Smart City Student Document

Post on 02-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Smart City Student Document

  • 138

    lJD.A-70 Prepare design guidelines to be used in remodeling or constructing new civic buildings. Timing: ST lJD.A- 71 Develop additional funding sources including raising private funds to maintain and repair civic buildings and monuments. Timing: ST lJD.A-72 Prepare guidelines for the joint siting of new parks and schools that ensure adequate land is available for parlc use and that school and parlc functions arc integrated in the site design. Timing: ST

    lJD.P-41 The City should coordinate with other public agencies in the joint siting and design of public projects. lJD.P-42 As older City buildings arc recycled, new uses should continue to emulate the buildings' civic role in the neighborhood and the civic design intent will remain intact lJD.P-43 The location of fire stations and libraries at the corner of parks should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Of paramount consideration should be the availability of park space for the neighborhood and the protection of the integrity of the design of the parlc. lJD.P-44 Private contributions to supplement public funds available for public buildings and projects arc encouraged.

    Achieving the highest standards of design and location of civic buildings and facilities will once again be a City objective. Major civic buildings, buildings which house special functions or have important symbolic significance, including schools, will face on special streets and open spaces so they may be seen prominently from several directions. Because of the visual and neighborhood importance of many of these buildings, as the older, obsolete buildings are recycled e.g., schools, they will continue to have a civic role.

    With the City embarking on the construction of many new prominent facilities such as the airport and convention center, it has the opportunity to recapture the design tradition.


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    ISSUES AND OPPOKTUNll'JES Aesthetics gave way to function and economy. The tradition of prominent location of civic buildings and facilities in park-like settings and graceful and pleasing designs has been lost The separation of public functions such as School from City, has made it increasingly difficult to coordinate location and design decisions. But there is a renewed commitment to cooperation particularly in the siting of new schools and parks and in their joint development

    Figure 9-2 Excerpt from the 1989 Denver Comprehensive Plan, City and County of Denver, Colorado

    3. DP.SIGN AND .FLACEMENTOFINS'ITIUTIONALBUllDINGS Civic buildings originally were designed and incorporated into the park and parkway system. The yard or front lawn for the civic building was the parlc or parkway, thereby getting double duty out of the open space. This included not only City buildings but also schools. For instance, East High School is linked to City Parle; South High is linked to Washington Parle; West High is linked to Sunken Gardens and Speer Boulevard. Additionally, buildings were located to provide punctuation at the terminus of arterials. For instance, North High is at the north end of Speer Boulevard. This setting created an image for civic architecture of grace and beauty. Most buildings were of superior civic design. Civic leaders provided vision for these large scale civic design efforts. The architecture and landscaping made statements about "community" and democratic values.

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