
Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Energy and Your Health

Our physical body’s energies are the foundation to our total well-being, mentally, emotionally and physically. Energy Medicine is the art and science of working with these energies to empower us to be more at ease, and have healthier lives. Understanding these subtle life force energies have been recognized by Eastern cultures for millennia, and are now being studied, and incorporated into Western medicine.


Why is Energy Medicine being touted as the Future of Health?

Southwestern University Medical School Published Research:

“The future of healing illnesses and disease that are now considered to be incurable may very well lie in finding a way to heal cellular memory.”


What Does Energy Have To Do With Your Health?

• Energy influences every aspect of the body. • Energy influences or controls the operation of ligaments,

arteries and veins, cells, biochemical reactions, etc. • Energy influences or controls the endocrine system that

in turn strongly affects a person's moods, personality and emotional stability.

• Keeping these energy fields balanced and removing blockages that deter and/or resist the flow of these subtle energies plays a major role in maintaining the body's health and one's sense of well-being.


What Does Energy Have To Do With Your Health?

• According to the principles of quantum physics, everything that exists is made up of energy. Every individual is made up of energy particles and carries a field of energy around them. Also, the field of energy around a body stores emotions (in the cell memory) from past events, including emotions from traumatic situations.

• Balance, harmony, detox and resetting one's body frequencies to a natural state are the key concepts of the Energy Genesis™.


Sound & Light

• Sound and light have the stealth ability to travel below the order of unwanted defense structures and positively influence your system as a whole. Sound and light frequencies have been used to stimulate new cellular growth, resolve tumors, dissolve calcium deposits, stimulate new neurological development, deliver nourishment, detoxify, resolve paralysis, remove plaque and tooth decay, act as a carrier frequency to deliver higher forms of knowledge and information, even scan and harvest information.


SEMAC Field™

• Synchronized Electro-Magnetic Atomic Coherency

• Created at the sub-atomic level


SEMAC Field™

• The Energy Genesis™ allows for synchronistic cellular coherence at a sub-atomic level, and that occurs in the Energy Genesis™ resonate frequency, which takes the body to a level below the level of consciousness to the subconsciousness. A state where healing occurs.


Energy Genesis™

• The Energy Genesis™ is a technology that works with the body’s energies at the cellular level and is a noninvasive as well as a whole person application that helps the body to naturally detox, de-stress, reset, and rebalance the autonomic nervous system.

• The Energy Genesis technology incorporates sound and light to affect the body at the cellular level to change destructive energy frequencies and signals into resonant frequencies.


Energy Genesis™ Strengthens your own immune system

• The Energy Genesis™ allows stress to be removed from the nervous system by stopping the stress signal, which is an energy frequency, from being sent.

• “The first things stress turns off are the healing and immune systems, and when the healing and immune systems are turned back on or way up, they are capable of healing just about anything.” (Ben Johnson, MD, The Healing Code).

• The Energy Genesis™ does not heal, you heal from your own immune system.


Energy Genesis™

• The Energy Genesis™ has neutralized that destructive frequency by applying frequency, vibration, sound and light, and the resonance of the Energy Genesis™ and its ability to create entrainment of one’s body and the Energy Genesis™ to lock into phase (oneness).


Vibrational Healing

“Vibrational healing may prove to be the cure for all dysfunction within the body, because high-vibrational energy can reconnect the body’s electricity that has been broken down or skewed by disease.” ~R. D. Rowpolo, author The Revolution’s Solution


Testimonial“Gail, I wanted to share my experience with the Life Vessel. As you know, I have Chronic Lyme’s Disease. Lyme will cause blood and lymph to thicken. The Life Vessel changed my blood and lymph. I could feel it working immediately, during the session it seems like everything started flowing again. I was having peripheral neuropathy, tingling in my arms, fingers, legs and toes.

After my Life Vessel session that has gone away. I could tell a huge difference in my energy and clarity. I had Ehrlichia, co-infection, in my eyes and the session killed this organism. It also changed the Lyme bacteria and Lyme Co-infections (including the blood parasite, Babesia) into a form so that I can kill them. I will need to continue with Life Vessel every 3 weeks for 5 months as I am continuing to attack this terrible disease. Thank you so much for offering this great service here in Colorado.”

~Kelly Moore



“The pain has been so low, barely a 1. When was my last single session, 3 weeks ago? I used my pain lotion twice since then. No longer a 2x daily need. I have only used it 2 times in 3 weeks. I can still over do things in a day, so I have to watch my activity. But I can tell my autonomic nervous system is finally learning how to stop reacting to perceived trauma. So exciting. ”



Key Facts

• Physiological stress, simply put, is when our nervous system is out of balance.

• The largest part of the nervous system is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

• Memory is stored and held in the cells, not found in flesh and blood.“Energy medicine is the final frontier.” “It is the ultimate form of healing.” Professor William Tiller, Stanford University.Source: Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD and Alex Loyd, PhD, ND, The Healing Code

Find Out More

To find out more about Energy Genesis and Sound & Light Healing and Technology serving locations from Colorado to Michigan to Minnesota and the general United States, go to: or


Call: (303) 630-9218