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Creating Our Future Discussion Toolkit



ABOUT CREATING OUR FUTURECreating Our Future is a Government of Ireland

campaign to stimulate a national conversation

between everyone in Ireland on their ideas on

how to make our country better for all. While

we might not always think about it, research

and innovation affect nearly every part of our

lives. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular has

shown the importance and value of research

and innovation in our lives – medically,

socially, politically, and economically. Ideas

are the starting point for all research and

innovation. Anyone, anywhere, can have an

idea that inspires research and innovation. It

could be based on an opportunity or challenge

that someone has identified in their own

life, for their community, for Ireland or for

the world. Or it could be based on a topic

that someone is curious or passionate about.

Creating Our Future wants to hear them all –

in particular from our young people. All ideas

will be captured and will help inform the future

direction of research and innovation in Ireland.

Secondary school students are invited to take

part in this national conversation on research.

Research carried out in the present will have

an impact on your future, and you have the

opportunity to have your say on research that

will help to make a better future for all in Ireland.

Some of us are excited to go back to exactly the

way things were before the pandemic, others have

found recent times to be a relief and want to keep

the changes we’ve experienced, others want to hold

on to some of the changes but not all of them. Our

impact on the environment has improved in so many

ways, such as air quality, and yet deteriorated in

others, such as the use of single-use plastics. Remote

working is the new norm for a significant number,

this has directly impacted on quality of life in the

positive and the negative for so many, for others it

has resulted in a serious hit to livelihoods as footfall

in office areas drop. Throughout this journey, the

public has been largely united in turning to science

for the data to inform decisions for today, and to

bring hope for tomorrow.

Use these discussion toolkits in the weeks leading

up to Science Week to debate and discuss STEM

topics with your class that will affect our future,

from changes in the fashion industry to using

technology to enhance our cities and communities.

During Science Week, submit your own idea to to help researchers in Ireland to

create a better future.

This toolkit provides background and discussion

stimulus on smart communities, including smart

community initiatives that are currently taking place

in Ireland and the challenges in introducing these

initiatives in areas with poor internet connectivity.

There are video and news sources linked throughout

the document to help stimulate the conversation.



INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDSmart Communities and Future Internet Connectivity

Many initiatives have been taken to

involve citizens in the development of

Smart Cities, and Smart Communities are

part of this. Smart Dublin is an example of

such a smart city.

Smart communities are regions where

citizens, governments, companies, and

institutes work together to transform

their cities into smart ones with the help

of advanced technologies. The aim is to

enhance the quality of life for the citizens

of these cities by providing better services

to them.

For example, The Civiq tool is being

used by Dublin Council to communicate

and capture the opinion of the public

who want to contribute to any city

development. Similarly, citizens of

Switzerland use mobile applications

to report any damages or any other

infrastructure-associated issues to city


These engagement platforms provide

opportunities for designing new services

with the community and for continuously

improving the services based upon their

feedback and inputs. The aim is to use this

feedback to design new systems and to

understand in which kind of cities people

want to live in.

For smart communities initiatives to work

we need access to highly reliable, high

speed internet, which we all have access

to….or do we?

While the internet has always been an

important tool for businesses, schools

and society in general, in 2020 (in light

of the COVID-19 pandemic) we truly

understood the necessity of internet

connectivity for sustaining modern

life. People all over the world were now

working remotely with virtually all

communication relying on the internet.

Developed in collaboration with:

One of the fears generated by the

COVID-19 pandemic was that the mass

shift to remote work would “break” the

Internet. Indeed things have changed,

such as types of traffic and daily patterns

but the Internet has withstood. It has a

high degree of redundancy and able to

sustain faults, failures, demand spikes.

This mass migration to remote work has

highlighted the imbalance in Internet

capacity between urban centres and

industrial parks, and sub-urban and rural

areas, with rural areas in great need of

connectivity upgrade. When we take into

account the fact that only approximately

64% of the Irish population live in Cities,

towns and urban areas, this leaves a

further 36% with potentially major

connectivity issues.

High quality and reliable internet is

essential if there is to be equality of access

to smart community technologies across

the country. So, how can research and

technology improve the situation? There

are solutions being considered but these

do not come without their costs….

Here in Ireland the National Broadband

Plan is working hard to deploy optical

fibre to as much of the island as possible.

However, fibre is extremely costly to

deploy everywhere and to every home.

Another option are Mobile Networks

(4G-5G), where the speeds promised

by 5G would more than satisfy home

connectivity requirements. Before the

benefits of 5G can be felt in all homes,

the coverage of mobile networks must be

greatly improved.

At a much higher altitude lies the

promise of satellite connectivity, with

companies such as StarLink deploying

massive constellations of satellites

(currently ~1700) to provide 100Mbps

Internet connectivity to everyone,

everywhere. Furthermore, the deployment

of thousands of satellites in orbit has

resulted in protests from astronomers,

as they cause light pollution and can

interfere with data collection.






Smart Communities1. Smart communities

Having watched the smart communities

video, consider the advantages and

disadvantages of smart lampposts. Are

smart lampposts being used in your

neighbourhood, school or community?

Read more

2. Have you ever been involved in a smart

community initiative or started a smart

community initiative in your school?

4. Smart Bins being

used in Dublin

3. Think about concerns and issues that you have

faced in the past or you see around your city/

community, for example, litter management-

related issues or illegal dumping, consider how

you would solve these issues and whether smart

technology could help.

Dublin Bus video on smart transportation systems

Having read the article on smart bins and watched the video on smart

transportation systems, what do you think are the advantages of these

initiatives? Would you like to see these used in your own local area?



Internet ConnectivityInternet Access Inequality - watch

This video highlights the inequality of access

to internet connectivity in the USA due to

socio-economic factors. Do you think these

same issues are at play in Ireland?

The environmental impacts of the Internet -


Most people think about reducing their carbon

footprint by doing things like recycling, driving

less etc. This video highlights the energy

consumption associated with the internet. Having

watched this video, would this make you think

differently about your use of the internet?

StarLink Explained - watch

A clip explaining the potential impacts of

StarLink, a global internet system powered by

satellites in low earth orbit. What do you think

about StarLink? Do you think the advantages

of Starlink outweigh the disadvantages, or

vice versa?



Guiding Questions

1. Smart Communitiesa. How do you think existing services could be improved in your local area using

smart community technologies?

b. Do you think the community’s feedback has a role in the implementation of new


c. If you had the power to improve or transform existing community services, what

would you do?

d. Do you see any challenges/difficulties in involving the community for city


e. Do you think technology can help us in solving big issues such as climate change?

More specifically do you think smart communities can help with these issues? Why

or why not?

2. Internet Connectivity a. We have seen above that we do not have equality of internet access in the country

and the infrastructure is not yet in place to introduce the idea of smart communities

everywhere. Rural areas in this respect are at a major disadvantage and have

been for quite some time. Is it possible to have truly equal Internet connectivity

throughout the entire country? Consider all available technologies in terms of cost

and performance.

b. Each of the existing technologies for providing Internet connectivity has challenges

and there is no forerunner. The solution will be to combine the technologies

based on the characteristics of the rural community that will be served. We have

to consider the different types of rural communities in Ireland: small villages,

isolated estates, and spread out or isolated houses and farms. In your opinion, what

combination of technologies would provide the best performance with the smallest

cost for the different types of communities?

c. How could researchers in Ireland work to ensure a balance is struck between equal

access opportunities and potentially negative impacts?



Additional Resources

Ireland’s Biggest Brainstorm - have your ideas heard!

Links to other Smart Cities/Communities Limerick Cork National Broadband

plan interactive map:

NBI Broadband Connection Points:

Live Satellite tracker:

No, coronavirus isn’t going to break the internet:

Now that you have discussed smart communities and internet connectivity,

take five minutes to think of an opportunity or challenge you see for yourself,

your community, Ireland or the world on this topic.

These can be captured in the classroom using this template and emailed to or if you have access to a computer lab log on to and submit your idea directly on the website.

Science Foundation Ireland

3 Park Place,

Hatch Street Upper, Dublin 2.