Slideshare test show

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Slideshare test show

So, Tell Me About Yourself…Insider Tips for Acing Your Interview

Interviewing Can Be Stressful

Even for the most seasoned professionals…

These tips and tricks will help you feel prepared for your interview before, during & after the meeting.

Do Your Homework

Now is the time to really dig deep…

-Research the organization: Check out the company directory-Re-familiarize with the job description: Match your skills to the different points in the posting -Know your resume: Refresh your memory of past experiences

Know Cultural Norms

If you’re from a different culture than the one you’re interviewing in, be aware of cultural subtleties before the interview

Eye Contact?

Handshakes? Dress Code?

Marital Status?

Business Cards?


The Practice Round

Think about how you would respond to the following: - Why are you interested in international development?

- Why do you want to work for this organization?

- Describe a project where you did not succeed. What did you learn?

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Get Off on the Right Foot

• Map out the meeting location the night before • Arrive with time to spare, try to be 10 minutes early as a general rule

– Make allowances for: • Traffic Delays• Getting Lost• Security

• Bring the interviewer’s name and phone number with you• Be prepared to provide extra copies of your CV

Be Positive & Professional

Do: •Focus on why you want to work for the organization•Articulate your points clearly •Describe why you find the position interesting

Don’t: •Speak negatively about past experiences or employers•Seem distracted… keep your cell phone switched off and put away


Usually there aren’t right or wrong answers to interview questions. More often than not recruiters are just trying to gauge how you approach challenges…

“It’s okay to ask for clarity and take a moment to gather your thoughts together.”

-Valarie Barksdale, Recruitment Specialist, Catholic Relief Services

Use Specific Examples

And give thorough responses.

The interview is the time to play all your cards and really show the interviewers what you will bring to the position…

Interview the Interviewer

Always ask questions… Having thoughtful ones prepared ahead of time can set you apart from your competition

Avoid These Topics:-Salary-Benefits-Overtime-Topics already covered-Topics that are too personal

What are the Next Steps?

This question is a great way to close your interview. It reiterates your interest in the position and gives the recruiter motivation to follow-up.

After the Interview

Make notes about your meeting. This will help keep you organized especially if you’re interviewing with many organizations at the same time.

Send the interviewer a thank you note that expands on how you will add value to the organization.

Looking for More Career Advice?

Find more insider tips here…