Slavs taking refuge in the palace. -...

Post on 12-Sep-2019

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Transcript of Slavs taking refuge in the palace. -...

Despite the earlier presence of Greek colonies in the area, the real founder and first resident of Split was Emperor Diocletian, who ordered the construction of a magnificent imperial 30,000 m2 palace-fortress built on a peninsula near the large town of Salona in 293 AD, where he retreated to after the abdication. Centuries later the palace grew into a town, populated by the residents of Salona who had fled from the invasion of the Avars and Slavs taking refuge in the palace. The vivid history left many traces in the life the town, which has always looked ahead and remained the central location of the coast to this day. The layers of history were sometimes blended awkwardly and the town developed hastily but it all adds to its originality. This big town today combines the discrete beats of history, the living spirit of its youth and the Mediterranean and Croatian warm heart.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the Naval Base ”Sv. Nikola” to attend the

„Demonstration of Joint Military and Security Capabilities ASDA 17”.

The objective of this demonstration, organized within the

fourth “Adriatic Sea Defense & Aerospace exhibition and demonstration - ASDA 2017" is to demonstrate the interoperability of the Croatian Armed Forces (CAF) taking part in the surveillance and protection of maritime security at the Adriatic Sea. The participating services are the Croatian Navy units, the Croatian Army, the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence, the Croatian Special Operations Forces Command, and the U.S. Navy Forces

The demonstration includes the following operating

procedures: mine countermeasure operations, EOD, interdiction and seizure of a suspect ship, insertion of special forces onboard, the Airborne Special Forces operations and SAR.

These operating procedures display a high level of

competence and ability of the CAF for joint operations in the event of potential threats at sea.

Commander of the Croatian Navy Rear Admiral Predrag Stipanović

Dame i gospodo, dobrodošli u vojarnu „Sveti Nikola“ Hrvatske ratne mornarice na „Demonstraciju združenih vojno-sigurnosnih sposobnosti Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske - ASDA 17“. Cilj ove demonstracije, koja se provodi u sklopu programa četvrte „Jadranske vojne i zrakoplovne izložbe i demonstracije – ASDA 2017“, jest prikaz interoperabilnosti snaga koje sudjeluju u nadzoru i zaštiti pomorske sigurnosti na Jadranskom moru. U demonstraciji sudjeluju postrojbe Hrvatske ratne mornarice, HKoV-a, HRZ-a i PZO-a, Zapovjedništvo specijalnih snaga Oružanih snaga RH, te zračne snage ratne mornarice SAD-a. Demonstracijom će se prikazati slijedeće operativne radnje i postupci: protuminsko pretraživanje podmorja, sigurno uklanjanje i neutralizacija improvizirane minsko-eksplozivne naprave, presretanje i zauzimanje sumnjivog broda, ubacivanje specijalnih snaga na brod, djelovanje specijalnih snaga, uz stalnu pomoć iz zraka te SAR. Demonstracija operativnih procedura ima za namjeru prikazati visoku razinu nadležnosti i sposobnosti Oružanih snaga RH za provedbu združenih operacija u slučajevima moguće ugroze sigurnosti na moru. Zapovjednik Hrvatske ratne mornarice

kontraadmiral Predrag Stipanović

























• The objective of the Demonstration of Joint Military and Security

Capabilities ASDA 2017 is to present joint action of the Croatian Navy, the Croatian Army, the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence, the Croatian Special Operations Forces Command and the U.S. Navy based on achieved capabilities in the process of implementing SOPs for the surveillance and protection of maritime security.

• Presentation of interagency coordination in the process of control and

protection of the rights and interests of the Republic of Croatia at sea; testing of the existing systems and procedures in possible situations that jeopardize safety at sea, and evaluation of interoperability and combat readiness of the CAF and CLF.

• The practice and further development of skills and procedures in

maritime surveillance operations and enhancing the maritime security as well as improvement and strengthening of interoperability within the CAF so as to be ready to respond to all possible future threats at sea.

• A timely and effective response to maritime threats, when required,

represents a contribution to national and regional security. • Through activities of the kind the overall level of readiness of CAF is

improved. At the same time, the members and units of the CAF assigned with the surveillance of the Adriatic Sea and the protection of the sovereign Croatian rights at sea improve their capabilities, particularly the HRV N as the key element responsible for planning and conducting of operations at sea.

• The importance of the demonstration as a support to implementing

“Capability Targets” in accordance with NATO standards.

• Cilj provedbe demonstracije združenih vojno-sigurnosnih

sposobnosti DZVSS ''ASDA-17'' prikaz je združenog djelovanja Hrvatske ratne mornarice, Hrvatske kopnene vojske, Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva i protuzračne obrane, Zapovjedništva specijalnih snaga te zračnih snaga mornarice SAD (RM SAD) u smislu dostignutih sposobnosti i obučenosti u provedbi procedura i postupaka u operacijama nadzora mora i jačanja pomorske sigurnosti.

• Kroz ovakav oblik uvježbavanja vrši se i testiranje postojećih

sustava i procedura u možebitnim situacijama ugroze sigurnosti na moru te ocjenjivanje interoperabilnosti i borbene spremnosti snaga OS RH.

• Uvježbavanje i nastavak daljnjeg razvoja sposobnosti i postupaka

u operacijama nadzora mora i jačanja pomorske sigurnosti te unaprjeđenje i jačanje interoperabilnosti unutar OS RH kako bi u budućnosti u potpunosti bili spremni odgovoriti na sve izazove sa ciljem očuvanja pomorske sigurnosti.

• Učinkovit odgovor na prijetnje u pomorskoj sigurnosti doprinos je nacionalnoj i regionalnoj sigurnosti.

• Kroz ovakve aktivnosti unaprjeđuje se i poboljšava razina

obučenosti snaga OS RH te dostizanje odgovarajućeg stupnja spremnosti pojedinaca i postrojbi OS RH u zadaćama nadzora i zaštite prava i interesa Republike Hrvatske na moru, poglavito snaga Hrvatske ratne mornarice kao nositelja planiranja i vođenja operacija na moru.

• Značaj demonstracije u potpori implementacije preuzetih Ciljeva

sposobnosti u skladu s NATO standardima.

Croatian Coast Guard SB-73 „Faust Vrančić”

1 Patrol boat Croatian Navy Flotilla

1 MIO Team 3 RB

1 MCM Diver’s Team Training Centre

2 RB

1 He Mi-8 MTV

1 MSO Team

1 He MH 60-S

1 EOD Team


1 He Mi-8 MTV1

(ETH ZB Divulje)



2. GSS

RM SAD 1 He MH 60-S (RM SAD)

The information received from the Port Authority in Split reveal the merchant ship “CIRUS“ (sailing under the flag of the Republic of Doria and heading for the Port of Polux) arriving to the Port of Poljud to off-load the cargo. Upon the detection of the contacts with terrorist groups, the ship and its crew have been under intelligence observance.

According to a statement by a witness, the merchant ship „ARTUR“ sailing under the same flag, leaving the Port of Poljud released a suspect cargo into the sea. The witness reported that to the Croatian Navy's Operations Centre, which initiated the information and reporting procedure according to the standard operations procedure.

The special regime of intelligence surveillance over the ship ''CIRUS'' revealed the possibility of terrorist activity. The Commander of the Coast Guard reports to the Commander of the Croatian Navy, the Ministry of the Interior and the Port Authority and requests the search of the area and then orders a Coast Guard ship to interdict, stop and search the “CIRUS“ ship. The ship is seized in a joint action, arrested and escorted to the port.

The demonstration event is following a scenario structured around the arrival of a suspect merchant ship. The Scenario content and its segments are fictional and without reference to any real-life country, event or characters.

Prema podacima Lučke kapetanije Split utvrđeno je da u luku Poljud zbog iskrcaja tereta uplovljava trgovački brod ‘’CIRUS’’ koji plovi pod zastavom Republike Dorije i čije je krajnje odredište luka Polux. Zbog uočenih kontakata sa terorističkim skupinama, brod i posada su duže vrijeme pod obavještajnom prismotrom. Kako se navodi, evidentirana je i izjava svjedoka po kojoj je prije dva dana trgovački brod „ARTUR“ pod istom zastavom prilikom isplovljenja iz luke Poljud na izlazu iz luke izbacio u more sumnjivi predmet. O uočenom događaju svjedok je izvijestio Operativno središte HRM-a koje je započelo sa procedurom javljanja i izvješćivanja sukladno standardnom operativnom postupku. Na temelju posebnog režima obavještajnog nadzora nad brodom ''CIRUS'', zaključeno je da postoji mogućnost terorističkog djelovanja. Sukladno tome, zapovjednik Obalne straže RH izvješćuje zapovjednika HRM-a, MUP RH i LK Split, te traži pregled područja, nakon čega zapovijeda brodu Obalne straže RH presretanje, zaustavljanje i pregled trgovačkog broda ''CIRUS''. Združenom akcijom brod se nasilno zauzima i uzapćuje te se pod pratnjom provodi u luku.

Za potrebe demonstracije združenih vojno-sigurnosnih sposobnosti OS RH „ASDA 17“

razvijen je scenarij vezan uz uplovljenje sumnjivog trgovačkog broda. Sadržaj scenarija i svi njegovi dijelovi izmišljeni su,

to jest, ne odnose se na države, događaje ili osobe iz stvarnog svijeta.

• Reception of data from the Operations Centre of the Croatian Navy on the arrival of a suspect ship; ship identified

• MCM Team conducts countermine search of the suspect area with the aid of autonomous underwater vehicle Remus 100

• Patrol Boat makes contact and stops the suspect ship

• Patrol Boat enables boarding of MIO team of the Special Operations Forces Command and of Flotilla aboard the suspect ship

• HELO performs an insertion of the Croatian Navy MIO Team aboard the suspect ship

• Croatian Navy MIO Team performs opposed boarding and inspects the suspect ship

• MCM team identifies and removes the suspect object

• US HE conducts SAR and rescues a man from the sea

• EOD Team takes and neutralizes mines and explosive ordnance

• Prijam podataka iz Operativnog središta HRM-a o dolasku broda sa sumnjivim teretom; identifikacija broda

• Tim PMR provodi protu-minsko pretraživanje sumnjivog prostora sa APV REMUS 100

• OB uspostavlja kontakt i zaustavlja sumnjivi brod (SB)

• OB provodi osiguranje ukrcaja MIO timova ZSS-a i Flotile HRM-a

• HE provodi nasilan ukrcaj MIO tima ZSS-a na sumnjivi brod (SB)

• MIO tim HRM-a provodi prekrcaj i pregledava sumnjivi brod (SB)

• Tim PMR provodi identifikaciju i uklanjanje sumnjivog objekta

• HE OS SAD-a provodi SAR i izvlačenje čovjeka iz mora

• Tim za protueksplozijsku zaštitu preuzima MES i provodi neutralizaciju

• Information collecting and sharing through the interagency cooperation

• Identification of the ship

• Intercepting of the ship

• Stopping of the ship

• Seizure of the ship

• Boarding of an MIO team and searching of the ship

• MCM search of the area in which the suspicious object has been


• Detection, identification and disposal of the EOD


• Neutralization of the EOD

• Prikupljanje i razmjena obavještajnih podataka međuagencijskom suradnjom

• Identifikacija broda

• Presretanje broda

• Zaustavljanje broda

• Nasilno zauzimanje i uzapćenje broda

• Prekrcavanje MIO tima i pregled broda

• Protuminsko pretraživanje područja temeljem dojave o postojanju minsko-eksplozivne naprave

• Otkrivanje, identifikacija i zbrinjavanje sumnjivog tereta

• Spašavanje čovjeka iz mora helikopterom

• Neutralizacija minsko-eksplozivne naprave