SleepingBEE-auty-Handout · 2020. 5. 6. · Thanks to Norina Cox Abelle: her family has helped...

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Transcript of SleepingBEE-auty-Handout · 2020. 5. 6. · Thanks to Norina Cox Abelle: her family has helped...

  • How can you help a bee like Zoe did?YOU CAN SAVE BEE’S TOO! If you see a bee on the ground thats not moving, try this:

    To save bees with sugar water:

    Give them a ration of ½ water and ½ granulat-ed sugar - not cooked, but stirred up. (I got this recipe from a friend whose family has been raising bees for generations- thank you Norina)

    Carefully place a few drops under the bee, and then leave the bee. You may save a life! (Do not leave a pan out of it out for longer than a few hours, it can get rancid.)

    Did you Know?How many fl owers will a honey bee visit while out on a trip?

    50 to 100 fl owers per Trip!

    How do bee’s let each other know where all the fl owers are so they can make honey?

    They do the waggle dance!

    What makes a bee BUZZ?Their wings beat 190 times

    per second making that buzz sound!

    How fast can a Bee fl y?Bees can fl y as fast as fast as 15 miles per hour.

    Some other BEE Facts:Male drone bees have no stinger and are larger than the other bees.

    The average beehive can house 50,000 bees.Bees have fi ve eyes and six legs.

    Bees see all colors except the color red.The honey bee is the only insect that makes food eaten by man..

  • Hi there! My name is H.D. Vesser.I live in Washington State where I love looking out the window at my desk.

    I am visited by all kinds of wildlife. Hummingbirds and birds eat at the feeders right outside my window. Squirrels, who I call little piggies, hoard nuts I leave out for them. They are all my friends and visit me as I write about Bart and explore Bart world in my imagination.

    The whole series started when a bat showed up in my house that I had to get out myself - you can see that story at

    One day as I was out walking in nature, a blue butterfl y landed all over me and wouldn’t leave me alone. It was the same day that a friend passed away and the whole experience inspired me to write the book “Bart Befriends A Butterfl y.”

    I love going to book fairs to tell kids that “A blue butterfl y touched my hair and turned it blue!” But it’s really in memory of my friend Pauline and the butterfl y I believe she sent to tell me goodbye.

    Then later a honey bee on the Centennial trail showed up on a table. It lay motionless when I came across him while roller-blading, I gave him a little of my sweet tea, and I continued on roller-blading. When I came back, he was moving, walking around, quite alive. That bee inspired this very story that I read to you! Thank you, little guy!

    Also, thank you to the Letter “B”... I was on a letter “B” kick one day, and just went with it... Isn’t that when the best things happen? And “Sleeping BEE-auty” was born...

    Thanks to Norina Cox Abelle: her family has helped their bee colony for generations with sugar water every year. She gave me advice on rationing of sugar water to save bees!

    Oh, and not to mention thanks to that little bat that inspired what is now 50 plus book ideas! Bats and dragons and cats and dogs and faeries...and BEES!!! Oh MY! Stay tuned to the website at for more of Bart’s batty Adventures!

    get out myself - you can see that story at

    Hi there! My name is H.D. Vesser.

    Thanks to Norina Cox Abelle: her family has helped their bee colony for generations with sugar water every year. She gave me advice on rationing of sugar water to save bees!

    Oh, and not to mention thanks to that little bat that inspired what is now 50 plus book ideas! Bats and dragons and cats and dogs and faeries...and BEES!!! Oh MY! Stay tuned to the website at for more of Bart’s batty Adventures!

    Hi there! My name is H.D. Vesser.