoia VotingSystems] | Langdon D. Neal, Chairman Chicago Board of ElectionCommissioners and David Orr, Cook County Clerk from Chicago, 2006.

    After having monitored 92 elections, I can say that Venezuela has the best voting system in the world, since it makes verifying the electoral results easier. It allowselectronic voting and offers a physical, printed backup of thevotes. | Jimmy Carter, former President of the UnitedStates, leader and founder of the Carter Center, 2012.

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    Smartmatic Worldwide Headquarters 105 Piccadilly, 6th floor,London W1J 7NJ, UK.Phone: +44 (0) 20 7629

    Smartmatic North America1001 Broken Sound Parkway,

    Suite D. Boca Ratn, FL 33487, USA.Phone: +1 (561)

    Smartmatic Mexico Edificio No 6, de la Calle de Berna conPaseo de La Reforma, Piso 6,Colonia Jurez, Delegacin Cuauhtmoc,Mexico City, C.P. 06600Phone: +52 (55) 4631.2670 Ext.

    Smartmatic Barbados Pine Lodge, #26 Pine Road, St. Michael,Barbados, W.I. BB 11112.Phone: +24 (6) 2280756 /

    Smartmatic Latin AmericaEdificio Torres de las Amricas, Torre A,piso 19. Urb. Punta Pacfica. Panama City.Phone: +507 831

    Smartmatic VenezuelaAv. Ernesto Blohm y la Estancia, Edif.Centro Banaven. Torre C, Piso 6, Chuao.

    Caracas, Venezuela.Phone: +58 (212)

    Smartmatic Brazil Sao PauloAv. Dr Guilherme Dumond Villares 1410,cj 101. So Paulo - SP CEP: 05640-003Phone: +55 (11)

    Smartmatic Brazil - BrasiliaSCLN 207 Bl B Sala Asa Norte BrasiliaDF CEP: 70852-520Phone: +55 (61)

    Smartmatic India 505-A 5th Floor D-4, Rectangle 1,District Centre, Sacket, New DelhiPhone:+91 (9)

    Smartmatic Europe, Middle East andAfrica (EMEA)Barbara Strozzilaan 2011083 HN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Phone: +31 (0) 20 2402

    Smartmatic Belgium

    8 eme Etage, Rue Belliard 4/6 1040Brussels, BelgiumPhone: +32

    Smartmatic Asia Pacific 16th floor, Accralaw Tower SecondAvenue corner 30th Street Crescent ParkWest Bonifacio Global City, 0399 TaguigMetro Manila, The Philippines.Phone: +(632) 7451200 /

    Smartmatic Taiwan 7F, No. 276, Jianguo Road, Sindian City,Taipei County 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Phone: +886 (2)

