Sleep problem: Stress

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sleep problem: Stress

Sleep Problem: Stress

By Amanda Sobba

General Stress Solutions:

1. Be YOU

2. Love yourself

3. Figure out who you are

4. Be authentic

5. Do things that you enjoy

6. Take care of yourself

7. Embrace healthy relationships

8. Understand that you cannot control everything

9. Understand that people come and go in life

10.Take life One day at a time

11.Be a learner for life

12.Make a bucket list

13.Be OK with the decisions you make

14.Don’t second guess yourself

15.Have faith in a higher power

Health Stress Solutions:

1. Eat healthy

2. Exercise

3. Take a multi-vitamin

4. Do routine health check ups

5. Take care of depression

6. Manage anxiety

7. Understand Mind, Body & Soul connection

8. Educate yourself

9. Live holistically

10.Take control of your health


12.Be happy

13.Live one day at a time

14.Learn new things

15.Do the things that make you feel good inside

Life Stress Solutions:

1. Nurture relationship with significant other

2. Love your family

3. Embrace and nurture friend and family relationships

4. Don’t be selfish

5. Be open to change

6. Seek adventure

7. Do what makes your happy

8. Lean on your support network when you need to

9. Focus on the good things in life

10.Socialize as needed

11.Grieve as needed

12.Take care of your health

13.Before moving, educate yourself about the area

14.If you can, hire a moving company when moving

15.Have a date night

16.Remember to do things that you love to do

17.Take a class

18.Have a night out with friends

19.Happy Hour

20.Be realistic

Work Stress Solutions:

1. Get a new job

2. Strategic planning of vacation time

3. Avoid long hours at the office

4. Don’t take it personally

5. Create a fun environment

6. Personalize workspace

7. Create multiple work relationships

8. Hire happy people

9. Reward employees

10.Have fun

11.Don’t get caught up in office drama

12.Avoid office politics

13.Be inclusive

14.Do work that you love

15.Get a degree in a field that you’re interested in

16.Don’t let money be the only reason you’re there

17.Keep a positive attitude

18.Dress as comfortable as possible

19.Be silly

Be yourself

Financial Stress Solutions:

1. Live within your means

2. Be responsible

3. Avoid impulse purchases

4. Buy a lottery ticket

5. Clip coupons

6. Create a budget

7. Take advantage of deals

8. Freelance on the side, if possible

9. Invent something silly and make a million dollars

10.Walk dogs on the weekend. Extra cash & improved health

11.Buy a hybrid car

12.Walk to work

13.Bike to work


15.Put money in a “Rainy Day” account

16.Take advantage of employer match 401k

17.Take a financial planning class

18.Learn about smart investing

19.Get rid of credit cards

20.If you can, buy rather than rent

Social Stress Solutions:

1. Move to a safe neighborhood

2. Go to college

3. Land a job that will afford you the life you want

4. Follow your dreams

5. Think positively

6. Socialize

7. Be friendly and open

8. Be inclusive

9. Surround yourself with many different types of people

10.Create the life you want

11.Look past today


13.Work more than one job to improve financial situation

14.Don’t compare yourself to others

15.Work hard and play hard

16.Surround yourself with friends

17.Set goals

18.Remind yourself why

19.Have stimulating conversations

20.Take a coffee break

Sleep Well