Smart Krishi mobile app

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Smart Krishi mobile app

Smart कृ� षि�व्यवसा�यिकृ कृ� षि�मा� नौ�लो� आ�मा!!!

“Empowerment of professional Nepali agriculture

with smartphone technology…..”

मा�बा�इलो एप

Why Agriculture? Potential of agricultural growth to reduce poverty is four times greater than any other

sector(UNDP survey, world bank).

Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon and lack of access to information and communication can exacerbate its causes.

Effective agricultural extension system improves productivity by helping them to use of resources.

Feeding global population(approx. 9 billion in 2050) will require 70% increase in overall food production, smallholder agriculture – plays a much more effective role.

Existing problems Nearly 5 million abled youths are out of country for foreign employment. 2 millions in

last five years.

Relying on a patchy network (local middlemen, a handful of progressive farmers, and local shop owners) to get solution of critical problems which have impact on their decision making.

Social Pressure, because agriculture sector is still regarded as a profession of uneducated people.

Access to the financial opportunity/subsidy for a start-ups.

Inefficient weather forecasting mechanism.

Lack of marketing/post harvesting/processing knowledge.

Virtuous Circle of mobile and agriculture

Accessibility:  Mobile wireless networks are expanding as technical and financial innovations widen coverage to more areas.

(80 lakh people uses internet(NTA). Ncell has coverage among 90% of population and NTC has

coverage across the country which includes data as well.)

Affordability: Prepaid connectivity and inexpensive devices, often available second hand, make mobile phones far cheaper than alternatives.

(JiaYu G2F: 4.3inch touch screen, 3G, Wi Fi, GPS, 8mp camera. Launched May 2014 Cost US$81.)

Appliances: Mobile phones are constantly increasing in sophistication and ease of use. Innovations arrive through traditional trickle-down effects from expensive models.

At the relentless pace of Moore’s law, summer 2019 cost of same specs of

what was considered superphone in 2010 would be $10 (including marketing & profit)

Applications: Applications and services using mobile phones range from simple text messaging services to increasingly advanced software applications that provide both livelihood improvements and real-time public services.


Many NGOs/INGOs has provided their extension staffs a smartphone(AMIS, SU-AAHARA).

Peoples from other sectors are investing their time and money in agriculture as a part time income source.

Foreign returnee have started to involve in agriculture sector.

There is lot more for people in urban areas as well who can be our users (updated market price information, vegetable shopping, library section, parikaar book, beauty and health tips, agricultural data).

Main Features of our app

1. ब्बासा�यिकृ कृ� षि�: Priority will be on “high value low product” items.

२. बाजा�र भा�उ

तरकृ�र�फलोफ! लोमा�सा!जान् पदा�र्थ%खा�द्या�न्नौ

सामा�चा�र/साफलोत�कृ� कृर्थ�हरु

>>News from various media and online portals.>>Success and failure stories.

कृ� षि� लो�ईब्रे-र�>>Feeds production techniques.(घाँ�/सा खा-षित प्रषिबायि1, घाँर-लो! रुपमा2 दा�नौ� बानौ�उनौ- प्रषिबायि1).

>>Nutritious benefits of different seasonal vegetables and fruits

>>What to eat and not to eat in different diseases

>>Beauty and healthy tips(eg: माषिहनौ�बा�र�कृ� षिपडा� कृमा गनौ5 घाँर-लो! उप�हरु).

>>Step wise detail of many recipes which can be made in home.(नौ�नौ र�टी7 बानौ�उनौ-, आ/पकृ� मा!रब्बा�, लोप्सा�कृ� अचा�र)

>>Agricultural data(yearly updated, 2011 census).


>>Buy sell agricultural commodities large quantity.

>>agro tools

>>agro farm.

Future planning:

>online vegetable/fruit shopping

साह�ग गनौ5 सा:स्था�हरु>>जिजाल्लो� कृ� षि� षिबाकृ�श कृ��%लो>>जिजाल्लो� पश! सा-व� कृ��%लो>>कृ� षि�मा� कृ�मा गनौ5 सारकृ�र� तर्थ� ग2रसारकृ�र� सा:स्था�हरु>>कृ� षि� षिबाकृ�श मान्त्रा�लो अन्तग%तकृ� श�खा�/माह�श�खा�हरु>>कृ� षि� षिबाभा�ग अन्तग%तकृ� कृ��%लो/आ�जानौ�हरु>>क्षत्रा� स्तरकृ� त�लिलोमाकृ- न्द्रहरु, प्र�गश�लो�हरु, षिनौदा5शनौ�लोहरु>>पश! सा-व� षिबाभा�ग अन्तग%तकृ� प्र�गश�लो�हरु, षिनौदा5शनौ�लोहरु>>नौ-प�लो कृ� षि� अनौ!सान्धा�नौ परिर�दा अन्तग%तकृ� कृ�%क्रमा तर्थ� कृ- न्द्रहरु>>कृ� षि� सा/ग साम्बान्धिन्धात बा�डा%/सा:स्था�नौ/कृम्पनौ�/सायिमाषितहरु>>कृ� षि� सा�माग्री� कृम्पनौ� लिलोयिमाटी-डा अन्तग%तकृ� षिनौकृ�हरु>>कृ� षि� फ�मा%हरु

एग्री� भा-टीहरु Agro vet contact details from all over the Nepal.

Future plan:

Google map integration

कृ� षि� त�लिलोमा,र�जाग�र� र प्रदाश%नौ� Agriculture related jobs whether it is for graduates or a

farmers(ngo/ingos/government level/private organizations).

Agricultural exhibitions and festivals.

Training and workshop related notifications (government and private level).

कृ� �कृ सा:जा�लो This will be introduced after 2-3000 daily users, and facilitated

for subscribed users. A large community of agro experts, students, scientists, agro

tool traders, commodity traders. One can post any queries, and others can comment in that

post, rating will be provided on comments based on effectiveness reviewed by our expert panel.

One do not need scientist from NAARC, experienced farmers can help to solve their problems.

Operation and future plansPromotion: Social media platform, blogs, online media,

Print media, local radio station.

Promotion in different agriculture and veterinary colleges.

Different exhibitions, seminars etc.

Future plans: Launch our app available in IOS platform as well.

SMS subscription facilities for normal phone users on any particular farming.

Weather forecasting facilities provided by government sources.

Partnership with different national and international stakeholders.

Make data free for subscriber in collaboration with NCELL.

Revenue SourceMIS Service for NGOs/INGOs.Subscription charges(after one year time)SMS subscription facilities.Agro tool ads.Google ads

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Thank you!!

Any questions/suggestions???