smart & tech clothing, is the future near?

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of smart & tech clothing, is the future near?

….do everything as if someone is contemplating

…penso logo existo

…querer uma ovelha é prova que se existe

…’panta rhei’ tudo flui

to watch and wonder…

80% success is showing up!

To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.

DRESS CODEIt’s all about the SUIT

* What is out there? * Who wants it? * What do they want? * How is it achieved?

smart & tech clothing


to simplify my life on the mater of clothing….

Simple Comfortable Dress-code: Formal

& Smart Casual

smart & tech clothingsimple maintenance


… is this future near?

Pack4week: 3repelent fabrics


It has become appallingly obvious

that our technology has

exceeded our humanity.

Albert Einstein

how do you reinvent a 5000 year …

Silk, the ancient material of the

futureif not me then who?

If not now then when?

smart & tech clothing

… a communication platform, that serves marketing purposes and is available on primavera

retail demo shop


nano Tech sCience

dress-code business days&events

fashion retail shop



We are searching for smart & tech clohing

If you’r out there … you are not alone

é mais o que nos une do que aquilo que nos separa


Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are ….


Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything than can be counted, counts

* What is out there? * Who wants it? * What do they want? * How is it achieved?

simple comfortable affordable

Smart & tech clothing

all truth is simple

is that not doubly a lie?

communication marketingbusinessscience

based on NEED

Simple, Confortable, Affordable

art is long, life short, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult. Hippocrates

… is this future near?

Smart & tech clothing