SmartER Semantic Cloud Sevices Karuna P Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County Advisors: Dr....

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Transcript of SmartER Semantic Cloud Sevices Karuna P Joshi University of Maryland, Baltimore County Advisors: Dr....

SmartER Semantic Cloud Sevices

Karuna P JoshiUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County

Advisors: Dr. Tim Finin, Dr. Yelena Yesha


•Introduction and Motivation•Service lifecycle•Collaboration with IBM•Collaboration with NIST

Cloud Computing : The present

• New paradigm for IT services delivery▫ IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, …… , XaaS

• Focus is on “virtualizing” resources▫Great progress in dynamic provisioning at

hardware resource level

▫Software/Service is still relatively statically provisioned

• Gaps in current work▫Lack of Cloud “service engineering”

▫Managing the entire lifecycle automatically

Future Vision for Cloud

•Virtualized Services on the Cloud▫Service dynamically composed - On Demand

composition▫Service structure/components not pre-

determined▫Multiple provisioning.

•Moving from totally manual to mostly automatic ▫needed if we truly want to leverage the cloud

and service virtualization capabilities and efficiencies

Key Open Research Issues

• Current cloud research focused on ▫ Improving cloud infrastructure – Virtual machines,

Cloud OS etc.▫ Semantic description of services, and even some

composition work• Limited research on how to use the cloud

services efficiently ▫ Most steps in service negotiation, acquisition, and

consumption/monitoring still require significant human intervention

• Difficult to manage service quality especially of composed services created by different providers

Key Contributions of My Dissertation

A semantically rich, policy-based framework can be used to automate the lifecycle of virtualized services on the cloud

▫Use semantic web languages/technologies

1. Proposed an integrated lifecycle of virtualized services on the Cloud

2. Negotiation for cloud service acquisition by constraint relaxation

3. Service quality framework

Service Lifecycle Methodology

• Our proposed methodology divides Service processes Lifecycle on the Cloud into Five Phases▫Requirements, Discovery, Negotiation, Composition

and Consumption

• This Methodology is applicable on any cloud deployment.

• We have developed high level ontologies for the five phases that enables automation. ▫ available in OWL at

Phases of IT Services Lifecycle

Service Requirements Service


Service Negotiation

Service Composition

Service Consumption



Service delivered

Contract signed

Provider(s) identified

Service specified

New Service needed

Service Requirements

Requirements for a service will include

•Functional specifications (tasks to be automated)

•Technical Policy specifications

•Human Agent Policy

•Security Policy

•Data Quality Policy

•Service Compliance Policy

High Level Ontology for Requirements Phase

Service Discovery

•Services search/discovery engine used to search available services that match the specifications

•Identify gaps that exist in services discovered

•A central registry, similar to UDDI, will certify a service provided.

High Level Ontology for Discovery Phase

Service Negotiation

•Discussion and agreement that the Service provider and consumer have regarding the Service.

•Service Level Agreements (SLA) finalized between consumer and provider

•Quality of Service (QoS) decided between primary provider and component providers.

High Level Ontology for Negotiation Phase

Service Composition Phase

• One or more services provided by one or more providers are combined and delivered as a single Service

• SLA and QoS finalized in the negotiation phase used for determining service components and it’s orchestration or the sequence of execution of these components

• We reuse OWL-S ontology

High Level Ontology for Composition Phase

Class : Service

Refers to

Class: Service Level Agreement

SLA NameDescriptionSLA MetricsPenalty

Class : Quality of Service (QOS)

QOS NameDescriptionQOS MetricsPenalty

Class:Dependent Service

Class: Specification



Class: Provider

Service listDescription


Class : OWL-S – Composite Process

part of part of

Class :Service Contract

Class :Dependent Service Sub-Contract

Refers to

Part of

Part of

Service Consumption Phase

•Composed Service is consumed and monitored in this phase

•Key measures like Service Performance and reliability are monitored using automated tools.▫SLA, QoS determine performance of the

service•Phase includes Service Delivery, Service

payment•Customer Satisfaction is tracked in this


High Level Ontology for Service Consumption Phase

Collaboration with NIST• US government agency NIST working on

standardizing cloud computing ▫ Member of Reference architecture and Taxonomy


•Prototype for NIST▫Automation of Cloud Storage Service

acquisition, consumption /monitoring.▫Using Service lifecycle Ontologies developed

by us. ▫Platform: using SPARQL, RDF, Web

technologies – Perl, HTML. ▫NIST Cloud Computing workshop, Nov 2-4


Some Policies/Constraints …

•Cloud security – would like to mandate policies at the Cloud hardware level

•Data security policies•US government compliance policies

▫User authentication policy : FIPS 140-2 is a standard used to accredit cryptographic modules.

▫Trusted Internet Connection mandated to optimize individual external connections.

•Want to be interoperable across Cloud platforms

Cloud Provider 3

Prototype Architecture

User Interface

Cloud Service Procurer module

Translate to machine process able format


SLA negotiation

Final SLA

Virtual Service Instance


Joseki SPARQL endpoint

Cloud Provider 2

Joseki SPARQL endpoint

Virtual Service Instance



Service URI


Cloud Provider 1

Joseki SPARQL endpoint

Virtual Service Instance


Discover service

<rdf> Rfs description </rdf>

<rdf> SLA description </rdf>

Cloud user

NIST prototype demo

IBM collaboration : Future directions

•Collaborating with Dr. Rindos and his team

•Looking for cloud interfaces to validate Framework and Ontology


•For broader adoption of cloud computing, we need to automate cloud service processes

•Developed an integrated methodology to acquire, consume and monitor services on the cloud.

•Future work: working on more complex acquisition/negotiation policies from some international financial organizations, etc.

•Ontologies in public domain.•Publications available at

Detailed Processes: Service Life cycle

Identify functional and technical specifications Determine domain, data type and it’s acceptable quality levels

“Request for Service”



Service Discovery Engine

List of service providers with advertised service, service levels and cost

Service Certification

Quality of Service (QoS) contracts between primary service providers and dependent services

Service Level Agreement (SLA) between consumer and primary service provider

Service composedDependant services

Service packaged, delivered – one time or periodically as needed

Service payment

Service consumed

Service Monitoring