smart phones software inc( qbit)

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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iphone apps development company

Transcript of smart phones software inc( qbit)

A Company

SmartPhone Software SmartPhone Software

The OrganizationThe Organization

SmartPhone Software is a leading communication technology conglomerate which proficiently deals in custom Smart Phone Application development for businesses and individuals.

The company excels in iPhone, Blackberry, Androids and iPad applications with meticulous Smart Phone development techniques and dedicated service parameters.

We strive to transcend Smart Apps services to the level of crest in the segments of technology and communication by being at the state of absolute charge in finest of the technological alliances and profound approach in the domain.


SmartPhone Software Inc. wants to inculcate a revolutionary change in the world of Smart Phone applications with its meticulous idea screening, dedicated service parameters and ever increasing expertise in the domain.


To create and upgrade value in information systems which are unique in terms of applications, modulations and usage.


SmartPhone Software is a company that exclusively deals in the Customized Smart Phone apps development and provides eminent solutions for Smart Phone apps to businesses and individuals.

iPhone Application development

Blackberry application development

iPad application development

Android application development


System Analytic SupportSystem Analytic SupportSmartPhone Software has competently designed and mechanized system to proficiently conceptualize and process applications best suiting the genre and the category of usage. The device mechanism which propounds SmartPhone Software applications:

Critical researchThorough brainstormingMeticulous inferenceExpert analysisSystematic processing Exhaustive testing

Client SRS (Custom Requirements)

SmartPhone DynamicsSmartPhone Dynamics Researchers (Core Idea and Innovations)

Developers (Concepts and Apps Development)

Creative Team (Integrations and Packaging)

Testing Experts

(Debugging and Final Testing)

CRM Team (Service correspondence and Value Creation)


(Derives, Permutes and Combines Techniques)

iPhone ApplicationsiPhone Applications

Up Your Audio

Comic Viewer

Happy Hour

Heist Proof

Blackberry ApplicationsBlackberry Applications

Home Wire

Trail Berry

Shield Berry

Clubber’s Delight

Android ApplicationsAndroid Applications

Touch Home



Happy Hour

iPad ApplicationsiPad Applications

Sports Management System Gourmet’s Escort


Development HubDevelopment HubSmartPhone Software Inc. Quality Assurance Team is acquainted with sufficient skills and suitable resources to establish high quality mechanism for product functionality, user-applicability, performance, stability and many other parameters with the help of congenial system support and precise technical framework.

3 Development Elements that we vouch on for our Custom Apps:


Operational ForteOperational Forte

Transformed Applications of unique functionalitiesMeticulous segmentation outlayCustomized to the value propositionEnd-User Application Responsiveness Innovative commercial integrationsSix Fold development architectureInteractivity as a core competence

Social PositioningSocial Positioning

Smart Phone Applications we deal in, provides tailored software development for iPhone, Blackberry, Androids and iPad Application which is designed into a functional array of Business, Utility, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Travel, Health, Hospitality etc. to provide user with best of the options for diligent Smart Phone Apps.

We strive to attain this equation with a confirmed belief of our clientele which entails goodwill properties:

Commercially Viable

Socially FeasibleFunctionally Value Driven

Business AlignmentBusiness Alignment

We believe in creating value for our clients and that let us frame the solution component with most promising outlay, definitive features and sound compatibility

to provides heavy duty arrangement for enhanced performance.


Head Office :Head Office :D-155,Devi Marg, Bani Park. D-155,Devi Marg, Bani Park. Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan (INDIA) Rajasthan (INDIA) (T) +91(141)5123355(T) +91(141)5123355

On Site Office On Site Office : 4899 Normandy Drive4899 Normandy DriveGalena, OH 43021Galena, OH 43021 +91(141)5123355+91(141)5123355