Small World Kitchens

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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Conceptual copywriting for a pret style fast food range, including packaging, posters and leaftlets.

Transcript of Small World Kitchens

We want to make you feel at home in

our café right down to the food you eat.

So we decided, why not bring home

cooking to the high street? Delicious,

wholesome food prepared with love by

your neighbours, friends and relatives

is worth sharing.When Millie told us that her mummy’s

chocolate cake was the best in the

world we couldn’t resist trying it

ourselves. Now, like Millie, we get

it made especially for us. The club

sandwich made by Jack’s daddy is also

a firm favourite of ours.

Naturally, every Small World Kitchen

meets our meticulously high standards.

We choose cooks that make popular

family food with the freshest ingredients

in homes you’d want to dine in


So, if you make a mean cheesecake

or have a friend who is king of kormas

we’d love to know! Stop by and tell

us about it or drop us a line on the

website Better

still, let us taste it!

artwork by the

chi ldren of our


We want to make you feel at home in

our café right down to the food you eat.

So we decided, why not bring home

cooking to the high street? Delicious,

wholesome food prepared with love by

your neighbours, friends and relatives

is worth sharing.When Millie told us that her mummy’s

chocolate cake was the best in the

world we couldn’t resist trying it

ourselves. Now, like Millie, we get

it made especially for us. The club

sandwich made by Jack’s daddy is also

a firm favourite of ours.

Naturally, every Small World Kitchen

meets our meticulously high standards.

We choose cooks that make popular

family food with the freshest ingredients

in homes you’d want to dine in


So, if you make a mean cheesecake

or have a friend who is king of kormas

we’d love to know! Stop by and tell

us about it or drop us a line on the

website Better

still, let us taste it!

artwork by the

chi ldren of our
